Christianity, History

The Crucial Role of Churches in Speaking out Against Vaccination (1892)


Christians, and therefore churches, are to be salt and light, teaching and applying God’s word to all areas of life. Scripture equips for all good works:

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17, ESV)

Applying a biblical worldview, of course, thus applies to vaccination.

And so when it comes to vaccination and all the evils that comes from it — most especially, lies, murder, and idolatry — imagine if many churches equipped their members against it, and spoke out against it publicly? Might God bless such efforts, and use churches as a hub to end vaccination?

Maybe this is why vaccination has lingered for so long. Churches play a vital role in combatting evil. Because of the spiritual element, they have more potential than any other group to stop it. It is time to wake up and work to end the genocide.

With this in mind, consider this powerful piece written in Vaccination Tracts in 1892:

To give up our little children to blood-pollution for any offered good is against even the grossest conception of the genius of the Christian religion. It is unguided and unprincipled heathenism. … Accordingly we turn with hope and with remonstrance to the religious bodies of Great Britain, and summon them one and all to a religious war against vaccination. They are the final refuges against natural panic, which is the ground on which vaccination lives. Let them teach men to be brave in the cleanliness and purity which come from God. They are the centres of rebuke to evil and of encouragement to good. Their light and life should inspire all the elections that men have to make in the outer and political spheres. And one church or chapel … resolute in God’s name against vaccination would be a new centre in the country: it would be such a true centre as none but a religious organization can supply. The dragon of blood-pollution would turn pale fore it. It would be compact and unwasted, replenished from within against persecution. It would burn and chine with the work of its mission, infecting other bodies with its liberty, and encouraging them with its intelligence. It would teach the State that there is subordination in professions; and that the supreme region of religious principle is above the body and the world, and will tolerate no insurrection from their hopes and fears. It would make religion into the guardian of the most precious liberties, and place them beyond the reach of wicked men. Shall not one such church, chapel, or meeting-house be found, where the Bible is the most practical of books, and guards the homes of the rich and poor alike? Shall not one such Sunday and weekday school be found to teach parliaments and judges and magistrates the A B C of common innocence and righteousness? Shall not one such light arise to break open the darkness of the press, to rebuke the vanity of literature, and to tell truths where they are unwelcome and wanted[?] At least our task is done for the present in crying aloud to all religious bodies, and in warning them that a great victim, a sorrowing childhood bound to the rock of materialism, pleads for rescue here.

Our suggestion is that religious bodies shall have special services for the instruction of the congregation in the urgent duties of the day, with prayers, hymns, and discourses suitable. That they shall begin to fight from the truths of the Word, a few of which are here cited, against private and public evils, and thus become militant in Bible power; and find in public and private regeneration the witness of Scripture and the evidence of Christianity. In this way upon many subjects-such as vivisection, vaccination, the scientific and artistic abuse of women by the fingering slaves of Governments, medical domination over religion, and judicial and parliamentary denunciation of conscience as phantasy, and of pure [healthy] children as nuisance — godly instruction will be diffused, and religious resistance prepared and organized. And when any beam of evil life is taken from the eye of the country, the mote of non-perception of outward truth may be clearly seen and easily removed; and thus the religious bodies, as a part of their office, will become fontal schools of righteous science, and the Divine truth, cleansing and merciful, will flow into and fertilize natural truths. All depends upon practical good from the Word of God being the centre of worship, of thought, and of action. A complete counterpoise to the atheist schools will thus be brought into play; a true balance, and more than a balance, of power against scientific despotism. There is not a church or chapel in the wide world in which such service cannot be rendered, unless, indeed, there be any church empty enough of God to hold that religion has no real relation to life. … The truth for life and practice is, “Cease to do evil; learn to do well.” These things in their own power the Church universal alone can receive and communicate; and this it can do only and surely by practical determinations against evil carrying out doctrinal teachings of good.

“The Union of Christendom Against the Evils of Christendom,” in Vaccination Tracts: Historical and Critical Summary in Three Parts: Part III. Pro Aris et Focis. The Religious Nature and Political Necessity of the Vaccination War. (Providence: Snow & Farnham, 1892), 47-50.

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