by Steve Halbrook
Perhaps the most common way the servants of the Globalists try to manipulate Christians to take the COVID death shot (or any vaccine) is to say vaccination is “loving your neighbor.”
To quote Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
Let’s demolish this twisting of Scripture once and for all.
Sections in this article include:
- Love as applying God’s law
- Vaccination as hating God, oneself, and one’s neighbor
- Vaccination and sins of ignorance
- Examples of vaccination as hating one’s neighbor
- Are we obligated to murder ourselves to prevent the spread of sick germs?
- What about vaccination in order to do missionary work?
- Concluding thoughts
Love as applying God’s law
Let’s look at what Scripture actually says about loving your neighbor. Jesus says,
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:37b-40)
As we see, the two Great Commandments are a summary of the law of God. They are not a wax nose to mean whatever we want them to mean. And so Jesus also says,
If you love me, you will keep my commandments. (John 14:15, ESV)
Again, we see the connection between love and obedience to God. So we love God by obeying His commandments (empowered by the saving work of Jesus Christ). Regarding loving your neighbor in particular, we read:
Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Romans 13:8, 9, ESV)
And so, we are not left in the dark as to what loving God and neighbor is. All of God’s commandments are applications of either or both of these two Great Commandments. (Although some commandments in the Old Testament have been abrogated in the New, such as sacrificial laws.)
Just so we are not misunderstood, the Gospel does not condition salvation on obedience to God’s commands. One attains eternal life solely by the saving work of Jesus Christ. Man is justified by faith alone. But — those who are truly saved obey God (although imperfectly) — not to be saved, but because they are saved — that is, out of love for God.
Back to the topic. Loving God and neighbor is not, then, whatever we feel like it is, but what is in conformity to God’s law. God’s law tells us what is loving and what is hateful. When we obey, we love. When we disobey, we hate.
And so, for example, when it comes to loving one’s neighbor, some applications from Scripture include giving to the needy, as well as not committing theft, slander, or murder. Thus, when we conform to God’s law in relation to our neighbor, we are loving our neighbor. When we violate God’s law in relation to our neighbor, we are hating our neighbor.
Vaccination as hating God, oneself, and one’s neighbor
Vaccination violates the law of God. To give just one reason, it inflicts bodily harm, and thus violates the Sixth Commandment: “Thou shalt not kill.” (Exodus 20:13, KJV). I discuss this at length here. (There is also my entire biblical critique of vaccination here.)
By its very nature, every vaccine does harm. This is the logical outcome of poisoning one’s bloodstream with toxins. Some harm is subtle, some is overt. There are countless reports throughout vaccine history of injuries and deaths. Just two examples are the “autism” and “SIDS” epidemics. And then there is the COVID shot, which appears to be the most murderous vaccine of all.
Since vaccination violates God’s law, vaccination is an act of hatred towards God. Those who willingly get vaccinated are also involved in hatred towards themselves, since they are inflicting harm on themselves. In some cases (which we will discuss), willingly getting vaccinated may also be hatred towards one’s neighbor. And, those who promote or engage in vaccination are definitely involved in hatred towards their neighbor, as they encourage or inflict harm on their fellow man.
Vaccination and sins of ignorance
Don’t get me wrong — there are those who sincerely believe that vaccination preserves one’s health, and thus believe it is an act of love for one’s neighbor. I am not questioning their motives. But we can still commit sin in ignorance (Leviticus 4:2; 13; 22; 27) (and we all do), and thus unwittingly act in hatred towards God and man. (See this sermon by Charles Spurgeon on sins of ignorance.)
The more of the truth we know about vaccination, the more sinful it is; the greater the knowledge, the greater the responsibility (Luke 12:47-48).
I suspect a lot of people, however, intentionally stay ignorant of the evils of vaccination — perhaps because they worship vaccines — and can’t handle the possibility that vaccines are evil instead of being an all-powerful savior. This kind of ignorance is, of course, more aggravated than unintentional ignorance.
Examples of vaccination as hating one’s neighbor
The most definite reason in my mind that willfully getting vaccinated is hatred towards one’s neighbor is that, because vaccination can destroy your health or even kill you, there can be serious consequences to your family and those who depend on you.
- If you die or suffer harm, you grieve your loved ones.
- If you are seriously harmed, those who depend upon your income can lose financial support.
- If you suffer serious injury, others may have to weary themselves to take care of you, and you can become a drain on the family’s finances. People of course should take care of one another — but the decision to vaccinate is reckless and puts your family at risk.
Some other ways that being vaccinated might be hatred towards one’s neighbor:
- At least some vaccines may spread disease or cause “shedding” or transmission of vaccine effects to others. Smallpox vaccination was believed to spread smallpox and was used as a bioweapon. COVID vaccination is causing transmission of some serious problems, and could be a self-spreading vaccine designed to cause infertility. (I am now personally skeptical of the idea of contagion via viruses, but there is also the question of whether there are other mechanisms of transmission. Perhaps, for example, the COVID vaccine has a mechanism that causes aerosolized poison from one’s pores, activation of emissions triggered by EMF or 5G, etc.)
- Whenever we willingly get vaccinated, we encourage tyrants to push the vaccine holocaust even more. This is because tyranny requires a degree of compliance to work. The more who get vaccinated, the more “popular support” the tyrants have and will therefore more likely mandate vaccines on those who oppose vaccination.
Of course, the most heinous acts of hatred towards one’s neighbor regarding vaccination are promoting and administering vaccination. The most culpable are those aware of the dangers of vaccines — especially the Globalist billionaires at the top who use their wealth to push vaccination as a means of genocide.
Are we obligated to murder ourselves to prevent the spread of sick germs?
I find the idea of viral contagion scientifically invalid. There has shown to be other explanations as to why multiple people in proximity get ill. So the following is for argument’s sake.
Are we obligated to harm or murder ourselves with vaccination in order to prevent the spread of sick germs? Anyone in their right mind would say “no.” But this is where the pro-vaccine philosophy takes us: punishing the innocent for “pre-crime”.
If consistent, such a line of thinking would also have us murder infants at birth because of the possibility that infants might someday grow up and accidentally hurt someone. But you don’t murder people because their mere existence means they might someday accidentally hurt someone.
The hypocrisy in the vaccinators is that they are not refraining from driving vehicles — even though they are much more likely to harm someone in an auto accident than by giving someone a sniffle.
The irony of the vaccinators is that vaccination spreads harm in the name of preventing it. Moreover, it is self defeating, overkill, and absurd to spread a greater harm (vaccine blood poisoning) in the name of preventing a lesser harm (viral infection) that may not even occur.
COVID-19, whether it really exists or is completely taking credit for other illnesses, is at worst a low-mortality illness. But even if it isn’t, the proper response is never to commit mass murder in order to reduce the number of potential carriers.
BTW, those who have bought into the myth of vaccination should see this post about vaccine-induced antibodies. Moreover, here is some info on breakthrough cases of the COVID shot. Vaccination is not all they claim it to be — it is a fraud.
That aside, where’s the proof that, even if vaccine-induced antibodies kept germs from getting someone from sick, that they would prevent those same germs from spreading disease to others? Moreover, if one is concerned about viral contagion, then one should be concerned about vaccination acting as a bioweapon.
Vaccination actually destroys one’s health — and thus makes it more likely that one gets sick and, if viral contagion exists, spreads disease.
Vaccination seems pretty useless — unless the idea is that the more people vaccines kill, the less people can catch a disease. Eradicate the plague by eradicating humans. One thing it is not — loving your neighbor.
What about vaccination in order to do missionary work?
What about those who want to be missionaries in countries that require vaccination for entry? Is vaccination sinful in this case — or could it actually be an example of loving one’s neighbor by risking one’s life (by being vaccinated) for the souls of others?
This is a topic to perhaps explore more another day. I want to give it more thought. (This same question might apply to those who want to join an occupation where they can help save lives, such as becoming a firefighter where vaccination is a condition of employment.)
If in fact getting vaccinated when required for missions work is morally lawful, it is a rare exception to the rule that vaccination is sinful — and should only be done as a last resort.
If you have a heart for missions, be sure to consider other options — such as funding missionaries already within the country that you would travel to. Maybe even, if possible, sneak into the country. True ministers of the Gospel have Christ’s authority to enter countries to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) — and sometimes it has to be done without the consent of the government. Sure beats vaccine suicide.
Make sure you count the cost. Would you also engage in Russian Roulette to do missions work? Because taking the COVID shot might be just as dangerous — and maybe more so in the short and long-term. If you die, you won’t be able to share the Gospel with anyone. No more missions.
If you have a family, you may leave them without a provider if the vaccine does serious harm. And in the case of the COVID shot, you might become a walking, transmitting bioweapon. Moreover, who knows what deformities and mutations might occur in your offspring if you received the gene-altering COVID shot — if the vaccine doesn’t outright sterilize you.
We need to continue the Great Commission — I am not suggesting we start minimizing it. But we need to, as much as possible, go the extra mile and figure out ways that don’t involve vaccine suicide.
Concluding thoughts
Scripture says,
Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. (Romans 13:10, ESV)
Vaccination wrongs your neighbor; therefore vaccination — whether giving or receiving it — is not loving your neighbor.
Indeed, vaccination is dangerous, and really premised on first harming your neighbor in order to achieve an effect that is said to be loving your neighbor. But we cannot do evil that good may come. Love for our neighbors is not fostered by first committing a hateful act of violence upon them.
Calling vaccination good (such as saying that it is loving your neighbor), and non-vaccination evil, is an example of calling evil good and good evil. If you have been repeating this twisted lie, a curse may be upon you. Beware. Cry out to God for mercy through Jesus Christ and trust in Him as your Savior. Scripture says:
Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20, ESV)
Consider many who have pushed the COVID death shot — some of whom have mocked those who oppose it — and got suddenly ill or even died. See examples here and here. Brian Shilhavy of Health Impact News writes: (See our disclaimer of this author here.)
Pro-COVID-19 vaccine fanatics who criticize or mock in public those who refuse the COVID injections continue to experience the principle found in the Bible that states “you reap what you sow” or what others refer to as “karma” as they are struck down dead or injured, sometimes in full view of the public.
We need to stop condoning vaccination and spreading the lie that it is loving your neighbor. It should be condemned by churches and criminalized by governments for the evil that it it — hatred for God and man. With the Scamdemic waking more people up to the vaccine hoax, this is a real possibility.
With God, all things are possible!
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