I am currently working on a book on Christianity versus vaccination. It is a critique of vaccines from both a biblical and historical perspective.
The goal of the book is to show that vaccination is unbiblical and sinful — and that since early vaccine history, there have been Christians (or those influenced by Christianity) who have opposed this evil practice.
The book will be based on several articles that I have published on this site: a quick reference on the topic of vaccination from a Christian perspective.
While I am working on the book, posts to this website will likely be minimal at best. I want to get this out as soon as possible. Lord willing, it will be ready in a few weeks.
Currently, I plan to release the book free as a PDF, and a tangible book via a print-on-demand company (sold at cost). I want to get this into as many hands as possible, in case the tyrants shut down my site.
My hope is that the book will, sooner or later, be used to convict a large number of Christians to repent of vaccination, and influence church leaders to speak out against it.
While I have one or two print-on-demand services in mind, if you know of a good print-on-demand company that is pro-freedom, please let me know. My concern is that mainstream print-on-demand companies will either reject my book outright, or pull the plug sometime after its release.
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Excellent! May the Lord bless this effort.
Thank you!
This is fantastic news. I was actually thinking of suggesting this to you because many of your articles here could be compiled into a book. Most people prefer reading on paper and you could reach a wider audience. I look forward to reading it.
Thanks Christopher! The real bear will be the editing and formatting — hopefully it won’t be too tedious. A race against time to get this out before mass censorship …