They are coming for you and your family. The missionaries of the Vaccine Death Cult have begun going door-to-door.
Assuming this becomes widespread, what to do?
I don’t have all the answers. But here are two possible approaches that many are likely considering: confrontation (non-violently, of course), or not to answer the door at all. I currently think the latter is more prudent (as we explain below), but can see merits in the former.
First, confrontation. One might take this approach: demoralize the vaccine missionaries by letting them know what they are doing is illegal and wicked. By aiding and abetting mass murder, they risk someday being put on trial (Nuremberg 2) for crimes against humanity. More importantly, they are in serious trouble with God — Who may strike them down and send them to Hell for their wickedness.
One can get this on video to encourage others in the fight against Vaccine Genocide. Video may also protect you legally in case they lie about what you say to get you arrested. Also, if you get their name on video, it can be evidence against them in court if Nuremberg 2 takes place.
However — just remember that any sign of hostility, or even a mere refusal to get vaccinated, may get you flagged as a “domestic terrorist” — so count the cost. These are minions of the new Gestapo. They could be using your words to entrap you (as the religious leaders once tried to do with Jesus). The next round of people coming to your door could be armed agents in the middle of the night (“take the shot — or get shot”).
This brings us to another option, to especially consider if you have children — don’t open the door. Try to avoid any indication that someone is even home. Maybe keep your cars parked in the garage, if you have one, to increase the likelihood that they believe you are gone.
Perhaps this can decrease the chances of armed agents following up. Consider this passage: “A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.” (Proverbs 27:12)
The motives of those going door-to-door can vary. They may be doing this simply for money. They may be sincere but deceived. Or they may be psychopaths who take pleasure in death. But they all, wittingly or unwittingly, serve the mass murdering, depopulation agenda of the globalist elites.
And so pray that they will be unsuccessful in door-to-door murder.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
(James 5:16b)
May God crush this wicked agenda. May pastors do their duty and warn Christ’s flock.
Some helpful info from Vaccine Impact (an excellent site, get on their email list!):
The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking
Some confrontations with missionaries for the Vaccine Death Cult
If you find this site helpful, please consider supporting our work.
Thanks for the heads-up.
These are clips about whats happening in the States. Does anyone know how it might pan out in the Uk? I live alone, have no support, I’m elderly and feel pretty vulnerable if anyone starts knocking on my door.
Heather, not sure. I wonder if not answering the door would be the thing to do, but not sure what the law is like in the UK. They put us in a horrible position, and our only hope is Jesus Christ.
my hope is to out live those who are hired to scare monger others. I would assume a vaccination is required of door to door intruders, and their life span is seriously shortened if they do take the vaccine, to a few years at most. Otherwise, my door is closed to this type of vampirism. I stand on the rock of God/Jesus.Whatever happens, I am OK with dying, just that I prefer not to die by the hand of another who thinks they are doing something good.