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God’s Health Instructions in Nature vs. Vaccination (1871)


God, being infinitely wise, has a good reason for designing things the way they are. Thus, the proper use of anything is in accordance with God’s design.

God’s natural design is his instructions in nature. Just as we are safe when we respect the laws of gravity and endangered when we ignore them, we are so when it comes God’s laws when it comes to the workings of the body.

But vaccination attempts to defy God’s natural design via its unnatural route and the injection of poisons. On this point, John Fraser writes this in 1871:

“Surely the physical laws of the human body are meant for man’s direction and guidance. …

“When the vital force fails to expel the vaccine lymph from the blood, the lymph consequently remains in it to do mischief in the production of various diseases. Pray, how can a poison remain in a sensitive human body without doing harm? …

Now, what is the philosophy of this operation? A poisonous fluid is introduced by the lancet into the blood – a direct assault on nature – a direct violation of physical law, and what then? … When the power of nature fails to throw the vaccine poison out of the body, woe be to the patient. Its retention will be to him the source of many subsequent evils, and often, often alas! of death, the sufferers commonly ignorant of the true cause of their illness. These are the penalties of violated nature, inflicted because of our transgressions.

“Physical law shuts up the blood for safety within three coated vessels. To open them with a lancet is a violation of that law. Common bleeding is now being abandoned, because, as a violation of law, terrible punishments ensued, sometimes sudden, very often a lingering prolonged death. Physical law prohibits the use of poison in the body. To introduce the vaccine poison is a violation of that law. … Physical law wants the blood to be invariably pure. It is a violation of that law to make it impure and poison it. … Physical law prohibits disease in the human body. Is it not a violation of this law to produce a disease in a healthy person? Is it not ridiculous to do this, on the plea of preventing some anticipated future evil that might in truth never happen, and though it did happen, I have in my previous letter shown vaccination would not prevent the evil, but rather create many others, and directly predispose the system to even smallpox itself by lowering the powers of life. Man, morally and religiously, would fain be wise above what is written. Man physically, would also be wise above the code of laws written on our bodily frames. Obedience to these is the true and only road to health-disobedience, in every instance, the direct way to secure disease and suffering. Justify the violation of one law, and you may justify the violation of one and all laws. What then is the use of instituting such physical laws if they may be set aside by presumed and presuming human wisdom-rather human folly?

“A law means a law-giver – a blessing for obedience and punishment for disobedience. God is the law maker, the creator of our law-formed bodies. Such law to my apprehension has a divine authority. It is the law of God, not man. Law breaking vaccinators, I obey you not. To the law and to the testimony of my own physical constitution I appeal for guidance, as the voice and will of God to me. All rebels against this testimony let me disown. Long ago doing evil (morally) that good (fancied) might come was condemned. Is there not analogous harmony between our moral and physical natures? The law that applies to the former must undoubtedly apply to the latter. How daring then to do evil physically that good (only fancied) may come. Vaccine lancet, in the light of these glorious truths, I trample you beneath my feet. Pointed with poison like an Indian’s arrow you make murderous assaults on human life. Dressed in a little brief authority, and countenanced by the deceptious trappings of custom and fashion, you are, as a sanitary instrument, a wretched failure, and a spread out net to entrap the unknowing and unwary. Your highest merit is like the bite of a rattlesnake with its terrible consequences. In discussing this subject, I insist on the supreme unbending authority of physical law. To the law and to the testimony of my own bodily system I look, learn, and obey. The man of science in his gigantic strides over the face of nature in search of discoveries, takes as far as he knows law for his guidance.”

John Fraser, An Attempt to prove that Vaccination with its Compulsory Law, instead of being a General Blessing, is a Universal Curse, in a series of letters addressed to the Right Hon. H.A. Bruce, Home Secretary of State. (London: The British College of Health, 1871), 20-24.

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