Abortion, History, Mass Murder

Abortion-causing Vaccines openly Promoted in Pro-Vaxx Circles

The idea of a vaccine to prevent successful pregnancies goes back to at least 1974. The culprit? The trusted World Health Organisation (WHO).

by Steve C. Halbrook

It is ironic that, while some pro-vaxxers baselessly accuse vaccine critics of wanting to kill children, it is actually pro-vaxx leadership and literature that openly plots this very thing — namely, murdering unborn children in the womb with vaccines in the name of population control.

For instance, on vaccines and depopulation, LifeSiteNews states this about “fertility regulating vaccines”:

LifeSiteNews has obtained a UN report on an August 1992 meeting at its world headquarters in Geneva of 10 scientists from “Australia, Europe, India and the U.S.A” and 10 “women’s health advocates” from around the world, to discuss the use of “fertility regulating vaccines.” It describes the “anti-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin vaccine” as the most advanced.[1]

According to investigative reporter Jon Rappoport,

There is much available literature on vaccines used for depopulation experiments. The research is ongoing. Undoubtedly, we only know a fraction of what is happening behind closed laboratory doors.[2]

Rappaport points to a paper published in November 1993 by The FASEB Journal referring to a birth control vaccine promoted by WHO. It reads: “Our study provides insights into possible modes of action of the birth control vaccine promoted by the Task Force on Birth Control Vaccines of the WHO (World Health Organization).”[3]

Rappaport also points to a 1993 article in The British Medical Bulletin titled “Contraceptive Vaccines.” The piece says that

Three major approaches to contraceptive vaccine development are being pursued at the present time. The most advanced approach, which has already reached the stage of phase 2 clinical trials, involves the induction of immunity against human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). Vaccines are being engineered … incorporating tetanus or diptheria toxoid linked to a variety of hCG-based peptides … Clinical trials have revealed that such preparations are capable of stimulating the production of anti-hCG antibodies … [4]

(For those wondering: Why is HCG [found in the tetanus vaccine] used for infertility if it has sterilizing powers?)

And so, this journal article affirms development of contraceptive vaccines using hCG and tetanus. Rappaport points out the article’s promotion of abortion for the purpose of population control:

The authors put it this way: “In principle, the induction of immunity against hGC should lead to a sequence of normal, or slightly extended, menstrual cycles during which any pregnancies would be terminated …”

Miscarriage would then be the “normal” state of affairs. These authors leave no doubt about who the target of this vaccine would be:

“During the next decade the world’s population is set to rise by around 500 million. Moreover, because the rates of population growth in the developing countries of Africa, South America, and Asia will be so much greater than the rest of the world, the distribution of this dramatic population growth will be uneven …”[5]

To be more clear about how hGC works, it does not sterlize, per se, but rather tends to result in spontaneous abortions whenever a woman is impregnated. As Dr. Joseph Mercola writes,

While the woman is not technically sterilized, once injected with hCG, she may never be able to carry a child full term thereafter.[6]

In 2008, Mercola noted the following:

HCG-containing anti-fertility vaccines have also been pursued for more than two decades by the Indian National Institute of Immunology, and The Population Council of the Rockefeller University, among others.

In fact, there are no less than 50 research papers detailing research on “contraceptive vaccines” in the PubMed database.

One disturbing paper published in the FASEB Journal in 1993 states:

“… we initiated studies relating to possible mechanisms of action and potential side effects of this vaccine, which should be relevant to world-wide regulation of population growth.” [7]

The idea of a vaccine to prevent successful pregnancies goes back to at least 1974. The culprit? The trusted World Health Organisation (WHO). As The Lancet reports:

Since 1974, the Task Force on Birth Control Vaccines of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction has promoted the development of a contraceptive vaccine directed against the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). There are several possible mechanisms by which such a vaccine might exert antifertility effects. One is the stimulation of antibodies that neutralise the luteotropic action of the target hormone antigen. This would result in regression of the corpus luteum and disruption of the peri-implantation embryo, leading to an apparently normal menstruation. Another possible action is by a direct antibody-mediated or cell-mediated cytotoxic effect on the hCG-producing cells of the peri-implantation blastocyst.

Whatever the mode of action of such a vaccine, data in the marmoset and the baboon established the principle that immunity to hCG is capable of blocking fertility at an early stage of pregnancy with no discernible alterations in the menstrual cycles. This method, therefore, could be a highly acceptable birth control strategy in both developed and developing countries.[8]

As we plan to show in an upcoming piece, such vaccines designed to cause abortions have not just been championed — they have been actually used, even clandestinely.

And, as horrible as abortion is, let’s not trust the morally corrupt vaccine pushers to stop there. If vaccines are being used to murder the unborn in the name of population control, why not also to murder those already born? Those evil enough to commit abortions are evil enough to murder those at any age. And so if you support being vaccinated, then you may be next on their hit list — if you are not a target already.

“But thine eyes and thine heart are not but for thy covetousness, and for to shed innocent blood, and for oppression, and for violence, to do it.”
(Jeremiah 22:17)


[1] Steve Weatherbe, ‘A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine (LifeSiteNews.com, November 6, 2014). Retrieved August 12, 2015, from https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/a-mass-sterilization-exercise-kenyan-doctors-find-anti-fertility-agent-in-u.
[2] Jon Rappoport, “Depopulation vaccine in Kenya and beyond,” Jon Rappoport’s Blog (November 10, 2014). Retrieved August 12, 2015, from https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2014/11/10/depopulation-vaccine-in-kenya-and-beyond.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Dr. Mercola, Prominent Scientist Warns of HPV Vaccine Dangers (October 25, 2008). Retrieved March 25, 2019, from https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/10/25/prominent-scientist-warns-of-hpv-vaccine-dangers.aspx
[7] Ibid.
[8] W.R. Jones, S.J. Judd, R.M.Y. Ing, et. al., Phase I Clinical Trial of a World Health Organisation Birth Control Vaccine (The Lancet, June 11, 1988).

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