Let the tragedy of Cotton Mather instruct us. When we don’t take care to consider God’s natural order, and what may be violations of His law, we are inviting disorder and death. Like gravity, God’s order cannot be violated without consequences. And regarding inoculation/vaccination, to this day we have reaped severe consequences on a titanic scale.
Category: Christianity
Vaccination and Blasphemy (1892)
“The vaccination theory implies, and vaccinators and pro-vaccinators openly assert, that a healthy unvaccinated child is a nuisance, as dangerous as a mad dog, a rabid horse, etc. Such wild talk is blasphemy against the Creator, who doeth all things well. Such a theory per se condemns any practice founded upon it.” — Vaccination Tracts, 1892
Rev. C. H. Collyns on Vaccination as the “greatest physiological heresy” of the day (1879)
The Rev. C. H. Collyns, Rector of Wirksworth, in seconding a resolution, said he looked on Vaccination as the greatest physiological heresy of the day. The vaccinators said every child was a centre of infection until they had poisoned its blood—until, that is to say, they had corrected the work of God Almighty.
My Interview about Christians & Vaccines from “Lion Zone with Steve Johann”
Recently I was interviewed about Christians and Vaccines from “Lion Zone with Steve Johann.” In this we discuss a biblical worldview of vaccination and vaccine history — important info for fellow Christians. Check it out and share!
Loads of Articles Addressing Vaccination from a Biblical Worldview
Loads of information addressing vaccination from a biblical worldview. If you find these resources helpful, please share and help get the word out!