Those who want to protect their children from the dangers of vaccination can be targets of the Medical Mafia. Heritage Defense offers legal defense from Medical tyranny to Christian homeschool families.
From the website:
Heritage Defense protects member families from wrongful social services threats, which often involve:
- Corporal Punishment
- Sanctity of Life Decisions
- Medical Choices like vaccinations and midwifery
- Mandatory Reporters such as doctors, nurses, dental care providers, law enforcement, child-care services, nursery workers, coaches, counselors, and others…
- Accidents in which children are injured
- Premature Births or special-needs children
- Anonymous Tips by those who wish to harm families
- Harassment by extended family, neighbors, or mere acquaintances regarding disagreements concerning philosophical/religious direction and training of children
- False Reports generated by rebellious, disobedient, or indiscreet children within the home
- Targeting or Profiling of Christian families because of faith, number of children, or other family dynamics
Learn more about Heritage Defense here.
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