Loads of information addressing vaccination from a biblical worldview. If you find these resources helpful, please share and help get the word out!
Also — in case the elites take down this site, consider saving some of these links digitally, and/or as a tangible copy (print), so this work can live on in the future.
Soli Deo Gloria.
Christian Opposition to Vaccination in History
Forced Vaccinations and Hiding the Baby Moses
A Biblical Critique of Vaccines, Part 1: Vaccination Vainly Attempts to Improve Upon God’s Design
A Biblical Critique of Vaccines, Part 2: Vaccination as a Violation of the Sixth Commandment
A Biblical Critique of Vaccines, Part 3: Vaccination as Doing Evil that Good May Come
A Biblical Critique of Vaccines: Part 4: Natural Food versus Unnatural Vaccine Ingredients
A Biblical Critique of Vaccination: Part 5: Eyewitness Testimony
A Biblical Critique of Vaccination: Part 6: Vaccination is Based on Lies
Should Vaccination be a Matter of CHOICE, or CRIMINALIZED?
Vaccine Resistance Tactics and Scripture
Is Ignorance a Moral Excuse to Vaccinate?
Refuting the Argument: “Romans 14 makes Vaccination a Matter of Christian Liberty”
Refuting the Argument, “Vaccination is Loving your Neighbor”
END the SILENCE! The DUTY of Pastors to WARN about Vaccine Genocide
Should Pastors REFUSE to Warn About the COVID Shot in the Name of “Unity”?
Christian Leaders — WHEN will you Warn Christians about the COVID Vaccine?
Vaccine Ethics: Biblical versus “Costs/Benefits”
DEATH BY IDOL INOCULATION: Idolatry’s Blinding Effect on Discerning Vaccine Genocide
Vaccines: Satan’s Tool to HANDICAP the Church with Death and Sickness
The SINFUL & DANGEROUS Allure of Vaccinating for the Praise of Man
God’s Judgment and COVID Vaccine Propagandists
Vaccines, Conspiracies, and being WISE as SERPENTS
MASS PSYCHOSIS: when People are willing to Sacrifice themselves and even their Children to Tyrants
COVID Mythology, Self-deception, and DEATH via the “Majority of Experts”
“GUILTY! And the Sentence is — Death by Vaccination!” On Corona Fascism and Guilt Manipulation
Conspiracy Denialism: ABSURD, DEADLY, & UNBIBLICAL
Vaccines with Aborted Babies and the RETURN of CANNIBAL Culture
Moral Objections to Vaccination: Do NOT Rely Exclusively on Aborted Baby Tissue
Vaccination as Human Sacrifice and Molech Worship
Vaccine Research: The Berean Spirit versus Blind Trust
More on COVID-19
Not “Just a Mask”: a Biblical Critique of the Coronavirus Maskuerade
Why Churches must Oppose Mandated Social Distancing: it’s not as Benign as you Think
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