Christianity, History, Quotes

Reverend Isaac Lockhart Peebles on the Insanity of Vaccination (1902)


Isaac Lockhart Peebles was a Methodist Reverend who wrote a thorough critique of vaccination in the book Unanwerable Objections to Vaccination, published in 1902.

In this book, Rev. Peebles points out the insanity of vaccination:

Diseasing them to keep them from being diseased; making them sick to keep them from becoming sick; killing them to keep them from being killed! What philosophy! Giving them a disease more to be dreaded than the one it is supposed to prevent; giving a disease about which they know nothing, to prevent another about which they know nothing! What science! Giving them a disease which is a generator of diseases and an excellent vehicle for many others; giving them a disease that is likely to be permanent if it does not kill, to prevent one that runs its short course and it is done; giving them a disease that frequently produces the very one which it is given to prevent, and that, too, in its most violent forms; giving them a disease that not only produces the one which it is given to prevent, but makes those who have been diseased by it more susceptible to the other!

Reverend Isaac Lockhart Peebles, Unanwerable Objections to Vaccination (Nashville, TN: South Bigham & Smith, 1902), 68.

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