
Hello! My name is Steve Halbrook, the admin of this site. I have given much study to the topics of biblical worldview and vaccines. Vaccines and Christianity exists to equip Christians (as well as anyone else interested) to better understand how dangerous vaccines really are, and to approach the topic from a biblical worldview.

View our Statement of Faith here.

It is our view that the evils of vaccines may not be conquered until the church itself wakes up, and becomes salt and light on this matter.

We can be reached at vaccinesandchristianity@gmail.com.

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Help support our efforts to battle vaccines, get the word out to the church, and to help minimize the countless number of those injured and murdered by vaccines.

Currently, we are focusing our efforts more on our book than on website updates. More about the book here.

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This is my interview with my friend Tim Brown of The Sons of Liberty about the dark history of vaccination. Interestingly, it took place a couple months before the Scamdemic began (January 2020). Topics include vaccine idolatry, ingredients, deception, and genocide, as well as vaccination being against God’s natural design.

Listen, share, and get the word out!

The information contained within this website is for educational and informational purposes only. Licensed health practitioners can be consulted for medical advice. 






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