Immune System, Injuries, Mass Murder

How Vaccination KEEPS you from Recovering and can ASSAULT your Internal Organs


by Steve Halbrook

While it is easily recognized by many that the poisons in vaccines are dangerous, another factor is that such dangers are compounded by the unnatural route vaccination takes via injection.

Due to this route, the body’s natural processes for recovery are thwarted and one may be unable to properly expel the injected poisons (meaning that vaccination does not keep you from getting sick — but from getting well!). These poisons can linger in one’s system, and may even drive deep into one’s body and attack the internal organs.

To elaborate, first let us discuss the disease process as it relates to healing.

Disease symptoms and healing

Dr. Philip F. Incao states,

“The symptoms of a disease are primarily the symptoms (fever, pain, malaise, loss of function) of the acute inflammatory response to the disease.”

Letter from Philip F. Incao, M.D. (May 5, 1999). Retrieved February 4, 2023, from

These symptoms are your body’s way of fighting and ridding itself of attacks against it. Ethel D. Hume, in Bechamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology, notes:

We should remember that what we call disease is often nature’s method for ridding us of poisons; and, to take a homely example from household life, while a thorough house-cleaning takes place usually once a year, the dusting of rooms is of frequent occurrence.

Ethel D. Hume, Bechamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology (A Distant Mirror, 1923, 2017), 268.

And so Eleanor McBean, in the The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts about Vaccination, states:

[D]isease is a cleansing effort of the body in its attempt to rid itself of excess poisons, waste matter, obstructions, and incompatible food. DISEASE IS NOT SOMETHING TO BE CURED; IT IS A CURE.

Eleanor McBean, The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts about Vaccination (Pomeroy, WA: Health Research, reprinted 2005), 28.

Too often, “modern medicine” unnecessarily suppresses disease processes that God designed to heal the body — and thus interfering with the healing process. Let’s take fevers.

Depending on the reason for the fever, some are cause for concern (and may need to be brought down), while others are not — and are in fact necessary for healing. (See Dr. Robert Mendelsohn’s book “How to Raise a Healthy Child … in Spite of your Doctor” for the nuances of dealing with fevers.) According to Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, fevers resulting from an infection are actually part of the healing process, and should, at least normally, be left alone:

If your child contracts an infection, the fever that accompanies it is a blessing, not a curse. It occurs because of the spontaneous release of pyrogens that cause the body temperature to rise. This is a natural defense mechanism that our bodies employ to fight disease. …

I want to emphasize that, while reducing his fever may make your child more comfortable, you may interfere with the natural healing process if you do it.

Robert Mendelsohn, How to Raise a Healthy Child … in Spite of your Doctor (NY: Ballantine Books, 1987), 80, 81. Again, Mendelsohn is speaking in general terms. He does hold, for example, that fevers in newborns could be a cause for concern (pp. 76, 77).

Vaccination bypasses your primary immune system

The body includes the Cellular immune system (Th 1) and the Humoral immune system (Th 2). The Cellular immune system is your body’s primary response to toxins in the body, activated when a foreign substance enters the body through the mucosal route (e.g., mouth or nose). It involves what is called an acute inflammatory response which eliminates the toxins. The role of the Humoral immune system, by contrast, is to produce antibodies and “remember” toxins.

Vaccination goes directly to the Humoral immune system. By bypassing the Cellular immune system — the immune system’s toxin eliminator — it bypasses the acute inflammatory response and thus hinders the elimination of the toxins in the vaccine from the body. Consequently, it suppresses the symptoms of disease, which we previously noted are necessary for healing.

This fosters perpetual illness. As Dr. Rebecca Carley puts it:

Bypassing this mucosal aspect of the immune system by directly injecting organisms into the bloodstream leads to a corruption in the immune system itself.

As a result, the pathogenic viruses or bacteria cannot be eliminated by the immune system and remain in the body, where they will further grow and/or mutate as the individual is exposed to ever more antigens and toxins in the environment which continue to assault the immune system. This is especially true with viruses grouped under the term “stealth adapted”, which are viruses that lack some critical antigens normally recognized by the cellular immune system.

The mechanism by which the immune system is corrupted can best be realized when you understand that the two poles of the immune system (the cellular and humoral mechanisms) have a reciprocal relationship.

Thus, when one is stimulated, the other is inhibited. Since vaccines activate the B cells to secrete antibody, the T cells are subsequently suppressed.

This suppression of the cell- mediated response is a key factor in the development of cancer and life threatening infections. In fact, the “prevention” of a disease via vaccination is, in reality, an inability to expel organisms due to the suppression of the cell-mediated response.

Thus, rather than preventing disease, the disease is actually prevented from ever being resolved.

Rebecca Carley, Vaccinations: Weapons of Mass Destruction (Biophile)
Retrieved February 8, 2024, from

Or as Dr. Philip F. Incao puts it:

A vaccination is like a straitjacket for the immune system because it holds the balance beam permanently (or until it wears off) on the humoral side continually stimulating antibody production which “prevents” the illness because it prevents our own cellular immune system from reacting to and discharging out of the body the virus or bacterium and other toxic material associated with that particular illness!

Philip F. Incao, Understanding Germs, the Immune System and Vaccinations. Retrieved February 8, 2024, from

Since, then, vaccines ingredients (which are poison) remain in the body without expelling, vaccination is obviously a dangerous process. A one Henry Pitman recognized this long ago, when he said in 1879,

In Jenner’s time the fallacy was believed that an attack of small-pox never occurred more than once in a person’s life. Experience has disproved this. Individuals having corrupt constitutions have had to undergo this purifying process-for small-pox is not a “disease”-two or three times. As the majority of persons are not liable to small-pox, it is a fallacy to vaccinate all alike. Medical men must be very ignorant of physiology if they cannot estimate a person’s susceptibility to a blood eruption. When there is small-pox matter in the system, it is a dangerous fallacy to prevent its exit.

Henry Pitman, Vaccination Fallacies, The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review, No. 9, December 1879, in The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review, Volume the First, April 1879 to March 1880 (London: Edward W. Allen, 1880), 127, 128.

Pitman is not exaggerating when he refers to the suppression of the body’s purifying process via vaccination as a “dangerous fallacy.” Vaccine poisons can live on in the body to assault it — even going deeper to attack one’s vital organs.

How is this? Perhaps Hering’s Law is the best explanation.

Hering’s Law as an explanation on how the body heals or suffers

Constantine Hering

Hering’s Law was developed by Constantine Hering (1800-1880), the “father of American homeopathy.”

Before explaining Hering’s Law, let us give a disclaimer from Dr. Ben Reebs: that what we are about to discuss

are subtle signs, not hard-and-fast rules, and require years of medical training and practice to observe. Also, these potentially observable signs and symptoms of healing can be subtle and must be taken into account only when treating the totality of the person.

Ben Reebs, How to Apply The Third Law of Healing, The Law of Cure (Modern Vital, April 28, 2021). Retrieved February 16, 2024, from

Now, for Hering’s law — or the law of Direction of Cure:

Hering’s Law says that healing takes place … From the top of your being, to the base of your being …; from inside, to out (to expel); from the greater, more important organs to the lesser, more insignificant organs; and true healing is a reverse process of how the disease process has established itself.

The College of Natural Nutrition, Herings Law of Cure and Acute & Chronic Disease DVD (Sample) (YouTube, cnnglobalnetcouk). Retrieved February 8, 2024, from

In disease, the organism protects the more vital organs, producing symptoms towards the exterior and channels of elimination. In health it also acts in this direction as the disease is driven out. Only as the disease deepens do symptoms and locations become more vital and deeper.

Matthew Wood, The Practice of Traditional Western Herbalism: Basic Doctrine, Energetics, and Classification (Berkely, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2013), 77.

One author gives a general list of more to less important organs:

[A] general illustrative hierarchy of importance of organs is brain and heart, kidneys; lungs and liver; colon; skin.

West London Colonics, Right healing: Herings law of cure, 1. Retrieved February 14, 2024, from

Some examples of the healing process in Hering’s Law, working from more to less important parts of the body:

Someone with asthma may develop an external skin rash as part of the curative process.

Dana Ullman, Discovering Homeopathy: Your Introduction to the Science and Art of Homeopathic Medicine (Second Revised Edition) (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1993), 17.

Example: In cases of “rheumatic fever”, joints are affected first and then it progresses to the heart. In such cases, when a remedy is administered it cures the cardiac symptoms first and finally the joint problems. This is because the curative process is starting from the innermost organ i.e. heart, to the outer joints.

HomeoShip, What is Hering’s Law of Cure? (March 3, 2023). Retrieved February 14, 2024, from

An example of the third direction of the Law of Cure would be a chronic respiratory infection improving, but then a patient presenting with an eczematous rash, signaling that the process is moving from the lungs to the skin. A direction of healing is proceeding. In this example, the skin is seen to be of less immediate importance than the lungs.

Ben Reebs, How to Apply The Third Law of Healing, The Law of Cure (Modern Vital, April 28, 2021). Retrieved February 14, 2024, from

With all this in mind, we must note that allopathic medicines — in suppressing disease symptoms instead of addressing the source and thus aiding toxins from leaving the body — could push diseases further into one’s body and thus make one worse. Harris Coulter writes:

In his Chronic Diseases and other writings Hahnemann had stated that the abuse of medicines in allopathy, although at times palliating the symptoms, tended to drive the disease, as it were, deeper into the patient’s body where it assumed a chronic form. In 1865 Hering developed this doctrine with an article on the correct interpretation of symptoms. With intensification of the disease process the symptoms move from the surface to the interior, from the extremities to the upper parts of the body, and from the less vital organs to the more vital. This came to be known as “Hering’s Law.” Its corollary was that administration of the correct remedy causes the symptoms to disappear in the reverse order of their appearance — the “new” symptoms which appear during the curative process representing the earlier stages of the disease and yielding the very indications which the physician needs to select the remedy suiting that stage of the cure.

Harris L. Coulter, Divided Legacy: The Conflict Between Homeopathy and the American Medical Association: Science and Ethics in American Medicine: 1800-1914, Volume III (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1982),339, 340.

An example of synthetic allopathic medications driving disease deeper might be this: eczema might be treated by cortosone cream, which may sooner or later result in a runny nose. The runny nose might be treated by cortosone nasal spray, which sooner or later may drive the problem even deeper, resulting in asthma.

Hering’s Law of Cure (YouTube, Dr Debbie Smith). Retrieved February 8, 2024, from

Retained Vaccine poisons assault your system

Now let’s return to vaccination as it relates to the suppression of disease. Vaccine poisons, when unable to expel, linger in the body, and, per Hering’s Law, might even drive deeper into it, assaulting one’s vital organs.

Eleanor McBean says this in The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts about Vaccination (originally published in 1956):

As stated before, smallpox, (as well as disease in general,) is an enforced cleansing effort of the body. If the patients get eruptive diseases, like smallpox, after vaccination it merely indicates that they have internal vitality enough to throw off some of the excess poison in this violent way. Usually, however, the vaccine poison so lowers the resistance of the body that it cannot rally enough reserves for a defensive action in the form of an eruptive disease. Therefore, the poisons are retained where they corrode and destroy the tissues of the heart, kidneys, lungs and other vital organs.

Eleanor McBean, The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts about Vaccination (Pomeroy, WA: Health Research, reprinted 2005), 59.

McBean also states:

After a glance at the medical records covering the past 70 years of what is boastfully called “our great strides of medical science” we can hardly help wondering if those seven league strides haven’t been in reverse, because there has been a marked decline in our nation’s health and a shocking increase in the serious killer diseases during those very years. The acute diseases that were supposed to have been conquered by vaccination have only been masked and re-named to”save face” or suppressed until the retained poisons corroded the internal organs and developed into dangerous chronic diseases.

McBean, The Poisoned Needle, 6, 7.

Chas. M. Higgins, in Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated (1920), likewise discusses the vaccine assault on internal organs as the vaccine infection “extends inwardly” (note how the “worse cases” are those with little if any external indication of disease symptoms):

The worst cases of vaccinal infection are not, however, those which have external skin eruptions but in which there is little or no indication externally of purulent infection, except possibly at the sore itself, and in which the suppuration or infection extends inwardly and attacks one or more of the internal organs and kills by general internal suppuration known as “Pyaemia” or “Septicemia,” which may show itself by serious suppurations in lungs, bronchi, pleura, heart, brain or spine, or in the digestive or other organs.

Chas. M. Higgins, Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated: Petition to the President to Abolish Compulsory Vaccination in Army and Navy (Brooklyn, NY: Chas. M. Higgins, 1920), 89.

Incidentally, these many afflictions subtly caused by vaccination give vaccinators the delusion or excuse to give a false reason for death — protecting vaccination from reproach. As Higgins continues:

Thus by its very extensiveness this blood poisoning may give to the falsifying vaccinator ample and plausible excuse to make a false and deceptive report on the death of the vaccinated child and to deny and conceal the primary responsibility of vaccination for the infection and death by reporting in death certificate or autopsy that the child died from one or other of the terminal diseases or results of the vaccine infection, such as “Pneumonia,” “Broncho- Pneumonia,” “Pleurisy,” “Meningitis” or “Endocarditis,” or even perhaps by some form of intestinal inflammation and obstruction which, with a whole series of other complications, may of course also result from the vaccinal septicemia in its general riot of infection throughout the whole system. And any one of these several consequent or terminal diseases can be plausibly set down by the falsifying vaccinist as the true and only cause of death, without any mention whatever of the original cause in the primary infection of the vaccination, which will thus be completely ignored and brazenly denied and concealed. Such a death certificate or autopsy report concealing and denying the original infection of vaccination is, sad to say, very common, and is, of course, just about as true and honest and acceptable as if some murderer should report on his own homicidal act that the bullet which he shot into the victim’s body did not really kill the victim, but that it was purely the stoppage of the man’s defective heart that actually killed him! Or, to give another example, that if was the fatal infection of lockjaw which the careless victim himself, or his careless nurse, allowed to get into the harmless bullet wound, that was really responsible for the death and not the innocent bullet that was fired into the victim’s body!

Chas. M. Higgins, Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated: Petition to the President to Abolish Compulsory Vaccination in Army and Navy (Brooklyn, NY: Chas. M. Higgins, 1920), 89, 90.

Dr. Constantine Hering himself (whose law of cure we previously discussed) quite understandably called all vaccination a “poisoning of the blood” — and so, as he states,

I have more than once plainly seen, and often heard of cases where children remained ailing from the time of vaccination, who were previously in robust health.

Cited in C. Wardell Amerige, Vaccination a Curse (1895), 17.

Attention must likewise be called to the possibility of inoculating other diseases, such as itch, scrofula, leprosy, phthisis, syphilis, etc., and thus producing a complication of trouble difficult to be overcome. …

If it had been a poisoning even with the very best real cowpox, it now became a poisoning of nearly all children with the most horrible diseases; many even were murdered, and an infinite number poisoned for life.

Cited in Vaccination Tracts (Snow & Farnham, 1892), 11, 12.

Thus one can see how vaccination can cause everything from eczema, allergies, asthma, and autoimmune diseases to cancer, heart damage, and brain damage. Really, the sky is the limit.

Vaccine ingredients in your body could be a time bomb, ready to explode at any moment. There are of course natural remedies and detox protocols that may protect your body, or help it recover, from vaccines and vaccine damage (so one should not despair) — but the surest remedy is preemptively — via avoidance.

The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. (Proverbs 22:3, ESV)

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