In 1878, Marcy C. Hume-Rothery — one of the great historical opponents of vaccination — wrote a piece in England’s National Anti-compulsory-vaccination Reporter likening vaccination to the mark of the beast.
Note — this is not the same thing as saying that vaccination is the actual mark of the beast. Christians, of course, differ as to what the mark of the beast actually is. Prophecy fulfillment is a debate for another day. Also — I am not implying by this post that one is not a Christian who holds to the vaccine deception. (We all stumble in many ways.)
However, with vaccination being such a great deception that is responsible for countless murders, and which is really a religion for many, I can see why Marcy would liken vaccination (which included matter from a beast) with the mark of the beast — at least for those who idolize vaccines, or knowingly lie to profit from vaccination and/or to protect it from reproach.
Here are portions of Marcy C. Hume-Rothery’s article “The Mark of the Beast:”
Whatever the spiritual interpretation may be of the remarkable prophecy in Revelations concerning the “mark of the beast,” without which no man was to buy or sell, it is clear that it has received a most singular realistic fulfilment in modern Christendom, the nations of which are agreed in marking themselves, and even their helpless infants, at the earliest possible age, with the foul beast-mark of vaccination ; which in our Christian (!) country in particular is held so indispensable that a man may, like Mr. Charles Washington Nye, (a report of the splendid demonstration on whose release will be found elsewhere in our columns) be imprisoned nine times – indeed for all we know, might be imprisoned nine times nine – for eccentrically refusing to submit his God-given offspring to be marked with the said “mark of the beast. “
As is usually the case with all evil and abomination, it is the governing classes who chiefly cling to and maintain this superstition of “the mark of the beast,” as one of the means by which they can dominate and enslave the bulk of the people ; while, as usual, the light which shows how monstrous and mischievous is this superstition, dawns and spreads chiefly among the people, who have nothing to gain but all to lose, beneath its malignant sway. Queen, Lords, and Commons hug the chains of their superstition, and boast of the “mark of the beast” as a blessing of blessings, glorying in their shame–the shame that rational beings incur, who can resort to filthy corruption as a palladium of health-and dwelling on the danger of disturbing “the principle” of forcing the “mark of the beast” upon an unwilling population by prosecutions, fines, and imprisonments.
But throughout the country among the ignorant poor–ignorant, happily, of all the sophistications, by which those who “worship the beast,” the materialists of our day, pervert and blind their God-given intellects–common sense, natural feeling, and bitter experience, are slowly but surely spreading enlightenment, and disclosing the true character and the fearful folly of this “worship of the beast,” which has been established amongst us. They see their little ones pine and die, rotting away beneath the fearful workings of the corruption infused into their veins …
Vaccination now-a-days is steeped–literally steeped–in falsehood. Its advocates dare not speak the truth on any point connected with it. … The “mark of the beast” is upon them, and they must speak lies in accordance with it. … The advocates of vaccination partake inevitably of the nature of the object of their worship. Determined to maintain it at all costs, when they find truth no longer serve their purpose, they shut their eyes and ears to the truth, and the evil nature of their idol manifests itself in the falsehoods it compels them to utter, to disguise the baseness and folly of their fetish-worship from them selves as well as from their dupes. … Vaccination has entered their very souls ; the “mark of the beast” which they have departed from the principles of Christian charity and human brotherly kindness to foist upon others, has so corrupted their moral life-blood that they cannot renounce their delusion.
The lie has bound them in its adamantine chains, and enmeshed them with its web of bewildering sophisms ; forcing them to love darkness rather than light, because the deeds they have bound themselves to defend are evil. How fearfully evil let the “blood of the innocents” testify, which in all our towns and villages cries to Heaven against those who, “worshipping the beast and his image,” force the “mark of the beast” upon all whom the threats of man-made law can terrify into disobedience to the higher law written on their hearts.
Marcy C. Hume-Rothery, “The Mark of the Beast,” National Anti-compulsory-vaccination Reporter, Vol. II, No. 9, June 1, 1878, in National Anti-compulsory-vaccination Reporter, Vol. II, October 1877 – September, 1878, 165-167.
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When I read each of these articles, I feel like I’ve found the skeleton of an elephant in the backyard.
Yep, shows how old those elephants in the room are!
I pray, pray earnestly, pray often and talk often to my dear family with young ones of the dangers of “vaccines”. We know the dangers now but did I not subject my littles to the doctors bidding then?! Unfortunately and regretfully, yes! On the other side now it is so difficult to see the unwillingness to listen but know as did I people often have to ” live and learn”. I will not give up praying and speaking out in Jesus Name.
Agreed — we often must live and learn — or “feel the heat before we see the light.” We too often believe what we want to be true rather than what is true … My impression is that most become anti-vaccine only after they discern that vaccines injured themselves or injured or killed a family member. Up to that point, all the information exposing vaccination in the world would not have changed things. Although praying and speaking in Jesus’ name (as you mention) can still save many before having to suffer such loss, and help many who are on the fence following a vaccine-related tragedy so that they will not continue to vaccinate.