Ethics, History, Mass Murder

Reaping and Sowing DEATH via Vaccination (Mary C. Hume-Rothery, 1881)


Mary C. Hume-Rothery notes this in an 1881 issue of The National Anti-Compulsory-Vaccination Reporter:

Pro-vaccinators attack the healthy infant, break down the harmony of natural action, infuse filth into the blood, and set up inflammation or fermentation in the system, the consequences of which it is impossible to foretell or estimate; in a word they disease a child, and weaken, inevitably, its vital powers, in order to strengthen it to resist disease or to recover from it if attacked. Talk of common sense! This is positive imbecility. Again, it is one of the unmistakeable laws of order (revealed in natural phenomena no less than in written revelation) that “as a man sows so also shall he reap”; that it is vain to sow thorns and expect to gather grapes, or to sow thistles and look for figs.

Moreover universal experience teaches that a man does reap — if he reaps anything, crops may fail we all are aware — what he sows. If he sows barley he does reap barley; if he sows, or is not careful to prevent the sowing of poppies, thistles, or tares, he does reap poppies, thistles and tares accordingly; yet pro-vaccinators, and in general the advocates of disease-inoculation, fly in the face of this law of order, confirmed as it is by universal immemorial experience; and gravely sow disease in the blood, in order to reap health!

Nay! further, they mendaciously and unblushingly assert that they do reap health; while all around them the fruits of their insanity stare them in the face, in the shape of enormously increased infant death-rate, of enormous increase of cancer, syphilis, scrofula, and all such specially inoculable diseases, and finally in the triumphant spread and increase of small-pox epidemics; encouraged, of course, as all disease must be, by their infusion of corruption into the blood of the population in tender infancy, and reinfusion on subsequent occasions, whenever they can get people foolish enough to submit to it, or regularly in countries like Germany where the law is compulsory as to re-vaccination as well as vaccination.

Mary C. Hume-Rothery, “Modern Devil-Worship,” The National Anti-Compulsory-Vaccination Reporter, Vol. V, No. 12, September 1, 1881, in National Anti-compulsory-vaccination Reporter, Vol. V, October 7 1880 – September 1, 1881, 202.

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