Abortion, Ethics

Should Anti-vaxxers Embrace a Pro-abortion Philosophy?


by Steve Halbrook

Anti-vaccination sees through the false Big Pharma narrative that claims that vaccines have saved countless lives, recognizing that vaccines do in fact cost countless lives. Therefore, anti-vaccination is anti-death, and pro-life.

Having said this, it is ironic that many anti-vaxxers will say, “I personally would never vaccinate my children, but I will defend your right to do so; parents should have the freedom of choice. I only oppose government-mandated vaccinations; parents, not the state, should decide.”

When we consider the harm that comes to children via vaccination, we can see that this is equivalent to a pro-abortion (“pro-choice”) philosophy. (Let me say at the outset that it may be unwittingly, as many anti-vaxxers abhor abortion.) Just as the pro-abortion philosophy says that women should have the freedom of choice to murder their unborn children, this particular anti-vaxx philosophy says that parents should have the freedom of choice to endanger their children with poison (via vaccination).

Granted – many pro-vaxxers love their children as much as anti-vaxxers do; they are not monsters, but simply deceived. They sincerely want the best for their children, and in their minds, vaccination may save their lives. So, we must be charitable about their motives.

Nevertheless, when it comes to liberty, sincerity does not trump the right to life. And just as abortion is an infringement on a child’s right to life, so is vaccination. To a vaccinated child, it makes no difference whether it was due to a government mandate, or to the choice of his parents; both are equally tyrannical and dangerous.

For sure, parents should have much leeway in raising children; but there is a threshold. If seriously endangering the life or health of a child does not exceed the threshold, then I’m not sure what does.

How should this work out in the law of the land? It should be easy for one to see that abortion is not a parental right, but that it should be criminalized. And since abortion should be criminalized, then, by extension, so should vaccination.

I do not say all this so as to drive a wedge between anti-vaxxers who disagree on this topic (many of whom may not have thought about the implications of their philosophy); only to bring this up as something to seriously consider. What we espouse today becomes the law of the land tomorrow. Someday, by God’s grace, we may be in a position to ban vaccination as we did with other dangerous medical practices in the past.

The lives of countless children are at stake. The slaughter ends not with the perpetuation of vaccination by parental choice, but with the suppression of vaccination by criminalization.

Children do not belong to the state, and ultimately, not even their parents, who are but stewards of their children; children, and everyone else, belong to God, their Creator. Since God says “Do not kill” (James 2:11), parents do not have the right to harm their children (whether by vaccination or otherwise) — but the duty to protect them.

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