Ethics, History

Vaccination: REAPING and SOWING Disease and Death


By Steve Halbrook

Two important timeless truths that Scripture discusses are reaping and sowing (Galatians 6:7, 8, Proverbs 22:8, Job 4:8, etc.) — which speaks to the consequences of our actions — and that good trees bear good fruit and bad trees bear bad fruit (Matthew 7:15-20, Matthew 12:33-35, etc.) — which speaks to the quality of something being demonstrated by what it produces.

In these passages, natural laws of God’s created order are applied to moral and spiritual matters.

These laws, or timeless truths, can also apply to vaccination. We will not spend too much time discussing how much the context of any particular passages in the Bible might speak implicitly to the evils of vaccination, although those pushing vaccination for malevolent or self-serving reasons should take heed of the following:

“As I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same.” (Job 4:8, ESV)

“Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his fury will fail.” (Proverbs 22:8, ESV)

Since vaccination is evil (although many of course sincerely do not see this), perhaps more can be said about vaccination in relation to the moral and spiritual truths in the Bible regarding reaping, sowing, and bearing fruit.

However, regardless of whatever degree vaccination is in view in those particular passages in the Bible, the general laws of reaping, sowing, and bearing fruit (which convey God’s divine wisdom and apply to all matters of life, as far as I can tell) do apply to vaccination.

Vaccination is an unnatural process throughout: the injection of diseased matter and poisons (which God has not designed the body to assimilate) into the body via a very vulnerable and dangerous route (the bloodstream).

Consequently, in vaccination we reap what we sow in that by sowing the bloodstream with diseased matter and poisons, we reap disease and bring forth a harvest of poor health and death. And likewise, by the bad fruits exhibited by vaccination (throughout vaccine history), we know vaccination to be a bad tree — and inherently a flawed medical procedure: unsafe, and ineffective.

Not only might it be said that vaccination is a bad tree that reaps and sows disease and death because it is an unnatural procedure, but, taking it to the spiritual dimension, it reaps and sows disease because it is an immoral procedure: the consequences of sin. Again, this is not to beat up on those who are sincerely ignorant: we all sin and fall short of the glory of God.

Historical use of reaping, sowing, and bearing fruit regarding vaccination

When you read critiques of vaccination in early vaccine history, you frequently find the use of biblical terminology. This was because in those days, there was a higher biblical literacy, as well as a greater influence of the Christian worldview: that the word of God and the Christian religion apply to all areas of life — not simply to isolated matters, as in pagandom (gods of the land, sea, etc.).

Historical critiques of vaccination included the laws of reaping and sowing, and bearing fruit. Here is a sampling. While these are from the 1800s, and vaccine ingredients have changed, the critiques still and will always stand, as vaccination is by its very nature an unnatural process that pollutes the bloodstream with unnatural ingredients that are foreign and dangerous to the body.

Rev. Peter Dean in 1876, also as recorded in Vaccination Tracts in 1892, states,

[V]accination is the filthy, festering matter of a horse’s heel which has become diseased through standing in the filth of a stable, applied first to disease a cow, and then from the cow applied to disease and corrupt a healthy child. When you hear this, need you be any longer at a loss to understand the disease and death arising from vaccination in every neighbourhood? God’s laws cannot be infringed with impunity. A corrupt tree must bring forth evil fruit. You cannot disease healthy children and not have disease; corrupt them and afterwards have soundness. The law of God has said otherwise, and God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth that he must reap. He that soweth the wind must reap the whirlwind.

Rev. Peter Dean in 1876, as recorded in Vaccination Tracts, “The Vaccination Laws: A Scandal to Public Honesty and Religion” (Providence: Snow & Farnham, 1892), 15.

Reverend William Hume-Rothery (president of the Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League) and his wife, Mary C. Hume-Rothery (editor of The National Anti-compulsory-vaccination Reporter) wrote in 1877:

Vaccination does not accord with any physiological law ; it is not in agreement with any one of the physical sciences ; it is not the embodiment of any truth ; there is no principle or eternal law that underlies or justifies it ; it is impossible to construct an argument on any known truth to support it ; in a word, to vaccinate is to do evil under the blind persuasion that good will result, and is precisely as foolish as it would be to look for figs from thistles, or grapes from thorns.

It is an indefeasible law of nature, that “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” From vaccination, therefore, which sows disease and corruption in the blood, the only harvest possible is a harvest of corruption and disease, too often culminating in death. Accordingly, we find, proportionately to the increase of vaccination, an enormous increase in mortality from small-pox itself, and of infantile mortality from those constitutional diseases—syphilis, consumption, scrofula, cancer, etc.—which are especially liable to be transmitted by vaccination. Nor is it possible to estimate what proportion of all kinds and forms of disease whatever is the direct product of this insane practice.

William and Mary C. Hume-Rothery (Merton Lodge, Tivoli, Cheltenham, April 1877), in Vaccination Tracts, “Vaccination Evil in its Principles, False in its Reasons, and Deadly in its Results” (Providence: Snow & Farnham, 1892), 3, 4.

Another from Mary C. Hume-Rothery, in an 1878 issue of The National Anti-compulsory-vaccination Reporter:

That in these days of sanitary enlightenment, when the virtue of cleanliness and obedience to the laws of health are recognised, any educated man should conceive it possible to protect from disease, by infusing disease-matter, the product and sure seed of disease, into the blood, is one of those paradoxes which the stringency of class-prejudice and professional mis-education can alone account for. Whether the matter be taken from sore of man or sore of beast, it is still the product of disease, and this is the seed from which Dr. Cameron expects to reap a harvest of health; or rather, by reaping a harvest of artificial disease at once, he expects to prevent natural disease in the future! Which is as much as to say that he would sow a field with tares now, to prevent its bearing thistles by-and-bye!

Mary C. Hume-Rothery, “The Irish “Variolation” Bill and Animal Vaccination,” The National Anti-Compulsory-Vaccination Reporter, Vol. III, No. 8, May 1, 1879, 139.

Mary C. Hume-Rothery also says in an 1881 issue of The National Anti-Compulsory-Vaccination Reporter the following, quoting Herr Knodt, author of Vaccination in the Light of History, Statistics, the Art of Healing, Jurisprudence, Morals, and Religion:

“From every town and every village one same cry resounds: My child was fresh, merry and healthy till — it was vaccinated; but from that moment it has become sickly or diseased.”

“Children,” he adds, “are not born to be defiled with dirty matter of any sort! All vaccination or inoculation is an unnatural artificial creation of disease, a scandal and a mockery of all hygiene.” Its utter failure to protect from small-pox is abundantly shown in the section on statistics. We need scarcely say Herr Knodt, in the closing sections, exposes the incompatibility of compulsory vaccination with both law and justice, and with the dictates of religion, and concludes as follows: “We close with the words of the Lord: ‘He that is whole needeth not a physician,’ certainly not, therefore, the physician’s poisoned lancet. We have seen that vaccination is a bad tree which brings forth evil fruits. By its evil fruits we have learned to know it, and we cry boldly, therefore: ‘Cut it down’! … How black is the whole business when the light of sound reason, of morality and religion falls upon it! Away, then, with vaccination.”

Mary C. Hume-Rothery, “‘Vaccination, &c,’ by Herr Emil Knodt,” The National Anti-Compulsory-Vaccination Reporter, Vol. V, No. 12, September 1, 1881, 213. (Note: the quoting of Jesus about a physician varies just slightly in wording than the translations I’ve seen, but it captures the essence.)

We also have this from one under the alias “Anti-Vaccinator” in an Essay Shewing that the Delusive Practice of Vaccination is Ruinous to the National Health in 1873:

Here you have an enormous increase of hereditary disease of a syphilitic character. How is this to be accounted for? Primary syphilis does not increase; in fact it rather diminishes, since the treatment at present adopted is more successful than that employed a few years since. There is only one way in which this can be explained, which is by transmission from one person to another, and this occurs through the agency of vaccination. If we sow tares, can we expect to reap wheat? If we sow corruption, can we expect that good health will be the result? If the product of a foul disease be infused into the life-current of the blood, would it not be contrary to all known laws to expect anything else than a harvest of similar diseases to crop out in the physical system? Of course, it would.

Anti-Vaccinator, A New Year’s Gift to the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council of the City of Glasgow, 1st January, 1874, Being an Essay Shewing that the Delusive Practice of Vaccination is Ruinous to the National Health (Glagsow: John Thomson, 1873), 43.

Finally, Henry Port, in The Terrible Effects of Vaccination and Re-vaccination, Etc (1874), writes:

I can produce evidence to prove that several deaths have resulted from one act of vaccination in a few days, and, in one case, a vaccinator states, as his opinion, that if he had vaccinated the twenty children from another as he intended to do, the whole of them would have died. But some will say, that would not be the case if the matter was pure. I say there is no such a thing as pure matter ; at its very best it is an impurity, a filthy corruption. Jenner’s was a rotten discharge from the diseased heels of the horse. No doubt, in some cases, it is more strongly charged with disease than in others, having increased its forces with some of the most deadly and loathsome diseases in existence, by transmission, but in its most inviting and innocent state, according to its author’s opinion and general experience, it is the seed of small-pox ; for proof, we have only to turn our attention to the large number of cases that are in our very midst. What says our Medical Officer of Health on the subject. In his first annnal report, he says–” For the 53 weeks, ending January 3rd, 1874, the number of small-pox cases reported was 794-713, or nearly 90 out of every hundred of which had been vaccinated. ” This is what is called protection (?) This is the way small-pox is being stamped out ! Now there is no need of anything beyond the simple common sense which is to be found in an ordinary child, to see at once that the whole thing is one of the greatest fallacies ever invented. Instead of preventing small-pox, it has been … the cause of small-pox in 713 cases. These people had the disease put into their blood by the vaccinator. These cases are all created by the filthy vaccine lymph. They received the disease in an unnatural way. We have these over and above the proper number. We paid to have these diseases. We do not “gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles :” disease was sown and disease was reaped ; it was a disease in the horse, and it is a disease in the human body.

But to return to the 81 deaths ! How came they with small-pox?—The foolish and presumptuous practice of vaccination is to account for this. The greatest punishment, the heaviest penalty for this wicked action has been paid by these people, 81 deaths ! People who received the disease from the hand of the vaccinator. This terrible disease, with all its deadly venom was inserted into the system ; there was not vital energy enough to throw off its evil effects, and death resulted. These are unnatural deaths. The great probability is that many, if not all of them, would be alive now, had they never been diseased in this way : the seed of small-pox was sown in vaccination. The bitter fruit realised was disease, suffering, and death. “Be not deceived ; God is not mocked ; for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.”

Some few years since the doctors began to see, I suppose, that it was time to make another move, for it was patent to every one that vaccination would no more stop the spread of small-pox than it would an express train, so they recommended re – vaccination, thus admitting that vaccination was a failure ( I don’t mean as a source of income to themselves). The Queen was induced to be re-vaccinated, illness resulted, but she recovered. The example was followed by many others, who were foolish enough to go to the doctors to buy this mild form of small- pox ; but many failed to get it, as mild as they expected. God would not be tampered with evil, and thousands found that the wages of this sin was death : the seed was sown, and the harvest is being reaped. …

The theory that vaccination will pre- vent small-pox is a sham and a snare. There is no protection in it ; but it is the source of small- pox, and other diseases also.

Henry Port, The Terrible Effects of Vaccination and Re-vaccination, Etc (Birmingham: W.T. Parsons and Son, 1874), 5-7, 10, 11.

Unsure as to whether to vaccinate? Research vaccination (not just the propaganda of the pro-vaccine side), and you will see that the process stands condemned by the fatal fruit it continually reaps.

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