History, Vaccine Ingredients

Vaccination Debases the Blood with a Fivefold Coil of Poisons (1892)


An 1892 edition of Vaccination Tracts includes a powerful piece showing how vaccination, by its very nature, debases and corrupts the blood.

During this time, smallpox vaccination included matter from both man and beast, and was administered arm-to-arm. Thus a host of diseases easily transferred from one person’s bloodstream to the next.

While such arm-to-arm vaccination is currently not the norm, science has greatly expanded the kinds of poisons that modern vaccination delivers. Vaccination today is thus just a more technologically advanced version of blood poisoning and debasement.

Back to 1892. Vaccination Tracts notes,

“The blood which is the life also has in it the blood which is the death.”
Vaccination Tracts: Vaccination, a sign of the Decay of the Political and Medical Conscience in the Country. (Snow & Farnham, 1892), 3.

This is explained well a few pages later: vaccination inescapably pollutes and debases the blood. In the case of arm-to-arm smallpox vaccination, the poison was fivefold: “A fivefold coil of poison within poison, a fivefold fang in the nation’s future life”:

If vaccination could give no taints but its own animal disease, it must debase all blood, or mixture has no meaning. It is a law that in any association the worst and meanest elements, if first admitted, and then not resisted, gradually corrupt the rest to their own standard, and then carry the organism as a new quantity by its own gravitation to a lower level still. This also vaccination does; for it mixes up in time the whole blood of the nation, and subtracts excellence as a quality overmuch wherever it goes. Now it is not wonderful that a profession which aims to advance by violation of animal lives should be blind to the organic fact, that evil communications corrupt good blood, and that base communications embase and debase it. At present it is a profession pointed outwards into grossness of thought, and its eyes are in the ends of the earth; it is keen after sewage gas and typhoid germs, whilst by vaccination and its compulsion it pours every disease and ventilates every commonness through all the little children of the land.

This is not the place to discuss the question of vaccination, because the object here is to show by a great example how the medical intellect is vitiated and deluded, as a symptom of deep causes injuriously affecting the mind of the profession. But the more the subject is probed, the more abyssal the insanity is seen to be. Two things may be noted. 1. The poison inserted into the blood of infants is fivefold. First poison, the matter of the vaccine disease itself. Second poisons, the occasional and constitutional diseases of the cow from which the matter is derived: these are animal poisons, and tend to assimilate the blood to themselves on the animal level. Third poison, the vaccine disease of the human being. Fourth poisons, the occasional and constitutional diseases of the child and family from which the matter was taken. And, Fifth poison, the gathered taints of all the children through whose systems the matter has passed since it left the cow. This is what the healers of the people inject by law, into the blood, or into the lymph, which is a higher blood, of every little baby in the British Islands. A fivefold coil of poison within poison, a fivefold fang in the nation’s future life.

Three procedures preside as methods over the obscene series. In true vaccination, the mixture of beast with man. In small-poxing the cow to obtain lymph, the mixture of man with beast and of beast with man reciprocally. In arm-to-arm vaccination of persons, the mixture of man with man. Has British Christianity lost its nose that it has no perception of right and wrong here? The case goes beyond pollution, and enters abomination.

    Note the disregard of serious physiological truth. In the human body, whatever enters the blood, be it even the most bland food-the juice of the grape, or the pomegranate, or the fine flour of wheat, be it oil, wine, or fig, -is broken up first, and then led inwards through long avenues of introduction. The most innocent food goes in most easily and first. The police and surveillance for the rest are exceeding great and many. The senses electively appetize the fine food; it has to pass through their peremptory doors of liking and disliking-instructed doors of memory, association, imagination, reason, wisdom, religion, in adults. It is then attacked by digestive salivas, tests, examinations, and severe juices, and questioned to the uttermost in that degree, which corresponds to the former. It is strained through organ after organ; each a tribunal of more than social exactitude. It is absorbed by the finest systems of choice in pore and vessel, organic judgment sitting in every corner, and presiding over each inner doorway. It is submitted to glandular and tung purifications, and their furnaces of trials and eliminations. At last it is weighed in the balances, and minted, by supreme nerve wisdoms; and only after all these processes is it admitted into the golden blood. This is of the best food, such as good and wise men eat. The worst food is made the best of by a constant passage through bodily mercies and mitigations, a no less sedulous though a penal process. This is physiology, and divine human decency, and like a man’s life. Vaccination traverses and tramples upon all these safeguards and wisdoms; it goes direct to the blood, or still worse, to the lymph, and not with food; it puts poison, introduced by puncture, and that has no test applicable to it and can have no character given to it but that it is fivefold animal and human poison, at a blow into the very centre thus otherwise guarded by nature in the providence of God. This is blood assassination and like a murderer’s life. The point, however, here is that this amazing act is the homicidal insanity of a whole profession; and the reader is requested to study the correlation of this sin with the horrible methods of acquiring physiology now in vogue, and which surely prepare the minds of men for similar darkness and its deeds in medical practice.

    Vaccination Tracts: Vaccination, a sign of the Decay of the Political and Medical Conscience in the Country. (Snow & Farnham, 1892), 8-10.

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