Politics, Trump

PAST IS PROLOGUE: When Trump Militarized Flu Vaccines, Making the Unvaccinated a “National Security” Threat


by Steve Halbrook
See also “2 Roads to Vaccine Genocide: the False Binary Trap

What more do we have in store for a second Trump administration? More lethal injections with those fries?

With Trump idolatry exploding due to his selection by the Globalists to be their puppet a second time as U.S. president, it is time we are reminded of (if not learn about) what he already did to further vaccine genocide.

Remember — past is prologue.

Trump once called flu vaccine ingredients “bad stuff”

In 2015, before his first term as president, Donald Trump was asked on Opie Radio if he got the flu shot every year. He essentially answered that it was unsafe, and per his own experience, ineffective:

I’ve never had one and thus far I’ve never had the flu. I don’t like the idea of injecting bad stuff into your body, which is basically what they do. And I guess this one has not been very effective, to start off with …. I’ve never had a flu shot, I’ve never had the flu. …

I have friends that religiously get the flu shot, and then they get the flu. That helps my thinking because I say, “why am I doing this?” And then I’ve seen a lot of reports that the last flu shot is virtually totally ineffective. I passed on it, but that doesn’t mean people should pass.

Opie Radio, Donald Trump doesn’t think flu shot works, Coronavirus no big deal (YouTube, 2015). Retrieved November 16, 2024, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDARZJxzeoY

Of course, convenient to say when wooing support for the presidential election. After coming to office, however, the narrative changes.

Trump’s executive order militarizing flu vaccines

In September 2019, Trump signs an executive order on “Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health.”

Now, suddenly, according to the order, Trump says the flu shot is the best way to prevent the flu. And he laments that flu vaccine levels are below the desired goals:

Vaccination is the most effective defense against influenza. Despite recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that nearly every American should receive the influenza vaccine annually, however, seasonal influenza vaccination levels in the United States have currently reached only about 45 percent of CDC goals. …

Donald J. Trump, “Executive Order: Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health” (Issued on: September 19, 2019).
Retrieved November 20, 2024, from

What is frightening is the executive order pushes the flu shot as a military operation; a matter of national security. As the order goes on to say:

It is the policy of the United States to modernize the domestic influenza vaccine enterprise to be highly responsive, flexible, scalable, and more effective at preventing the spread of influenza viruses. This is a public health and national security priority, as influenza has the potential to significantly harm the United States and our interests, including through large-scale illness and death, disruption to military operations, and damage to the economy. This order directs actions to reduce the United States’ reliance on egg-based influenza vaccine production; to expand domestic capacity of alternative methods that allow more agile and rapid responses to emerging influenza viruses; to advance the development of new, broadly protective vaccine candidates that provide more effective and longer lasting immunities; and to support the promotion of increased influenza vaccine immunization across recommended populations.

With the use of military wartime language, what Trump has done is to paint vaccination as a matter of war: where the unvaccinated are a threat to national security — and thus dangerous to the nation.

The potential for coercion is enormous, especially since the executive order explicitly involves the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Homeland Security. Such departments are premised on enforcing behavior at the barrel of a gun.

There is no military going door-to-door enforcing lethal injections — yet — but the groundwork is laid.

Trump’s executive order appears to have laid the groundwork for Operation Deathspeed

The language in the executive order applies to flu vaccines in particular, but the trajectory could easily be for all vaccines. And in fact, it apparently laid the groundwork for his infamous Operation Warp Speed which gave us the genocidal COVID shot.

Convenient timing that the order was signed just a few months before the COVID scamdemic?

As in the executive order, Warp Speed was a military operation. As the U.S. Government Accountability Office notes,

Operation Warp Speed (OWS)—a partnership between the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Defense (DOD)—aimed to help accelerate the development of a COVID-19 vaccine.

U.S. Government Accountability Office, Operation Warp Speed: Accelerated COVID-19 Vaccine Development Status and Efforts to Address Manufacturing Challenges (February 11, 2021). Retrieved November 20, 2024, from https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-21-319

Operation Warp Speed, of course, “sped up” the time to create and distribute vaccines — eliminating even the pretense of traditional safety testing. Well, this approach was already in the executive order, which “directs actions … to expand domestic capacity of alternative methods that allow more agile and rapid responses to emerging influenza viruses.” And as it says elsewhere:

The current domestic enterprise for manufacturing influenza vaccines has critical shortcomings. Most influenza vaccines are made in chicken eggs, using a 70-year-old process that requires months-long production timelines, limiting their utility for pandemic control

Operation Warp Speed, finally, employs perhaps the most dangerous vaccine ingredients to date using “innovative technologies.” Again, we see the same push for such Trump’s executive order:

The Secretary of HHS shall … estimate the cost of expanding and diversifying domestic vaccine-manufacturing capacity to use innovative, faster, and more scalable technologies, including cell-based and recombinant vaccine manufacturing, through cost-sharing agreements with the private sector, which shall include an agreed-upon pricing strategy during a pandemic …

Lethal injections for thee, but not for me …

Per Trump’s executive order, so much for his prior comments that flu vaccines don’t seem effective and even inject “bad stuff” into the body. They are now, according to him, a matter of national security.

Everyone must take them. Well, at least those of us without the clout to refuse them. Billionaire elites like Trump have the status and power to get away with not vaccinating no matter how coercive vaccine laws become. Lethal injections for thee, but not for me

While I can’t say for certain what Trump’s motives are (only God knows), perhaps Trump’s admission of flu vaccines as essentially poison — while being willing to push them on the population — is a window into the mindset of the Globalists who push vaccines. They realize that vaccines are dangerous, and that is the very reason they push them — to depopulate, or at least injure, the masses who threaten their hold on power.

Maybe Trump sees it that way, or maybe he doesn’t care what vaccines do to the population one way or another — as long as he pleases his Globalist masters.

The Globalist elite are at war with us, and thus vaccination is — per Trump’s executive order — a matter of “national security.” Their security. Trump laid the groundwork for vaccination at the barrel of a gun — the elite through their puppets just need the right opportunity to apply this.

Moreover, even without coercion, the potential for Trump’s executive order for making vaccines quicker and even more dangerous enables the Globalists to slaughter even a greater number of willing vaccine participants than previously.

Why can’t people get it? Trump is a professional con man — a pied piper whom, if you trust him, will lead you to your doom. Many who fatally trusted Operation Warp Speed would tell you if they could.

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17 thoughts on “PAST IS PROLOGUE: When Trump Militarized Flu Vaccines, Making the Unvaccinated a “National Security” Threat

  1. We will be there to see you crowned by the Lord of hosts for your relentless efforts to inform and educate people on historical injustices and tragedies and to warn them of the ongoing slaughter.

    You know too well that people, myself included, are slow to assimilate knowledge, especially when we are so conditioned and accustomed to trusting actors and giving them the benefit of the doubt.

    Plus that lesser of two evil’s rule we’ve been choosing by, forever. I forget what you called it, but that ‘the lesser of two evils is still evil,’ is beginning to sink in,’ along with the righteous response to it, which may be… not to vote at all.

    1. Renelle,
      I recently heard someone say essentially this: “Satan uses elections to get us into the trap of participating in our own demise.” Not all elections, of course, but definitely the national elections with puppets in both parties.

      1. And we can hear him taunting us. God have mercy on our souls.
        As always, I love the way you write, with such clarity.

  2. Trump never mandated the Covid shots. Biden did. What is your point? Harris follows Biden’s footsteps. She is a puppet. I fail to see why at this late date, making Trump out to be evil incarnated is going to improve the rights of anyone. I don’t try to second guess people or read people’s minds. I go by what they have done. An executive order mandating shots that is not implemented is not a greater evil than an executive order that mandated and forced millions to get the shots.

    1. Your comments speak to the moral bankruptcy of the Maga Cult. “It’s okay to create the groundwork for vaccine martial law, create a lethal poison that others will mandate, or con people into taking it — just so long as you don’t force them to.”

      1. This is not at all what I was trying to call to your attention. I was trying to show that someone who issues an executive order that does not result in people being forced to take a toxic shot is not more evil than someone who forces millions to take it. Going after Trump without condemning Biden is simply a totally wrong emphasis. Don’t go after the lesser of two miscreants while ignoring the greater. I’m not excusing Warp Speed. I went after Trump through every avenue I could find about this. To no avail. But let’s put things into perspective.

        1. The freedom movement already recognizes the evils of Biden. Hence my focus on Trump. And if you can never talk about the evils of one person without talking about the greater evils of another, then why did you not mention that I condemn the Globalist puppeteers who control Biden? Their evil is greater than both Trump and Biden combined.

          It is a very odd thing that I can’t condemn the evil of one man without talking about those even more complicit. Trump is relevant to discuss because his followers are always excusing his lies and genocide.

          Biden couldn’t mandate the vax unless Trump created it. And it was Trump who created the executive order under discussion. Moreover, how many of those “forced to take the vax” were actually held down at gunpoint? Murder is murder, whether by coercion, or by deception (as in Trump pushing the vax.) Then, who ordered all of the ventilators that folks were murdered with?

          Respectively, what I think you are missing is that they both take orders from the same people. Trump would just as soon mandate the vax as Biden did if the Globalists wished it. It is clear he is under their control. But the plan was to begin the genocide program voluntarily, and then move on to mandates. This doesn’t seem different than other tyrannical schemes. Trump made it, and passed the baton on to Biden. Good cop, bad cop working together for the same outcome.

          In any case, we can go back and forth on who is worse. It doesn’t matter. The point here is not to draw attention to the wolf everyone recognizes, but the wolf in sheep’s clothing. The one who overtly comes at you with a knife is less dangerous than the one who stabs you in the back.

          1. I’m not saying that you have to discuss the evils of one person if you discuss the evils of another. I’m saying that when you suggest that the evils of the person you are criticizing are worse than the evils of that other person, when clearly promoting is less evil than compelling, it is misplaced NOT to note that the other evil is worse.

            What evidence do you have that Trump is a puppet? I don’t see it. I believe he was deceived by fraudulent actors, that he honestly fails to recognize what he doesn’t know about medicine (which is nearly everything), and that he is incapable of admitting he made a mistake because of ego. I also believe that he was forced, or perceived that he was forced, to choose the lesser of two evils, namely to make the shots available so that there would not be a worldwide lockdown for two years. He is a very rich man, and wields some power as a result, but he is no match for world tyrants. He will do what he can. It is one thing to be a puppet but quite another to be put into a position where whatever you do is evil and there are no good choices. Furthermore, it is known (or should be known) that he didn’t cause the development of the shots with Warp Speed. They were already developed. They had been for some number of years.

            I AM disturbed by some of his cabinet picks. He doesn’t seem to have learned. I can only hope that RFK Jr will actually go after vaccine mandates and Trump will let him do it. My feeling is that RFK Jr will be forced to concentrate on the poisons in our food supply (which are considerable) and that he won’t be allowed to address vaccines. But we will have to wait and see.

            I support your position that all vaccines are contrary to God’s will and all should be banned, and the Christian case you make for that. But when you go off as you did here, it makes me think twice about continuing to receive your emails and read your articles.

          2. Pat,
            You said, “I’m not saying that you have to discuss the evils of one person if you discuss the evils of another. I’m saying that when you suggest that the evils of the person you are criticizing are worse than the evils of that other person, when clearly promoting is less evil than compelling, it is misplaced NOT to note that the other evil is worse.”
            Where is Biden mentioned in this article?

          3. I thought I made it clear that it was by implication, not directly stated. The implication is that Trump’s action is so evil there is none worse.

  3. Shame and disappointment in the above rant re President Trump.
    And You call yourselves Christians?
    Tell us the facts about the Biden evil administration … the assassins’ admin.

    1. Wow! You may not be a Christian if you question Trump! And don’t talk about the evil that Trump does — only the evil that Biden does! In other words, evil is okay, if it is Trump’s evil … the moral bankruptcy of the Maga Cult.

  4. it is my belief Trump was misinformed regarding the injection that got released. He was told it was safe and effective by Gates and Fauci and fell for the lies the same as the general public. Even the insert was intentionally left blank so that none could be informed of what they were putting in their bodies. Trump as a businessman, simply was keeping the fema camps at bay so economics could continue as necessary. If this is considered of him being a puppet, well ok, most presidents are maniplulated and lied to the same. does it seem reasonable to you that Trump would want people to die the way they are doing? I believe there are evil forces out there culling the population, but I don’t think Trump knew for one second they would release a bio weapon on the public. stop thinking about whats been done to us, now he knows he has to step up to the plate and clean up the mess Biden and his puppetteers have made of the states.

        1. RFK is window dressing for Trump — or better stated, damage control — as many were getting wise to Trump …

          Trump uses RFK as he uses his followers. He trashed RFK not too long ago. Shows how much he respects him and shows his disingenuousness in having him in his administration.

          The question really is, not if Wiles is allowed to overule RFK, but if RFK (if he even desires) is allowed to overrule Trump. But he can’t, as Trump is a Globalist puppet. To go against Trump is to go against the whole Globalist system.

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