Call to Action, Mass Murder, Medical Tyranny

They Want to Subjugate You: Vaccination as the Established Religion


by Stephen Halbrook

What I am about to discuss is the sobering reality of what we are up against. This is getting very serious, and so it is urgent that we who are Christians seek the Lord’s deliverance.

While some on the pro-vaccine side are civil and can be reasonable, there are also very dangerous pro-vaccine zealots who are relentlessly pushing for a vaxxocracy.

These vaxxocrats want you and your children. That is, they want you to religiously adhere to the vaccine schedule and disregard the dangers — no questions asked. And they don’t care what the Bible says.

Do you object? They will work to silence you. They want total internet censorship. They will also slander you. Anti-vaxxers are even called “terrorists” and “a global health threat.”

Do you defer to your legal right to not be vaccinated? They are working to have the laws changed to enforce mandatory vaccinations — i.e., medical rape. That is, they want to have you and your children forcibly violated with vaccines.

Are you concerned with injury and death? They aren’t. If by injecting you with vaccine poisons there is injury or death, that is an acceptable loss for the “greater good.” Same if it happens to your children; after all, the vaccine religion is like Molech worship.

And if your child dies and you complain about it, then you may be mocked as a fanatic — trivializing your child’s death.

Carrying out the Subjugation

While in the recent past the agenda of the vaccine zealots has been more so carried out by lies, manipulation, corruption, and social coercion, it is more and more being backed by the force of law (such as the vaccine tyranny in Rockland, NY).

The goal: mandatory vaccinations for virtually everyone. And no religious exemptions.

The current push to eliminate religious exemptions to vaccines, coupled with the push to force everyone to undergo the rite of vaccination, means this: they are gearing to make vaccination the established, national religion.

In short, a vaxxocracy.

A vaxxocracy does not tolerate the opposition by allowing for dissent; but imposes its will on your very health and life. And your children’s.

What makes vaccination a religion?

The religious nature of vaccination should be obvious:

  • Vaccination is considered a savior – one that can deliver all of humanity from “vaccine preventable” diseases
  • Vaccination is considered all-powerful — it supposedly has the power to eradicate disease (denying God’s sovereignty)
  • Vaccination “should be revered” — no one can dare say anything critical of vaccines; to do so is “heresy”
  • Vaccination is considered infallible — “the science is settled” — vaccines are never wrong!
  • Vaccination has its clergy — its priests (medical doctors) and high priests (vaccine scientists) who try to brainwash you with an irrational devotion to vaccines
  • Vaccination employs human sacrificeas in Molech worship, some must die via vaccination for the prosperity of the nation

(It is a sad state of affairs that many Christians have bought into the lies of vaccination, and are unwitting promoters of the anti-Christian vaccine religion. They must be educated and prayed for.)

A cruel, violent religion

The vaccine religion is so cruel, violent, and insidious that it not only works to punish non-converts, but even its own adherents, as the vaccination process indiscriminately poisons, harms, and may even kill its recipients. (No wonder it is a tool of depopulation.)

Those who dissent are “disease-promoters,” who “endanger the nation.” And we know how the Nazis handled so-called disease-promoters.

As a non-Christian religion, vaccination is decidedly anti-Christian. Jesus says, “He that is not with me is against me” (Matthew 12:30a). And vaccination opposes Jesus by being based on idolatry, greed, dishonesty, injury, and murder.

This anti-Christian religion is relentless. It will tolerate no rivals; it cannot be reasoned with, and will not stop — until virtually all are vaccinated.

National mandatory vaccination may not be too far away – and if it arrives, the vaxxocrats are coming for you and your children. They are coming (though not all vaxxocrats realize this ) to do you harm. If in fact vaccination becomes the national religion, we will, nationally-speaking, have a vaccine-caused genocide on an unprecedented level.

What is the Christian response?

With all this said, those of us who follow Jesus need not despair. Rather, let us take these facts to heart, be sobered, and consider how to respond biblically. First, how to biblically work to keep such persecution from taking place; and second, how to biblically respond should such persecution be carried out.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17)

We must not respond to the evils and violence of the vaxxocrats in kind, but rather pray for God’s deliverance.

The church needs to stop being silent on this and take a stand. Countless lives and the glory of God are at stake.

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