Deception, History, Medical Tyranny, Smallpox

How long, O Lord, shall Medical Despots “do iniquity by law?” (1881)


“Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?” Psalm 94:20

The piece below is from the The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review, December, 1881. Very relevant for today — let us cry out for God to put an end to the murderous practice of vaccination:


Another is added to “the cloud of witnesses” to the curse, vaccination.

Near the Old Gore resides Policeman Morgan and his wife, a remarkably healthy couple. They have five children, robust and well developed. About five months ago an infant was born to them, fair and fine, promising to equal its predecessors. But near a fortnight ago it was carried to Ross and vaccinated. It is right to say that it was not operated upon by the public vaccinator, Dr. Bramhall, but by his assistant, or partner, who is continually decrying vaccination. Pity that his practice and his sentiments do not agree.

In nine days the crisis arrived and brought on convulsions. The doctor came, and was so alarmed that he gave the child a hot bath himself, as the mother was then unable. But not hot water, or hot anything, could undo the mischief done. In about thirty hours, the child died in a convulsive fit, after suffering fearful agony. As soon as it was dead, the vaccinated arm turned black, and the whole body was soon black all over—worse, putrid through and through, so that a coffin had to be hurriedly made, lest the wretched remains should not hold together. The doctor was upbraided by father and mother: “You have killed our child with your vaccination.” He said it was nothing of the sort; the vaccination had nothing to do with it. Of course not. Only get a doctor face to face with the evils of vaccination, and he lies audaciously, whether in public or private.

Let this doctor say what made every drop of this child’s blood putrid, but the putrid animal matter he or his substitute put into it. Let him state what caused the convulsions to come on nine days after vaccination, in the case of a previously healthy child. All who know the case and know the parents are quite satisfied; though the doctor may swear himself black as his victim, no one will believe him.

How long, O Lord, shall medical despots “do iniquity by law?”

How long, 0 Lord, shall the poor of thy people be trampled down, their infants polluted or slaughtered, and the righteous remain powerless?

W. Gibson Ward

The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review, vol.III, no. 33, December, 1881. In The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review, Volume the Third, April 1881 to March 1882 (London: Edward W. Allen, 1882), 169.

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1 thought on “How long, O Lord, shall Medical Despots “do iniquity by law?” (1881)

  1. Everyone needs to do their own research on the truth of vaccine injury, especially the ingredients that are used in their preparation and injected of foreign DNA into the human body. In particular the leaders of the church of Jesus Christ should be more concerned about the safety of his flock and the beautiful little children that are being maimed and murdered by this ritual, that is no better than offering a baby on the altar to Molech, or any other false God. Even King Solomon was seduced into the practice by the beliefs and “traditions” of his many wives and concubines. The teaching of the Holy spirit should stir your soul to investigate for yourself. as nobody else is going to do it for you. Vaccination never stopped the spread of smallpox, polio or any other sickness. It was better living conditions and natural immunity built up by those who had survived, and passed on to the next generation, and that is how it is supposed to work.

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