by Steve Halbrook
And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:24, 25)
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (Genesis 1:27)
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:31)
Though the creation is now tainted by the Fall, God made all things good. This includes mankind and the creatures of the earth.
Mankind, however, was never intended to genetically combine with the creatures of the earth. The creatures of the earth are meant to reproduce “after their kind,” and mankind is set apart from them by being created in God’s image.
Nevertheless, in our apostate age there are attempts to combine man with beast. We see this in the creation of human chimeras, or human-animal hybrids. Read more about this here, here, and here.
This gets me wondering about the use of animal DNA in vaccines. Vaccines are already bad enough, in that they injure and kill people. But could the use of animal DNA in some vaccines be producing another insidious outcome?
In The Freedom Articles, Makia Freeman writes,
Vaccine animal cells are a disturbing but frequently overlooked aspect of the whole vaccination issue. Fortunately, there has been a wide-growing awareness of the many toxic ingredients and adjuvants used in vaccines … While people rightly object to substances such as mercury, MSG, aluminum and formaldehyde, how much attention has been placed upon vaccine animal cells? Did you even know that many vaccines use animal DNA to grow and culture the bacterium or virus being vaccinated against? Today’s vaccines have been made from a variety of animal cells, including but not limited to DNA from birds (chicken cells are very common), cows, pigs, dogs, monkeys, worms and other insects. This information alone makes many people shudder. The vaccine packaging label often states that these cells are there only in trace amounts, but they are present nonetheless. What are the implications of this?[1]
Indeed, what are the implications of this? In an article titled “The Ultimate Gamble: Do Childhood Vaccines Result in Genetic Hybridization from Alien Human and Animal DNA Contents?,” Dr. Harold E. Buttram states,
According to an article in World Medicine, 1971, (2) scientists at the University of Geneva made the startling discovery that biological substances entering directly into the blood stream may truly become a part of us and even a part of our genetic material.[2]
As it is, the use of vaccines with aborted fetal DNA may be causing males to be more like females, and vice versa.
So, how might animal DNA injected into our bloodstream affect humans in terms of hybridization? Not just short-term, but long-term? I really think the worst-case scenarios for humanity are hard to predict.

Could the use of vaccines with animal DNA generation after generation – combined with genetic material already tainted by such vaccines passed on by parents – be making humans more and more like human/animal hybrids? For example, could they eventually produce humans with certain animal features, or some kind of monstrous mutations?
We do know that there is a conscious effort to create human/animal hybrids (as shown earlier), and that vaccines are deliberately used to murder much of the population anyway; with this being the case, it isn’t inconceivable that vaccines are also being used to deliberately create an altered humanity.
Of course, even if unintentional, there is still the question of whether such vaccines might produce human/animal hybrids to one degree or another (and we haven’t even discussed the health problems that may result from such genetic tampering).
But whether or not this can happen, God made humans and animals distinct, and I don’t think He intended for us to inject their DNA into our bloodstream. (Not that injecting human DNA into a human is acceptable either.) God gave humans and animals distinct DNA for a reason.
Indeed, there is something very twisted about the mating of human and animal genetics – then again, vaccination in and of itself is an unnatural assault on the body, and therefore mankind.
The further we drift from God’s design, the more we become distorted in body and soul.
[1] Makia Freeman, Vaccine Animal Cells: Bird, Pig, Cow, Dog, Monkey, Mouse, Worm & Insect DNA Used in Vaccines (The Freedom Articles, April 20, 2017). Retrieved May 19, 2019, from http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/vaccine-animal-cells-bird-pig-dog-bug
[2] Harold E. Buttram, The Ultimate Gamble: Do Childhood Vaccines Result in Genetic Hybridization from Alien Human and Animal DNA Contents? (Vactruth, March 13, 2012). Retrieved May 19, 2019, from https://vactruth.com/2012/03/13/vaccines-human-animal-dna
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