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Articles on the DARK History of Vaccination


Lots of information exposing the dark history of vaccination. If you find these resources helpful, please share and help get the word out!

Also — in case the elites take down this site, consider saving some of these links digitally, and/or as a tangible copy (print), so this work can live on in the future.

Soli Deo Gloria.

Vaccine Idolatry in History

25,000 Children Annually Slaughtered by Vaccination (Digest of Parliamentary Returns, 1878)

Abortion-causing Vaccines openly Promoted in Pro-Vaxx Circles

Was Vaccination used for Depopulation/Genocide in Early Vaccine History?

Statistics and Vaccination — a Tortured History

The Vaccine Genocide Chronicles: Part 1: the Australian Aborigines

The Vaccine Genocide Chronicles: Part 2: Slaughter in the Philippines

The Vaccine Genocide Chronicles: Part 3: Terror in Uganda

The Vaccine Genocide Chronicles: Part 4: Covert use of Abortion-causing Vaccines Around the World

The Inoculation Controversy of the 1700s

Opposition to Vaccines by Doctors and Others in History

The Inquisition Against Opponents of Bad Medical Practices

The Medical Profession’s Legacy of Tyranny, Torture, and Murder

Unsafe & Deceptive — the Polio Vaccine Scam

Moral Objections to Vaccination and Inoculation in History

Death Certificates and Hiding the Vaccine Holocaust

Vaccination recognized for PERMANENT Health Problems in the 1800s

DEADLY Vaccine Results in New York, 1914 (when will the Genocide End?)

Before “SIDS” Disguised Vaccine Deaths, there was “Suffocation” & “Overlaying”

The Cancer EXPLOSION in Early Vaccine History

NORMALIZING MURDER: A Historical Pattern with Vaccination

FLASHBACK: Confederate Captain Ruled Guilty and Executed for Vaccine Murder (and other Crimes)

Vaccination with Animal Matter: Medical Bestiality? Some Historical Quotes

RACIST VACCINE HISTORY: Blacks Considered “Spreaders,” persecuted by Forced Jab

You’ve been Conned: Polio was Redefined, Making the Vaccine Look Effective

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2 thoughts on “Articles on the DARK History of Vaccination

  1. Wow, what a resource these articles are, and the copious far-reaching research that has gone into them!!! Thank you so much for compiling them here! If anyone reading feels they have too many friends, or that having so many friends is a nuisance to be done without, they might try sharing with them, and, voil’a, problem solved. This may be especially true for friends employed in or retired from the medical field.

    Rejection is a necessary form of suffering. Jesus confirmed and demonstrated this for us.

    1. Thanks Renelle. Hoping these articles will make a difference for many … I am working on getting much of the website compiled into a book. Lord willing!

      Have a great week.

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