History, Mass Murder

WARNING FROM 1722: Vaccination can be a Tool of Deliberate Murder


In our day, vaccination is a deliberate of tool of mass murder by Globalist billionaires should be obvious to anyone paying attention. However, it was always a fraud that was both worthless and a destroyer of health. As such, to those who recognized it as such, it could from the outset have been used in various contexts as a deliberate tool of murder.

And in fact, just one year after smallpox variolation/inoculation begins in England and America, an anonymous writer warns about this very thing.

[While the procedure was called smallpox variolation instead of vaccination, it was the forerunner to vaccination, and in essence it is the beginning of vaccination; vaccination in all but name (and both practices can be referred to as “inoculation”). Smallpox variolation inoculates one with smallpox in the name of fighting smallpox, while smallpox vaccination — which replaced it — inoculates one with cowpox in the name of fighting smallpox.]

It was in 1722. Smallpox variolation/inoculation was only introduced a year before, and yet it was already recognized for the dangerous practice that it was. In a book titled The New Practice of Inoculating the Small-Pox Consider’d, and an Humble Appliaction [sic] to the Approaching Parliament for the Regulation of that Dangerous Experiment, the anonymous writer states this about England:

I do not believe they have yet Inoculated an Hundred in the whole Nation; and, I think, Three of them are known to have miscarry’d and died … (p. 29)

In light of this, the writer goes on to warn about inoculation being used insidiously to benefit from someone’s murder. It is the duty of civil government, the writer adds, to punish such evils:

BUT I have something farther to offer still, and which, indeed, is the main Reason of Writing this
Tract; I say, This Practice opens a Door to innumerable Villanies and Murders, in the Case of Infants, Orphans, &c. giving Opportunity to several Persons, and in several Circumstances; some of which I shall mention, to murder innocent Children, committed to their Keeping, with Impunity, and without the Murtherer being liable to any Punishment or Prosecution: And as this is a Mischief, which merits to be considered very seriously, and is worthy the Cognisance of the Legislature. …

It ought to be in no Persons single Power, to Injure another, without being liable either to make Reparation, or, suffer Punishment. (pp. 34, 35)

Note that such murder did not have to be due to an inoculation with added dangerous ingredients, as the standard inoculation was dangerous enough; and so even if there was malice on the part of a non-medical person influencing another to get vaccinated (say, a relative who would inherit money from the deceased), no malice on the part of the person performing the inoculation (e.g., a doctor) was even needed. Simply having knowledge of the dangers of vaccines and urging one to get inoculated in order to possibly cause death was enough; no conspiracy would necessarily be required with medical personnel, who may have been oblivious to the dangers of inoculation. This is not to say that medical personnel never engage in deliberate murder themselves — including via vaccination.

The writer points out the reality of human nature: men are willing to murder in order to satisfy their wicked desires. And inoculation can easily be a tool to achieve this without discovery, as it is done “under the Mask of a Cure”:

We see dreadful Examples every Day among us in spight of Conscience, and Religion in spight of our Pretences to bring a Nation of Humanity, not addicted to Cruelty, and Blood in spight of generous Principles, Knowledge, Education, and the like, things which we boast of as English Men; I say, we see most horrible Excursions made every Day : Avarice pushes Men on to all the Hellish Practices imaginable, Men murther Fathers, Mothers, Relations, Innocent Children, and any that stand in the way of their wicked Desires; the Power of Avarice is such, that like King Abab, they are for killing and taking possession; the Case of Arundel Coke of Bury, is a late flagrant Example of it, which puts it out of Dispute.

WHILE this Hellish Principle then has so much hold upon Mankind, tis highly necessary that there should be no Doors left open for the Practice, at least none that can be shut; that there should be no room for the covering such horrid things from the reach of the Law: Physicians they have already too much Latitude in Practice, to make havock of Mankind for the Satisfaction of their Judgement in Physick, and encrease of their Experience; but every Quack now may be a Hireling to the Devil, and like that Banditty in Italy, be ready to do the Drudgery of removing Heirs, and other obstructing Incumbents of many kinds, and to do this under the Mask of a Cure, Inoculating Death instead of a Disease, and making use of an Art never before Practis’d in a manner not foreseen, and by the Laws, not yet sufficiently provided against. (p. 36)

(I am reminded of the Mafia Flu Jab Conspiracy, where a mob boss was killed by the flu shot after a man who didn’t like him had him persuaded to get it. The mob boss’s age and health made him extra vulnerable to an already dangerous procedure.)

The writer goes on to recommend to the Parliament several contexts in which inoculation should be prohibited, as it could be a means for assassinating people in order to gain from their death:

  1. THAT no Father-in-Law, or Mother-in-Law be allowed in any Case whatever, to Cause any of the Children under their Care do be Inoculated without the Consent of three of the nearest Relations of the Child, by the Mother’s Side, if a Father-in-Law, or by the Father’s Side, if a Mother-in-Law, and in their Presence ; their Consent to be signify’d in Writing, sign’d in the Presence of at least one Justice of the Peace.
  2. That no Guardian of any Orphan Child, under Age, and for, and to whom, or to any one else for the use of the said Orphan, the said Guardian has any Trust, or any Account to give, shall be allow’d to Cause, or Suffer any such Orphan to be Inoculated on any Account, or with any Limitations whatsoever.
  3. THAT no Person, who is Heir at Law, or who has any Remainders or Estate in Reversion after any Person whatsoever, shall Cause, or Procure the Person possessing such Estate to be Inoculated, as above.
  4. That no Person, who has endur’d the Life of another by Policy of Insurance, or that has Expectation, or Promise, or Grant of possessing any Office, or other Benefit, after and by the said Person’s decease, shall Cause, or Procure, or to his Power, suffer the said Person to be Inoculated, as above.
  5. That no Person, who pays an Annuity for Life, Fee-Farm, Rent, or any Pension, or Payment whatsoever, Terminating with Life of the Person to whom the same is Payable, shall Cause, or Procure, or Suffer the Person, so receiving the said Annuity, Rent, Pension, or Payment to be Inoculated, as above. (pp. 37, 38)

The writer adds that physicians and surgeons involved with inoculation in such scenarios should pay a fine and be prohibited from practicing forever; for a second offense, the penalty should be banishment. If the inoculated person dies, the punishment could be death:

THAT the Physician, or Surgeon advising, or performing the Operation on any such Person so prohibited should for ever be made uncapable of Practising, and shall pay a Fine of 500 l. and for the second Offence be Transported, and if the Person so Inoculated should die, the said Persons causing, or procuring it to be done, and the Physician and Surgeon also knowing the Person to be within the said Limitations should suffer Death. (pp. 38, 39)

Really, vaccination should be criminalized completely, but this writer’s concerns and warnings are appreciated. I wonder how often vaccination is used today for deliberate murder by family members and such to gain financially, or in some other way.

In any case, in our day, it is well beyond the scenarios the writer describes, with vaccination being a tool of genocide/depopulation throughout the world — with full complicity of civil governments, which should be prohibiting vaccination, instead of fostering and enforcing it. If only we heeded the writer’s warning:

It remains then to Consider this Case in a full Representative, that Avarice and Murther, with all unnatural Crimes attending them, may not break in upon us in the Dark, and Justice have no Assistance to Detect and Punish them. (p. 35)

The New Practice of Inoculating the Small-Pox Consider’d, and an Humble Appliaction [sic] to the Approaching Parliament for the Regulation of that Dangerous Experiment. (London: T. Crouch & A. Dod, 1722)

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2 thoughts on “WARNING FROM 1722: Vaccination can be a Tool of Deliberate Murder

  1. Seen on AOL News page today, “New Covid Vaccine available at some pharmacies amid new variant of the disease,” (re: latest FDA approved Moderna and Pfizer vaccines,) referring to the new variant as, “KP.2.”

    How clever an acronym. Once again, they tell us of their plans, and the onus is on us not to dismiss or disregard them. That is reportedly how they absolve themselves of guilt.

    The growing list of pharmacy closings begs the question of whether God might not be responding to compliance with directives that are in opposition to his own.

    1. Renelle,
      Looks like they are throwing lots of scams at us: KP.2, Bird Flu, Monkey(M)Pox, and equine encephalitis mosquito virus. Hard to tell which are diversions and if any are what they really want to push. Hopefully the folks in Massachusetts won’t comply with the new lockdowns …

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