Idolatry, Politics

IDOLATRY RAGES as Many Prepare to Vote for a Second Coming of Trump

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them …” (Exodus 20:4, 5a, KJV)

by Steve Halbrook
(And no, I don’t endorse Kamala either)

The above campaign flyer shows that Trump’s campaign understands the idolatrous spirit of many (I’m not saying all) of Trump’s voters, who see him as a “savior,” “our only hope.”

In this flyer, Trump

  • has a halo.
  • has a “divine light” on his head.
  • seems to be deliberately portrayed as Jesus, as it looks like a crucifixion pose, with his hands spread out in front of a board. That appears to be enough, but also, what looks kind of like a triangle forms around him, and sometimes the crucifixion is depicted with a triangle.
  • is above the slogan, “Make American Great Again.” But only God can make a nation great.

(Also, while I don’t know whether Trump is a Mason or not, there is possibly deliberate Masonic symbolism. The large V coming from under him meets an upside down V touching the halo in what looks kind of like a Masonic compass.)

Those in the Trump campaign are not the only ones who discern the idolatry. Some see a market for it. If you can stomach it, see here, here, and here.

Is it not idolatry to put our hope in a man (extremely godless at that) and justify and rationalize supporting a liar who is guilty of mass genocide via Operation Warpspeed?

Trump idol at CPAC 2021

Trump supporters: Trump hates you

Trump supporters: it is a given that Harris hates you. I’m not endorsing her. But let’s not pretend that Trump doesn’t hate you either. While president he ferociously waged war against you. Please consider if your support is based on reality or what you want to be true.

  • Trump did not pardon those supporters unjustly arrested for the supposed January 6, 2020 “insurrection” in D.C. — despite Trump urging them to attend the protest.
  • Trump told his followers he would drain the swamp. Instead, he grew it more than ever with the COVID Scamdemic enslavement/genocide scam.
  • In his first presidential campaign, Trump talked about locking up Hillary Clinton. Once he won, he refused to do so. Instead, he promoted the COVID Scamdemic narrative that resulted in locking all of us up.
  • How many jobs and businesses of Trump’s own followers were lost because of the economic consequences of Trump’s COVID Scamdemic narrative?
  • How many of Trump’s followers died due to the unnecessary use of ventilators that Trump commissioned?
  • How many thousands of Trump’s followers have died or will die due to the Trump COVID vaccine, which Trump recommended that they get? A lethal injection that he dishonestly claims has saved millions of lives (see here and here).

While it is wrong to support Trump pragmatically as the “lesser of two evils” (see below), if you still support him, at least have the integrity to admit that he is a lying murderer, instead of acting as if he supports the people.

Trump pretending to be your friend is the oldest political trick in the book. And, how many genocidal tyrants did not start out as “men of the people”?

Ruler Qualifications — neither Trump nor Harris

We discuss biblical ruler qualifications here. Neither Trump nor Harris remotely qualify. Even if it was biblically lawful to vote for certain non-Christians in extraordinary circumstances, I doubt these two would even come close. Per the mass murder of the COVID shot which they dishonestly pushed as important for our health, they are genocidal liars.

Not only this, but we may invite God’s judgment on the nation for violating His voting standards. And in fact, I fear this very thing may be on much of the church for supporting such an obvious godless narcissist complicit in mass murder.

It is self-defeating to, in the name of attaining a better national life, vote in a way that brings judgement on the nation.

The futility of voting for Republican/Democrat presidential candidates

Let’s start with this: I believe the Globalist banking elite control the elections (especially national elections) and the candidates. (Those who control the nation’s money purchase those who make its laws. BTW, Trump was purchased long ago.) Regarding elections, this was made most clear in 2020. Do we really think the Globalist elite have had pangs of conscience since then and will no longer rig elections?

(Really, election rigging goes back to ancient times — and so don’t think there weren’t rigged elections in American before 2020. The elites pass down their tricks from one generation to the next.)

And due to technology and electronic voting, elections are much easier to rig today. (I think the focus on fraudulent physical ballots is a red herring to distract from digital voting fraud.)

This time Charlie Brown, Trump will really
drain the swamp!

In my view, the Globalist elites go back and forth between rigging the presidential election for Republicans and Democrats. It helps to divide and conquer the population, and provide hopium for each side.

This back and forth is also helpful in pacifying both sides of the political spectrum; when “their guy” is in office, they believe their freedoms are secure. This is, by the way, why I think Trump was more effective for the Globalists than Hillary Clinton would have been in promoting the Scamdemic.

Trump was an important means of controlled opposition because tyranny requires mass compliance. He was able to get liberty-minded people to trust him in the tyrannical COVID measures. Liberals are very fearful of disease and so would have gone along with the measures anyway. This is why it would have been more difficult for Hillary Clinton to pull off Corona Fascism; she is too polarizing with non-liberals.

And so don’t think that just because the candidates use different words — with one side sounding more pro-freedom than the other — that the “pro-freedom” candidate will necessarily be less tyrannical. And in fact sometimes the worst decrees have come from the Republican presidents.

How many deaths did we get from Ronald Reagan giving drug companies legal immunity from vaccine injury? How much tyranny will we get against conservatives from George W. Bush’s so-called “War on Terror”? And not too long ago, we had Donald Trump’s role in initiating Corona Fascism — the greatest enslavement/genocide scam Americans have ever faced.

This is not to mention all the people murdered around the world by Republican presidents in unnecessary conflicts on behalf of the Globalist elite.

And so the Republican/Democrat presidential race is a false binary trap — two candidates with the same owners.

And from this perspective, even if the elections weren’t rigged, either candidate would be acceptable to the elite. They are both controlled by the Globalists; two parties with the same owner. Just look how both parties enthusiastically participated in the Gl obalists’ COVID enslavement/genocide scam (in a good copy/bad cop psyop).

(If you have problems believing that much of the Republican/Democrat feud is a work, ask yourself — don’t you believe that politicians in general playact with their potential voters? And if they do, what would stop them from playacting with their “rivals”? Trump, by the way, is an actor. Being rude to others — including other elites — doesn’t make him anti-establishment. It just means he is a nasty person.)

So whether you vote for Trump or Harris, you are voting for the same hand: a Globalist hand that controls both puppet candidates.

That’s not choice. That’s the illusion of choice. One to make an enslaved population believe it has freedom. All the while, no matter who they pick, they will be warred on in terms of liberty, as well as financially (high taxes and inflation), physically (vaccines, chemtrails, abortion, etc.), and spiritually (anti-Christian narratives).

Know your enemy, Sun Tzu says.

Simpsons on the Republican/Democrat uniparty (I wouldn’t normally endorse this show, but this segment is very relevant)

When we vote for either Globalist-controlled candidate, we encourage their tyranny

Some might say that it is better to vote for the lesser-of-two evils than to not vote at all. Even if we foolishly disregard God’s voting standards, it can be argued that even pragmatically, it makes more sense to vote for neither than the perceived lesser of two evils.

Here’s why: when we vote for either candidate (at least in the Republican/Democrat uniparty), we are legitimizing the process of enslaving us.

Moreover, tyranny requires consent (as we saw in the COVID Scamdemic); and so when we vote for either Trump or Harris, we are broadcasting to the Globalist elite, “We want this candidate’s tyranny.” And they are happy to comply.

Democrat and Republican presidential candidates alike plunder the people’s finances, liberty, and health. Choosing an oppressor is not an expression of freedom, but Stockholm Syndrome.

If anything, you are choosing between who will stab you from the front (those who overtly oppose you) and those who will stab you in the back (those who pretend to support you). Maybe the former is better, since at least you will be more vigilant. The wolf inside the sheep pen is more dangerous than the wolf outside of it.

I liken the voting process to wearing a COVID mask (with COVID and national elections both being scams). Voting Democrat is like wearing a blue COVID mask. Voting Republican is like wearing a red COVID mask. Voting for either seems to be a sign of submission to the Globalist elite, encouraging their tyranny.

On the other hand, the more who refrain from engaging in this sham process (whether by not voting at all, or for biblically qualified third-party candidates), the more we are broadcasting to the Globalist elite, “We do not want your puppet lording over us.” Like refusing to wear the mask, it conveys to the tyrants that their false narratives are not working. We “vote” for the false narrative by wearing the mask, and we “vote” for the false narrative by voting for Globalist-controlled candidates.

When so many are willing to don a mask and vote for puppet presidential candidates, the tyrants are emboldened to continue in their oppression. Conversely, might they then back off in their tyranny to the degree we back off from playing their games? They must realize that when a people start rejecting their rigged voting, then such people are on their way to a parallel society, which threatens the Globalists’ power.

“But you have to do something!”

Nonsense, for all the reasons given above. Moreover, those who think that voting is the only or best way for societal change are contributing to the problem, as they will continually feed the beast no matter how bad it gets.

Political change is ultimately in God’s hands. And as far as man is concerned, it starts with each of us. If we trust in Christ and live for Him, we are positively influencing society for the better — and may bring God’s blessing on the land. If we oppose God, then we may be bringing God’s judgement on the land — including tyranny.

I remember voting during the Scamdemic. Just about everyone else in a packed large room were wearing masks. No matter who they voted for, they were slaves, expecting their politician to give them freedom. And yet in their refusal to take responsibility, they were encouraging even more enslavement.

Our choices as a ritual in humiliation and mockery

In an article in the OffGuardian (excuse its title), a one Hannah says in the comments,

I have my own theory that the illusory “choices” they give us are themselves a ritual of humiliation and mockery. … If the ptb really wanted classier puppets they could easily acquire them. We are shamed by our willingness to endorse any and every piece of human detritus picked to represent our supposed, but clearly merely token, ‘values’.

As I Christian, I don’t like referring to those in civil government as “deritus”; however, her point is well taken. It is as if the Globalists are mocking us for our willingness to support anyone who pretends to be on our side — even if it is a blustering narcissist (Trump), an invalid (Biden), or a kindergarten teacher avatar (Harris).

Who will they give us next?

Maybe the Globalist technocrat Elon Musk — the new hero of the right who speaks in broken sentences and donned a Satanic Baphomet outfit with an upside down cross:

C. S. Lewis: evil comes in pairs of opposites

When I think of supporters of Republican and Democrat candidates always basing their support on the evils of the other candidate, this quote from C. S. Lewis is relevant:

“I feel a strong desire to tell you – and I expect you feel a strong desire to tell me – which of these two errors is the worse. That is the devil getting at us. He always sends errors into the world in pairs – pairs of opposites. And he always encourages us to spend a lot of time thinking which is the worse. You see why, of course? He relies on your extra dislike of one error to draw you gradually into the opposite one. But do not let us be fooled. We have to keep our eyes on the goal and go straight through between both errors. We have no other concern than that with either of them.” (C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity) (I do not endorse Lewis’ confusing statements about salvation in this book)

Final thoughts

Trump idolatry is out of control. It reminds me of the mass support for a particular man in the 1900s who was likewise idolized. Both Trump and this man:

  • Were seen as saviors by the people
  • Spoke out against evil leftists (which is right to do, but can cause supporters to overlook what their “savior” is doing wrong)
  • Emphasized making their country great again
  • Beat the drums of war (in Trump’s case, with Iran)
  • Had a euthanasia program when in power (although Trump’s was far greater in scale)

It didn’t end well in the 1900s — and I don’t think it will end well with a Trump presidency. We reap what we sow, and so what might be the ultimate temporal consequences of Trump idolatry?

Don’t fear the wrath of Kamala Harris if we don’t support Trump. Fear the wrath of God for supporting Trump.

While this was not technically a matter of voting, the principle, I think, is the same — helping the wicked attain power is like King Jehoshaphat’s support of the evil King Ahab, which resulted in this rebuke:

But Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him and said to King Jehoshaphat, “Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? Because of this, wrath has gone out against you from the LORD.” (2 Chronicles 19:2, ESV)

Let us repent of “In Trump we Trust” (or any other man, for that matter) and return to “In God we Trust.” That’s one of the first steps in making the country great again. For greatness only comes from God.

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3 thoughts on “IDOLATRY RAGES as Many Prepare to Vote for a Second Coming of Trump

  1. As a non-USA citizen and Christian watching as an observer, it makes me looking at American Christians got so passionately involved into USA politics every 4 years without asking deep and critical questions about voting. I meant it baffles me looking at that voting-mania.

    Which is why I am researching who/what/why/which/how factors have caused American Christians to behave that way. It’s so strange to me.

    1. Dennis,
      The best I can come up with is the rejection of biblical worldview — applying Scripture to all of life. Before I consciously applied Scripture to politics, it was easy to go along with whatever politically conservative gatekeepers justified; the lack of an objective standard led to every wind of doctrine.

      Then in the rejection of God’s law as the consistent standard for ethics by American Christians, there is an ethical pragmatism which says the ends justify the means — doing evil that good may come. We see it in everything from the medical sphere (vaccination), to warfare (bombing civilians), to politics (choosing the “lesser” mass murderer over the greater).

      With the Christian support for Trump, there really seems to be no limit to whatever evil is embraced — just so long as it is (or seems to be) a little less evil than the opposition.

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