Christianity, Injuries, Mass Murder

Vaccines: Satan’s Tool to HANDICAP the Church with Death and Sickness


by Stephen Halbrook

Churches are tasked with taking dominion for Christ by sharing the Gospel, applying the Great Commission, being Good Samaritans, and acting as salt and light.

Now — imagine how much more conquered for Christ the world might be if Christians did not vaccinate.

First, this is because God might bless the church for obeying his law regarding the Sixth Commandment (which requires us to preserve life — not destroy it, which vaccines do).

But secondly, and our focus here, is that vaccines, which cause death and illness, handicap the church. As such, I would maintain that vaccines are a tool of Satan.

But why?

First, regarding death. Vaccines have always caused death (example here). And with the COVID shot, deaths by injected poison have increased significantly. Imagine the strain churches face — emotionally, financially, and regarding time and energy — when an infant dies suddenly of vaccine-cause SIDS, or an adult dies suddenly of vaccine-caused SADS.

These are just the quick kills (vaccination is a murder operation). But then there are the countless soft kills, which, due to the insidious nature of vaccine poison, assault the bodies of people over time, causing them to succumb to such things as cancer. This may be years or even decades removed from the time of vaccination.

It is, of course, right that churches mourn those who are murdered by vaccines — as well as support their grieving loved ones. But this is a preventable loss, since vaccines are worthless, unnecessary, and dangerous. It would be better to warn about vaccines from the outset so such tragedies don’t occur to begin with.

But the distraction doesn’t end with vaccine-caused deaths: there are perpetual vaccine-caused illnesses that perpetually distract churches.

For instance, we hear prayer requests all the time for those who are sick. It is good that we pray for the sick — but considering that vaccines destroy one’s health, how many are suffering from weakened immune systems, caused by vaccines? Or from any number of jab-induced diseases?

How many great warriors for Christ had their endeavors cut short by dying suddenly from vaccines — or by suffering debilitating vaccine-caused illnesses? How many infants and young ones who could have been great warriors for Christ have had their potential destroyed for the same reasons? How many churches are too bogged down with vaccine-caused illnesses to pay attention to anything else?

Imagine a day where churches are not plagued by vaccine-caused deaths and illnesses and can give their main focus to salting the earth — instead of to hospice care.

Maybe it is time that church leadership starts warning their flocks about vaccines. And really, that all of us warn fellow Christians. (There is a biblical case against vaccination, which can be helpful in convicting fellow Christians that they should have nothing to do with vaccines.)

Maybe the world would be a better place then — both for the potential victims, and those outside of the church who would benefit from a strong, vibrant church unfettered by perpetual vaccine-caused mayhem.

And of course, let us not stop with avoiding vaccines for health. Avoiding toxins, junk food, and pharmaceutical drugs (as much as possible) is helpful, as well as exercise and good nutrition. Health for all of life.

God can still use a spiritually healthy church suffering from physical ailments; but surely it must be the case that, against the kingdom of Satan, the spiritually healthy church that is also physically healthy is a force to be reckoned with.

Want to change the world for Christ? Part of it begins by following the command to speak truth to our fellow Christians — which entails the truth about vaccines. The body of Christ – and ultimately the world – benefits.

Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. (Ephesians 4:25, ESV)

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4 thoughts on “Vaccines: Satan’s Tool to HANDICAP the Church with Death and Sickness

  1. I hereby thank God for this ministry which keeps us informed about the poison of vaccines from the Biblical perspective.

    It is a sad reality to see how many churches do not report on the consequences of vaccines, but spend time on politicking.

    We also see how they compete against each other, believing that they are the only ones to have the exclusivity of believing that they have the exclusivity of the truth and placing a lot of emphasis on money and the material of this world.

    Again I thank God for this ministry and may God bless all those who labor in this precious ministry and I express my most sincere wishes that they continue to move forward and always place themselves in God’s hands so that he may lead them in everything for the glory of God.

    God Bless You In The Name Of Jesus Christ.

    Sincerely from your brother in Christ,

    North America.

  2. Thank you for your kind words! Really appreciate it. It is encouraging to see others profiting from this site. My hope is that churches as a whole will wake up to the reality of the evils of vaccination — and lead the way in opposing it. Lord willing.

  3. Great and Christianic Post and Informations. And you were right. 100%. Vaccine Is Evil. Satanic. Jesus Is coming. Thank you Brothers.

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