History, Mass Murder

NORMALIZING MURDER: A Historical Pattern with Vaccination


“for their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed blood.” (Proverbs 1:16, ESV)

With the COVID kill shot, we are seeing the Globalist controllers attempting to normalize the explosion in death by heart problems that the vaccine is causing. Everything, it now seems, causes heart problems — except for the COVID shot, of course.

Like all deaths that they don’t want you to know is caused by vaccination, they want you to get used to it as a part of everyday life. Nothing to see here — we just have to suck it up and not ask too many questions. Just trust the gaslighting “experts.” It’s the new normal. It just happens. Carry on.

When the deaths — or really murders — are normalized, then questions are no longer asked.

Will the people go along with all the deaths via the COVID shot — heart-related or otherwise — in the long-term? Maybe. Vaccination, which has always been deadly, has been with us for centuries, and they’ve largely gotten away with normalizing its dangers thus far. All that it takes are a few talking points from the Establishment to lull us back to sleep. Public school education works wonders.

For the longest time, there has been “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” (SIDS) — a euphemism to disguise what is usually sudden infant murder by vaccination. SIDS is a relatively new occurrence in the history of man, but is now accepted as an unfortunate, but normal, way of life.

And of course, while adults have a history of suddenly dropping dead by vaccination, it is becoming so common now due to the COVID shot that they have invented another euphemism — one to normalize us adults into the fold of mass vaccine causalities: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.”

And so, in addition to the older ways of dying via vaccination — subtly or gradually — we adults can now look forward to sudden death. But it’s now normal, so at least we have company.

But it is not just deaths, but life-destroying injuries that are normalized.

For instance, to cover the explosion of vaccine-caused brain damage to infants over the decades, they came up with “autism” — caused by “genetics, biology, and environment.”

Propaganda tells us that it is a genetic gift — instead of a curse caused by violence inflicted upon a human being with a poisoned needle. Normal.

The Normalizing of Cancer from the time of the smallpox vaccine

Normalizing death has been with us throughout the history of vaccination. Let’s go all the way back to the first procedure termed a vaccine, smallpox vaccination. A one William Tebb, in 1892, writes:

Cancer is reported to be increasing not only in England and the Continent, but in all parts of the world where vaccination is practised.

Dr. H. McAul Alston, Acting Resident Surgeon, Colonial Hospital, Port of Spain, Trinidad, in the Annual Report to the Surgeon General, dated 5th of April, 1887, says (p. 7):—

“A noticeable feature of the diseases of patients admitted is the increasing number of the cases of cancer.” …

It is allowed by physicians that cancer may be caused by impregnating the blood with impure matter.

Dr. Joseph Jones, President of the Louisiana Board of Health, a well-known pathologist, says that, this disease is inoculable; that cancer may be propagated by inoculation, or by the injection of cancerous matter into the veins. He adds:

“We will have accomplished our purpose in recording these facts if we succeed in directing the attention of the profession to the necessity of greater attention to the condition of the subjects selected for the propagation of the vaccine disease.”

Drs. Von Bergman and E. Hahn have demonstrated this by the recent notoriously inhuman experiments at the Berlin Hospital. The Medical Press, December 5th, 1888, quotes Dr. Hahn as

“Disposed to believe that, in many cases of recurrence, it is quite probable that the disease has developed anew, as the result of accidental inoculation.”

In The British Medical Journal, June 29th, 1889, Mr. Jonathan Hutchison, F.R.C.S., says that, with due care in the transplantation of a bit of living tissue, cancer may be transferred. …

Mr. Hibbert, formerly Secretary to the Local Government Board, said in July, 1880, that this terrible increase was one of the most unsatisfactory features of the Vaccination Acts, and a reason why further legislation was needed. Dr. William Forbes Laurie, late medical director of a metropolitan cancer hospital, was thoroughly convinced that the increase of cancer was due to vaccination, and he wrote to Members of Parliament, inviting them to visit the hospital, and witness the terrible result of the vaccine operation.

And the late Dr. Dennis Turnbull, who made cancer his particular study for thirty years, declared in the public press his conviction that vaccination and re-vaccination is the most prolific cause of this disease. Mr. Keuchenius, late Colonial Secretary to the Holland Government, called the attention of the Second Chamber to the alarming spread of cancer in the Netherlands, which was coincident with the spread of vaccination, and (as he believed) due to poison conveyed in the vaccine virus. …

In his recent work on cancer (Churchill, 1891), Dr. Herbert Snow calls attention to the fact that cancer is:

“Almost absent in the savage, while rapidly increasing in prevalence among the civilised.”

The savage it may be noted will not allow his blood to be poisoned with vaccine virus, hence he escapes that morbidity under which cancerous tumours find nutriment. Where the system has become thoroughly infected with this morbid tendency, cure by extirpation or otherwise is admitted to be impossible, and the suffering caused by the apprehension of being the victim of so dreadful an affliction may well engage the attention of your benevolent and thoughtful readers. Dr. Aitken says,

“The normal course of cancerous tumours we now know to be that of steady increase, a steady and certain progress towards death.”

William Tebb, The Increase of Cancer (Wertheimer, Lea & Co., 1892).

Another writer says:

Another practitioner, Dr. W. B. Clarke of Indiana, finds that
“Cancer was practically unknown until compulsory vaccination with
cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. I have had to deal with a
least two hundred cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer
in an unvaccinated person.”

Eustace Mullins, Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America (Staunton, VA: The National Council for Medical Research, 1988), 82.

And so, we have the normalizing of cancer via vaccination. The increase in childhood cancers we are seeing is not surprising: we also have an increase in childhood vaccinations.

How easily we go along with mass murder. All that it takes is the elite to declare a fake cause of death and “bam” — the people go along with their daily lives, no questions asked.

The unending vaccine false flag of normalcy has gone on too long. Those of us who are awake need to help awaken others to the vaccine genocide scam. The Scamdemic and COVID shot does have people asking more questions about vaccines, and so the time is ripe to turn the tide against the normalization of vaccine murder.

The normalization of vaccine murder is the normalization of evil. To accept the normalization of evil is to become desensitized to evil. The fear of God overcomes this:

The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil. (Proverbs 8:13a, ESV).

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