This week is the “Faith and Medicine” conference, Friday Feb. 3 and Saturday Feb. 4 in Cumming, GA. It can be seen onsite or online, and you can register here, and get more info here. Includes Dr. Peter McCullough as well as pastors and speakers who are serious about biblical worldview.
This is encouraging to see. The church overall has for the most part failed in speaking to health and medicine.
I do hope that those at this conference call for justice against those pushing the Scamdemic (per Romans 13), and do not say that vaccination should be a matter of “choice,” but is unbiblical, and should be criminalized.
From the website:
With the increasing threats of woke pseudo-Science and civil government intrusions that deny creation and God’s design for the human body, how ought a Christian to think and respond?
How do you live for truth in a culture rebelling against God’s reality and dominated by lies and corruption?
“What saith the Scripture?”
The panelists include noted lecturers and authors who will address the Christian’s view of health and ethics in healthcare. This session seeks to provide practical ideas for protecting your family family and promoting just policy between the civil government and the healthcare industry. We will address the science and ethics in conflict over new policies being pushed for euthanasia, vaccine mandates, lockdowns, transgender changes, and more.
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