History, Quotes

Quote: Vaccines and Calling Evil Good, and Good Evil (1892)


To enact a medical creed; to make health a crime ; to punish parents as criminals, because they will not allow their children to be diseased ; to establish and endow the degraded office of the spy ; to authorize guardians of the poor to interfere with the domestic life of independent citizens ; to filch from the poor-rates for the prosecution of respectable ratepayers ; to convert courts of law into courts of injustice ; to profane the very name of law by using it to trample upon parental rights, —all of which is done under the Vaccination Acts,—is flagrant usurpation by Parliament of a power which no earthly government can claim, the power, namely, to interpose between man’s conscience and his God, and to set aside God’s law in favour of man’s inventions.

Vaccination Tracts,”Vaccination Evil in its Principles, False in its Reasons, and Deadly in its Results” (Providence: Snow & Farnham, 1892), 4.

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