Interviews, Science, Videos

2 Interviews that May Challenge your Belief in Viruses

See interviews with Daniel Roytas below

by Steve Halbrook
See also: How Irrational Fear and Lies about Contagion MASKS Mass Murder
What is “Contagious” Today may not be so in the Future

Ever since learning about the debate between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory, I have been increasingly moving to the side of the Terrain Theory (see section on this topic here). In any case, for a long time I have been practically a Terrain Theorist in how I approach health.

And so in my view, even if viruses exist (Germ Theory affirms, Terrain Theory denies), the best natural way to combat them is by a healthy lifestyle — and definitely not by vaccination, which is anything but healthy.

(I say best natural way since our health is ultimately in the hands of God, Who is sovereign and “works all things according to the counsel of his will” [Ephesians 1:11b, ESV]. God, in His infinite wisdom, may improve or withhold good health from us. Thus there is the spiritual element of health, where, for example, prayer [by Christians] might play a positive role, and disobedience to God might play a negative role.)

Indeed, even if I was a 100% Germ Theorist, I would still utterly reject all vaccines (which are deadly and useless) and, with the possible exception of certain emergencies, the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

I have recently heard some interviews with Daniel Roytas, author of the book Can you Catch a Cold? These interviews have helped me accept more fully Terrain Theory as it relates to viruses. For instance, in the first video below, Roytas notes that weather changes can produce symptoms that we see in the cold or flu. Might this explain the vast majority of so-called cold and flu cases?

In the second video below, Dr. Thomas Cowan (the interviewer) comments that a toxic wallpaper with arsenic that was prevalent for a time might explain why people got chickenpox symptoms at chickenpox parties (as those present would all be exposed to the wallpaper). (This is something that Germ Theory oversimplification often ignores — that when a group of people who have been near one another suffer an illness, it may not be due to a virus, but to an exposure to the same poison.)

In both videos, Daniel discusses his research and says that experiments, as far as he can tell, have not proven that colds and flus are contagious.

And so I highly recommend the videos below — watch and expect your views on virology to be seriously challenged.

What about Germ Theory? Looking at things in a nuanced way, I still haven’t ruled it out in every possible way; perhaps there is some degree of truth in it — although I definitely think there is more truth in Terrain Theory. Some hold to a Germ/Terrain Duality Theory.

As Germ Theory relates to this blog, I still plan to employ arguments against vaccines assuming Germ Theory — at the very least, this refutes the vaccinators on their own terms, and gives them nowhere to go. That is, even if Germ Theory is correct, vaccines are still worthless and dangerous.

Moreover, I still believe that vaccine shedding is possible — at the very least, for the COVID shot. Virology is not the only conceivable mechanism for transmission of illness, and who knows what kind of technology the COVID shot uses. Perhaps it has a mechanism that causes aerosolized poison from one’s pores, activation of emissions triggered by EMF or 5G, etc.

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2 thoughts on “2 Interviews that May Challenge your Belief in Viruses

  1. You don’t know how much I appreciate you and this website. It’s mind blogging to me when I hear Christians say, because sin entered the world and God gave mankind intelligence and the knowledge of science, we need vaccines and pharmaceuticals. Why can’t they see that this is man playing god by tricking the immune system He created? God would NEVER trick and deceive…..especially when it injures and kills innocent children.
    You are a voice of reason in this deceitful world that appears to be growing more evil by the day.
    God bless you!

    1. Janet,
      Thanks for the kind words. And, glad you find the website helpful!
      I share your frustration. And things do seem to be getting more evil …
      If only more would see that it is precisely because sin entered the world, that we have vaccines — with all of the lies and murder that come along with them!
      I pray that in time the churches would wake up and take a stand against vaccine genocide. But, in the meantime, it is up to us to throw sand in the gears, which does make a difference …
      Have a blessed weekend.
      — Steve H.

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