Vaccine Ingredients

“Small Amounts” of Vaccine Ingredients Can MULTIPLY to DANGEROUS Levels


Annie Riley Hale, The Medical Voodoo, 1935

By Steve Halbrook
Updated August 20, 2024

Can certain vaccine ingredients, even if in small amounts multiply to large amounts? As we saw in our discussion of the synergistic effect, this in fact does happen when certain ingredients in vaccination are used together – with serious consequences.

But can certain other ingredients multiply by themselves? We are told this in the National Library of Medicine:

Infection does not necessarily lead to disease. Infection occurs when viruses, bacteria, or other microbes enter your body and begin to multiply. Disease, which typically happens in a small proportion of infected people, occurs when the cells in your body are damaged as a result of infection, and signs and symptoms of an illness appear.

National Library of Medicine, “How Infection Works,” Drexler M; Institute of Medicine (US). Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2010. Retrieved July 24, 2024, from

And so if the narratives of the vaccinators are correct about viruses and germs, microbes are a threat to the body due to multiplication. Viruses and bacteria are used in vaccines – thus, by this standard, would they not multiply more than the natural way via injection – especially given how vulnerable the bloodstream is?

(The vaccinators would say that this is not a problem due to “live, attenuated” and “inactivated” vaccines, but we refute their reliability here.)

Long ago, Charles Darwin grasped the idea that viruses and bacteria can multiply via vaccination:

A particle of small-pox matter, so minute as to be borne by the wind, must multiply itself many thousandfold in a person thus inoculated; and so with the contagious matter of scarlet fever.

Charles Darwin, The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Volume II (NY: D. Appleton and Company, 1896), 372.

In light of this, consider the following. While written in 1873, the principle still holds:

The vaccine matter, according to Professor Huxley, is a living organism, and as such capable of multiplying itself by reproduction by millions in a very short space of time. In his address before the British Association at Liverpool, he remarks, “You are familiar with what happens in vaccination. A minute cut is made in the skin, and an infinitesimal quantity of vaccine matter is inserted into the wound. Within a certain time a vesicle appears in the place of the wound, and the fluid which distends this vesicle is vaccine matter, in quantity a hundred or a thousandfold that which was originally inserted.” Now, what has taken place in the course of this operation? Has the vaccine matter, by its irritative property, produced a mere blister, the fluid of which has the same irritative property? Or does the vaccine matter contain living particles, which have grown and multiplied where they have been planted? The observations of M. Chauveau, extended and confirmed by Dr. Sanderson himself, appear to leave no doubt upon this head. Experiments similar in principle to those of Helmholtz on fermentation and putrefaction have proved that the active element in the vaccine lymph is non-diffusible, and consists of minute particles not exceeding 1/20000 of an inch in diameter, which are made visible in the lymph by the microscope. Similar experiments have proved that two of the most destructive of epizootic diseases – sheep-pox and glanders – are also dependent for their existence and their propagation upon extremely small living solid particles, to which the title of microzymes is applied. An animal suffering under either of these terrible diseases is a source of infection and contagion to others, for precisely the same reason as a tub of fermenting beer is capable of propagating its fermentation by “infection” or “contagion” to fresh wort. In both cases it is the solid living particles which are efficient, the liquid in which they float, and at the expense of which they live, being altogether passive. Bearing in mind that the vaccine virus is the product of a foul disease—is, in fact, diseased matter—we can easily judge what must be the result of the introduction of the very smallest portion of it into the human body. Disease germs are multiplied by millions, and the whole system becomes contaminated. Can we wonder, then at the foul and filthy maladies thus imparted to healthy children? How many thousands of constitutions are completely ruined by this process. Every person who has used his eyes must have witnessed scores of infants who were strong, buoyant, and vigorous, until this operation was performed, and who never had a day’s health afterwards.

Anti-Vaccinator, A New Year’s Gift to the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council of the City of Glasgow, 1st January, 1874, Being an Essay Shewing that the Delusive Practice of Vaccination is Ruinous to the National Health (Glagsow: John Thomson, 1873), 32, 33.

Are there any other vaccine ingredients that might multiply – including those we are not told about, or those from accidental contamination?

Perhaps there are many, but let us focus on cancerous cells. Vaccines are notorious for causing cancer (even in vaccination’s early days), and while injected cells are probably not the only reason vaccines cause cancer, they would explain a great many of the cases.

Here’s a specific example from Annie Riley Hale – the sudden explosion of cancer after cowpox/horsepox vaccination was unleashed on the public in the 1800s. According to her, the animal cells – which surely were considered a “small amount” at the time – could quickly reproduce to cause cancer:

Indeed there is good ground for believing the doctor’s inoculating hypodermic a more fruitful generator of cancer poison than any of those listed by Mr. Barker. For besides introducing poison directly into the blood-stream, these animal “bio-products” also introduce products of a new kind of cell—different from the human cell—and one which normally reproduces itself much faster than the human. What more reasonable inference than that this foreign cell material should start up in the human body the too-rapid cell-proliferation which is the outstanding feature of cancer?

There are not lacking medical men of high standing to testify to the soundness of this conclusion. William Scott Tebb in his book, The Increase in Cancer, quotes a number of eminent authorities—among them Dr. Wm. Forbes Laurie, late medical director of the Metropolitan Cancer Hospital, London—as being “thoroughly convinced that continuous, persistent vaccination is an important contributing cause of cancer increase.” Dr. F. P. Millard, a prominent osteopath of Toronto and president of the National League for Prevention of Spinal Curvature, says: “Abolish vaccination, and you will cut the cancer death-rate in half.

Annie Riley Hale, The Medical Voodoo (New York: Gotham House, 1935), 107.

Animal cells are still used today. They are used to produce many vaccines — and several others are produced using human cells (from murdered unborn babies). Vaccines “may contain trace amounts” of whichever cell is used:

  • Old-school [pre-COVID] vaccine technology uses cells to manufacture viruses
  • For many vaccines, the cells are from non-human animals
  • For some vaccines, the cells used to manufacture the viruses are descendants of cells derived from babies aborted fifty or more years ago
  • Vaccines may contain trace amounts of the cells from which they were purified …
  • Some COVID-19 vaccines in development use the controversial cell lines
Amy Rogers, Vaccines, natural immunity, and fetal cells (November 16, 2020). Retrieved July 25, 2024, from

And yet, “trace amounts” of cells – assuming they are being honest about the quantity – is still of no comfort considering that cells multiply and grow within the body:

The cell cycle can be thought of as the life cycle of a cell. In other words, it is the series of growth and development steps a cell undergoes between its “birth”—formation by the division of a mother cell—and reproduction—division to make two new daughter cells.

To divide, a cell must complete several important tasks: it must grow, copy its genetic material (DNA), and physically split into two daughter cells.

Khan Academy, “Phases of the cell cycle.” Retrieved July 25, 2024, from

And so consider this from the article “Vaccines and Genetic Mutation”:

Returning now to the subject of genetic contamination, and to the work of Anker and Stroun as well as to the human-rat cell fusion, we know that many vaccines use “immortal cell lines” which are actually cancerous types of cells with no limit on how many times they can divide. The most commonly known type of tissue used is of the human diploid variety extracted from aborted fetal tissue. It is possible that these cells could actually hybridize with our own. In fact, it is likely in light of what we know about human-rodent somatic cells.

As well, there is concern that these cell lines are easily contaminated with pathogens and spread cancer (mutation-promoting) material to humans.

Harold E. Buttram, Susan Kreider, and Alan R. Yurko, Vaccines and Genetic Mutation (October 11, 2002). Retrieved June 26, 2024, from

We should not be surprised, then, to see the drastic rise of cancers coincide with the early days of vaccination, and continual increase of cancers to this day coincide with the expanding vaccine schedule.

When you flirt with injecting matter from animals and humans into one’s bloodstream, the potential for inflicting disease has no bounds. This was recognized so long ago, it is beyond criminal that vaccination is still performed. As noted in 1876:

It would be almost criminal to shut our eyes to the fact that vaccination is a fruitful source of disease, misery, and death. We know so little of the wonderful capabilities of these zymotic poisons, and of their amazing powers of development, that no thoughtful man will doubt that the point charged with “virus” from the vaccine vesicle may have concealed upon it a seed-atom of another disease, which, sooner or later, may develop itself, and produce a disease in the person vaccinated, which may make even life itself a burden. Dr. Farr gives a quotation from a work by C. Darwin, M.A., F.R.S., on “Animals and Plants under Domestication,” vol. ii. , pp. 368 to 378, where the following sentence occurs : -“It has recently been ascertained that a minute portion of the mucous discharge from an animal affected with rinderpest, if placed in the body of an healthy ox, increases so fast that in a short time the whole mass of blood, weighing many pounds, is infected, and every small particle of that blood contains enough poison to give, within less than forty-eight hours, the disease to another animal.” All poisons of this description appear to be invested with an indefinite power of reproduction when placed under favourable conditions. The Anti-Vaccinators may be excused, therefore, for believing that vaccination is a sin against the Creator, and a crime against humanity, when the vaccinator burglariously invades the healthy organism of a God-sent child, and dares to insert into its life-blood the scrofulous poison taken from the diseased heels of a horse suffering from ” the grease.” It does not require any knowledge of the laws of science to guide the people in condemning this practice when they are told from what source the vaccine matter is obtained.

We affirm, and with no small show of reason, that if it be true (and true it undoubtedly is) that the vaccine lymph carries with it the seeds of hereditary disease existing in the patient from whom the virus is taken, whether scrofula, bronchitis, syphilis, tuberculosis, or any other of the grim sisterhood of diseases, then we say that we have found a cause equal to the production of the excessive mortality of which we justly complain.

It is a fact which, to the Anti-Vaccinators, is proof enough that there is amongst us a mighty disturbing force which is interfering with the national health, and which claims its annual heritage of woe and death. We say, that potent force is vaccination.

John Pickering, Anti-vaccination: The Statistics of the Medical Officers to the Leeds Small-Pox Hospital Exposed and Refuted: in a Letter to the Leeds Board of Guardians (Leeds, England: McCorquodale & Company, 1876), 20, 21 (footnote)

In sum, when we consider vaccination’s multiplication effect, when it comes to vaccines we are truly getting more than what we bargained for.

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