
Refuting the Argument: “The Bible doesn’t Specifically Condemn Vaccines, so WE can’t Condemn Vaccines.”


by Steve Halbrook

A fallacious argument to justify not condemning vaccination that you may have heard goes like this: “Since the Bible does not specifically condemn vaccines, we can’t condemn vaccines.” In other words, according to this view, vaccines have to be mentioned by name in Scripture for us to take a moral position on them.

This argument is so bad. Where to begin? At worst, this is dishonest vaccine propaganda. At best, it is ignorant — or lazy and not well thought-out. Not everyone who holds this position may have bad intentions, but it has the effect of minimizing the evils and dangers of vaccines, which can have serious consequences.

The Sufficiency of Scripture

First, let us note that yes indeed, the Bible is sufficient for all of our morals. It equips for every good work:

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17, ESV)

But some biblical truths are implied instead of being spelled out. The doctrine of the Trinity is in Scripture, although the word isn’t. Heretics attempt to deny the existence of the Trinity simply because the word isn’t there. And I’m sure many who use the argument being discussed about vaccination nevertheless inconsistently (but rightfully) affirm the Trinity.


The word “Bible” isn’t mentioned in the Bible either. Ironic for those who hold that if something is not mentioned in the Bible, we cannot take a position from the Bible on it. (As mentioned above, some biblical positions can be implied instead of being spelled out.)

Another irony for some who claim “Since the Bible does not specifically condemn vaccines, we can’t condemn vaccines”: the Bible also does not specifically recommend vaccines.

Thus, if they recommend a vaccine to someone, saying it is something they “ought” to do, they are contradicting their own premise that vaccination must be specified in Scripture to take a moral position on it.

God’s law doesn’t have to specify all circumstances of sin by name

I have written a series of posts critiquing vaccines from a biblical perspective here. I think it sufficiently demonstrates that vaccination is sinful (although more so for those who know the truth about vaccines; the greater the knowledge, the greater the responsibility (Luke 12:47-48)).

If one wants to say otherwise, then let’s see what Scripture says (or implies), instead of throwing around worthless slogans.

One of the moral arguments against vaccination is that it violates the Sixth Commandment: “Thou shalt not kill.” (Exodus 20:13, KJV). (Scripture only allows for taking life in defending oneself or others; just war; and just capital punishment — not out of pragmatism, such as vaccine murder “for the greater good.”)

Now, does Scripture have to specify that vaccination violates this commandment — or is it simply a matter of whether vaccination injures or kills?

That vaccines injure or kill is all that is needed to condemn vaccination. “Vaccination” does not have to be spelled out in Scripture. Vaccination violates the 6th Commandment; therefore, the Bible condemns vaccination. Logical inference.

(And yes, I address the difference between the dangers of vaccination and the dangers of taking risks for a necessary medical procedure, such as emergency surgery.)

Imagine the absurdity that follows the argument “Since the Bible does not specifically condemn vaccines, we cannot condemn vaccines.” All methods of murder that the Bible does not specifically condemn would be permissible. Anything in our technological age is fair game to use on the innocent: guns, missiles, poison gas, etc.

One might as well say, “Since the Bible does not specifically condemn carpet bombing civilian populations, we cannot condemn it.”

This absurdity has no end. By extension, one might apply it to other Commandments. Would we dare utter such absurdities as “Since the Bible does not specifically condemn stealing cars, we cannot condemn stealing cars”? Or “Since the Bible does not specifically condemn Mormonism, we cannot condemn Mormonism”?

Must the Bible specify every false god in existence in order to condemn all acts of idolatry? Must the Bible specify everyone in the world by name in order to condemn all acts of sex outside of marriage with another person?

No: not any more than the Bible must specify every instance of unjustifiable violence in order to condemn all acts of unlawfully harming one’s neighbor — whether it be vaccination or anything else.

And so, the biblical approach to morality is whether something conforms to, or violates, God’s commandments. Spelling out the means of a violation (such as vaccination) in the Bible is not necessarily needed for ethical guidance when the violation itself (e.g., “do not kill”) is spelled out.

Concluding thoughts

Don’t let anyone rob you of your life and a proper walk before God with fallacious slogans. Have the Berean Spirit, and search the Scriptures to see if something is true. This includes whether vaccination is safe and effective — or dangerous and deceptive, and thus a violation of God’s law.

If the Bible does not specify what you are considering by name, consider if it speaks to it by logical inference. We live in especially deadly and evil times, and must give careful thought to our walk before God. Beware of any philosophy that accommodates evil — including the evil of vaccination.

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6 thoughts on “Refuting the Argument: “The Bible doesn’t Specifically Condemn Vaccines, so WE can’t Condemn Vaccines.”

  1. The original word for sorcery was pharmakea we get pharmaceutical from that root. Vaccines are indeed mentioned as sorceries to be repented from.

    1. This is the best argument I have ever heard, and it hits hard on biblical truths that *should* be implied or understood. The church DESPERATELY needs to wake up on the matter! During the height of the covid shots being mass produced, some of the churches took a romans 15 stance (whether you eat or drink do all to the glory of God), but in my heart I knew that is completely false since this is a mass murder weapon and even on our babies with the current CDC schedule, so I’m not understanding the misrepresentation of that scripture to justify injury and death from vaccination when that specifically talked about eating meat! Thankyou for all your work brother

  2. North America :

    And heard Christians who were vaccinated and justified that the Bible says we must be subject to the government.

    There is much ignorance in churches, since in many cases the true message of the cross is not preached.

    The Bible is the Guide which God has left us and it cannot be understood by human wisdom, but we must ask God to give us wisdom and through His Holy Spirit.

    The Bible, the Word of God teaches us and alerts us to all danger.

    May God continue to bless you and bless this precious ministry.

    With much appreciation of his brother in Jesus Christ,

    North America.

    Jesus Christ Save and Comes Soon !

  3. And what about the testing that is done using aborted babies to create much of today’s medicine? Shame on so-called Christians for choosing fear of illness or death by choosing unnatural and synthetic ingredients to *possibly* heal them or keep them from death. If God wanted us using any of these demonic “treatments” we would have been born with a mask and a hypodermic. I come from generations of people on both sides of my family who have *never* taken “vaccines” and have lived long (one grandmother 102) healthy lives by eating real food, staying off the booze, getting good sleep, getting off the couch for a bit of mild exercise and praying every day. Christians who continue to worship at the altar of pharma need to hit their knees before reading scripture and pray for understanding.

    1. “Vaccines for varicella (chickenpox), rubella (the “R” in the MMR vaccine), hepatitis A, rabies (one version, called Imovax®) and COVID-19 (one U.S.-approved version, Johnson & Johnson (J&J)/Janssen) are all made by growing the viruses in fetal cells” – Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia website

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