The following is a list of diseases from vaccine virus as documented by Chas. M. Higgins in 1920, in his book Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated (a petition to President Woodrow Wilson to abolish mandatory vaccination in the Army and Navy).
Note that this is not exhaustive of all health problems caused by vaccination (he lists elsewhere, for example, heart failure and meningitis). This is just those afflictions “found or proved to exist in vaccine virus” itself (which is more than enough!).
From Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated (1920):
First: Tetanus or Lockjaw, one of the most deadly and rapid in its action. For instances of Lockjaw germs in vaccine virus, see Journal Medical Research, Boston, Mass., May, 1902. See also page 105 in this Supplement, which shows how vaccination can cause Lockjaw, whether the germs are in the virus or not.
Second: Different forms of the germs of “Sepsis” which produce the dangerous and often fatal festering sores, abscesses and ulcers of different kinds. See Bulletin 12, U. S. Hygienic Lab oratory, 1903.
Third: Actinomycosis or “Lumpy Jaw.” This produces a terrible festering tumor in the bones or tissues of the head, brain, or spine, something like the effects of either Cancer, Tuberculosis, or Meningitis, and may be confounded therewith; and its germs have often been found in vaccine virus. See Journal Medical Research, Boston, Mass., January, 1904.
Fourth: Infantile Paralysis. There is strong evidence that this mysterious and most fatal disease may also sometimes be caused by vaccination, as a direct or indirect result. See pages 145 to 162 herein taken from Mr. Loyster’s Pamphlet. See also page 13 in the English translation of a German work on Paralysis by Dr. Oskar Vulpius (Wm. Wood & Co., New York, 1912), which admits that vaccination is one of the causes of Infantile Paralysis.
Fifth and Sixth: Tuberculosis and Cancer. There has been a strong conviction growing for some years past among close students of vaccination, both within and without the medical profession, that the practice of wide-spread inoculation of the population with known and unknown ulcerative diseases or pus infections such as found in vaccine virus is probably responsible for the great increase in two of the worst and most fatal ulcerative diseases of modern times, viz., Tuberculosis and Cancer. The former causes about fourteen thousand deaths every year in New York State, and the latter about eight thousand deaths, regularly and steadily every year, compared to which the few annual deaths from smallpox are a mere bagatelle or like a microscopic flea-bite on the mortality lists.
Chas. M. Higgins, Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated: Petition to the President to Abolish Compulsory Vaccination in Army and Navy (Brooklyn, NY: Chas. M. Higgins, 1920), 90, 91.
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