Good sermon by Pastor Joel Saint on the importance of recognizing and confronting conspirators, including tips on how to defeat them. In the sermon, he points out what too few are — that the Globalist elite want to kill us.
Category: Coronavirus
COVID Mythology, Self-deception, and DEATH via the “Majority of Experts”
Deceived by himself and hundreds of false prophets, King Ahab was deluded into thinking that he would survive battle — despite word from God Himself that he would not. Like Ahab, many get the COVID shot, thinking they will be fine despite hearing reports to the contrary, and suffer the consequences. Self-deception is deadly. Avoid it!
DEATH BY IDOL INOCULATION: Idolatry’s Blinding Effect on Discerning Vaccine Genocide
Indeed, idolatry blinds us to all of the evils associated with the idol. In the Aztec religion, the evils of human sacrifice to the sun-god were “legitimized.” In the vaccine religion, the evils of lying and murder are ignored.
DELUSIONAL PANIC: Is Believing the Scamdemic a Consequence of Rebellion against God?
Regarding the connection between fleeing “when none pursues you” and God’s judgment per Leviticus 26:17: Could the mass psychosis that we are seeing be a judgment of God for our sins? The world has been in rebellion against God for the longest time. It’s hard for me to see it as anything otherwise.
DOES ANYONE CARE??? Cruel Indifference to Corona Fascism and the COVID Death Shot
Surely for many, the truth about COVID and the death shot is not important enough to seriously research. Ever tell someone about all the deaths from the COVID shot, and they don’t seem troubled, or bother asking you for more info to determine if this is true?