Antibodies, Deception

Demolishing the Antibody Narrative: Vaccine-induced Antibodies & Natural Antibodies are NOT the Same


by Stephen Halbrook
See also:
Health: It’s About Nutrients — NOT Vaccine Antibodies
Demolishing the Antibody Narrative: Measles Immunity can be Attained with ZERO Antibodies

Demolishing the Antibody Narrative: HIV Antibodies DO NOT Combat HIV
Demolishing the Antibody Narrative: Study of VSV Virus CHALLENGES Role of Antibodies
Demolishing the Antibody Narrative: When Antibodies might INCREASE Disease Severity
Demolishing the Antibody Narrative: and Yet MORE Challenges

On top of everything that has been said thus far, here is another challenge for the vaccinators: naturally-acquired antibodies and vaccine induced antibodies are not the same.

And so even if antibodies play a meaningful role in disease protection, it doesn’t necessarily mean that artificially produced vaccine antibodies do so. There is a difference between the natural and the unnatural; in this case, a natural response to infection, and what is unnaturally injected into the body.

The vaccinators cannot deny this. First, vaccination does not stimulate the immune system the way that natural infection does. The process of injection bypasses the innate immune system by directly going to the bloodstream.

If antibodies are created in this unnatural way — a way that God has not intended — then might this affect the quality of antibodies?

In light of this, our second point: the vaccinators would hold — at least in some cases — that antibodies conferred from natural infection and vaccination differ in quantity and duration.

On quantity, the following is admitted from a pro-vaccine publication:

For the most part, the antibodies that you form from getting vaccinated are the same kind of antibodies you would get from a natural infection. One difference is that certain types of vaccines only show the immune system part of the relevant virus. Because of that, the immune system doesn’t form as many different types of antibodies as it would in the course of a natural infection.

Ruth Jessen Hickman, Antibodies From Vaccines vs. Antibodies From Natural Infection (verywellhealth, Updated on October 10, 2023). Retrieved February 2, 2024, from

On vaccine duration, most pro-vaxxers will probably admit that, at least in many cases, natural immunity lasts longer than vaccine-acquired immunity. Hence the need for ongoing re-vaccination or boosters. But let’s also look at pro-vaccine literature — particularly, Current Opinion of Virology (2020):

Vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD) including measles and mumps have been re-emerging in countries with sustained high vaccine coverage. For mumps, waning immunity has been recognized as a major contributor to recent outbreaks. … Accumulating serological and epidemiological evidence suggests that natural immunity induced by infection may be more durable compared to vaccine-induced immunity. As the proportion of population immunity via vaccination gradually increases and boosting through natural exposures becomes rare, risk of outbreaks may increase. …

Before vaccination, (A; unshaded) infection with viruses such as measles and mumps was common in early childhood, and incidence of these infections was high. Early infections would result in sufficient immune protection to prevent repeat infections. … Thus, before vaccines nearly all cases occurred in early life, after which protection was continually reinforced. …

Despite a rich history of research and development of highly effective vaccines, relatively little is known about the specific durability of vaccine-induced immune protection compared to the durability of protection from natural infection. …

Luojun Yang, Bryan T. Grenfell, and Michael J. Mina, Waning immunity and re-emergence of measles and mumps in the vaccine era, Current Opinion of Virology, Volume 40, February 2020, Pages 48-54 (Elsevier). Retrieved February 2, 2024, from

Thus from pro-vaccine literature alone, we can see that naturally-acquired antibodies and vaccine-induced antibodies are not the same. And if they are not the same in quantity and duration, what might that say about their quality? Could they be purely superficial, at best?

Indeed, by bypassing the natural means that God has ordained for creating antibodies, vaccine-induced antibodies could be at best useless, and at worst dangerous. Dr. Glen Dettman states:

Just because you give somebody a vaccine, and maybe get an antibody reaction, doesn’t mean a thing. The only true antibodies, of course, are those you get naturally. What we’re doing [via vaccination] is interfering with a very delicate mechanism that does its own thing. If nutrition is correct, it does it in the right way. Now if you insult a person in this way and try to trigger off something that nature looks after, you’re asking for all sorts of trouble, and we don’t believe it works.

Dr. Glen Dettman, interview with Jay Patrick, “The Great American Deception,” 3. In Walene James, Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth (Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 1995), 43.

To give an analogy, just as one’s sex is fixed by God, one’s immunological process is fixed by God. You cannot alter God’s natural order.

if you inject a woman with male hormones to masculinize her, it is not enough to make her a man. We are more complex than that. It actually perverts her body chemistry; instead of making her a man, it just destroys to one degree or another her feminine characteristics.

Likewise, if you inject one with antibodies, it does not necessarily confer disease protection. We are more complex than that. And in fact, like “gender transition,” it actually fosters biological imbalances. Instead of promoting a healthy immune response, vaccination actually destroys to one degree or another the proper functioning of the immune system.

We therefore maintain that, even if there is a place for antibodies in disease protection (but note what we have said about the significance of nutrition), there is a world of difference between natural antibodies and vaccine-induced antibodies.

We concur with these points by Dr. Viera Scheibner, as summarized by Walene James:

After studying some 30,000 pages of medical papers dealing with vaccination, she came to the following conclusions: First, genuine immunity to disease is developed only when “there is the full expression of the generalized inflammatory process.” Second, the normal portals of entry for infectious agents — mouth and nose — are instrumental in producing this generalized inflammatory response, which is part of the natural immunological process. Third, childhood diseases are the priming and challenging mechanisms of the maturation process leading to competence of the immune system.

Walene James, Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth (Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 1995), 107. Here we show three of the five conclusions summarized by James.

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