Christianity, History

Rev. C. H. Collyns on Vaccination as the “greatest physiological heresy” of the day (1879)

Rev. C. H. Collyns

The idea, as touted in vaccine propaganda, that considers poisoning the blood via vaccination a necessity is a slander upon God, who created the blood to be pure – not to be polluted with vaccine ingredients. As noted in 1879,

The Rev. C. H. Collyns, Rector of Wirksworth, in seconding a resolution, said he looked on Vaccination as the greatest physiological heresy of the day. The vaccinators said every child was a centre of infection until they had poisoned its blood—until, that is to say, they had corrected the work of God Almighty. Vaccinators, on the pretext of preventing small-pox, not only did not prevent, but increased it, and multiplied other diseases by their filthy practices. It was for us to preach the truth about Vaccination, earnestly, firmly, and constantly. One of the greatest curses of this country was the vested interests which grew around abuses. A vested interest had been created by Vaccination, and there was now a whole army of officials and practitioners ready to defend the law, and to maintain its expediency at any cost. Whatever bishops, judges, and magistrates might say, he denied that he was bound to obey unjust law. On the contrary, he maintained he was bound as a Christian to disobey unjust law. Many an unjust enactment would never have been abolished had it not been for the brave resistance of men like those they welcomed from Northampton jail to-night.

Charles Gillett, T.J. Norton, and Solomon Shrimpton, “Banbury Anti-Vaccinators” (Banbury, May 8, 1879), The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review, no. 3 (June 1879). In The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review: Volume the First: April 1879 to March 1880 (London: Edward W. Allen, 1880), 36.

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