Deception, Mass Murder

How Irrational Fear and Lies about Contagion MASKS Mass Murder


by Steve Halbrook

Due to countless decades of vaccine propaganda along with humanity’s seemingly ingrained fear of the unknown and idolizing of “medical experts,” the Globalist tyrants can manipulate people into believing anything harmful (or even simply claimed to be so) is the result of a contagious disease.

This is an extremely dangerous mindset, as we will get to in a moment.

Now, since too often we outsource our thinking to Pharma-controlled doctors, we don’t stop to consider other explanations. We just blindly go along. We are mentally handicapped by the fear that they feed us. “Trust us or die. Invisible germs are everywhere, ready to kill you without our help.”

But let’s think a little beyond the box of fear.

Two or more people close to one another get sick with common symptoms. It must be an infectious disease, right?

It could be something else:

Families eat common foods. At times, workers do too, and especially those in the military. If over time nutritional requirements are not met (e.g., not enough Vitamin C, as sailors who suffered from scurvy experienced), then an “outbreak” could be assumed.

Maybe there is a common environmental exposure; maybe a community is drinking from lead pipes. Maybe it is mercury exposure, at a dental office or via a broken mercury light bulb. Maybe a truck full of toxins crashes, affecting everyone within wind-range. Maybe chemtrails; maybe dirty electricity.

And yet despite how often we can easily conceive of other causes for any given illness, all of the scenarios above can be falsely attributed and accepted to be a “virus”. After all, so many are willing to uncritically take the white-coated priests at their word.

This is where it gets very insidious. Because we so easily buy into contagion narratives, the Globalist establishment can easily get away with mass murdering the population so long as they cry “virus, virus!”

“Polio” was a classic example. Several things could have fit the definition of polio that were clearly not a virus. And in fact, vaccination itself — whether for polio or other diseases — caused polio-like symptoms.

But perhaps the greatest cause of “polio” was pesticides — especially DDT. According to Dr. Morton S. Biskind in 1953,

In 1945, against the advice of investigators who had studied the pharmacology of the compound and found it dangerous for all forms of life, DDT (chlorophenoethane, dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) was released in the United States and other countries for general use by the public as an insecticide. . .

In the United States the incidence of polio had been increasing prior to 1945 at a fairly constant rate, but its epidemiologic characteristics remained unchanged. Beginning in 1946, the rate of increase more than doubled. Since then remarkable changes in the character of the disease have been noted. Contrary to all past experience, the disease has remained epidemic year after year. …

When the population is exposed to a chemical agent known to produce in animals lesions in the spinal cord resembling those in human polio, and thereafter the latter disease increases sharply in incidence and maintains its epidemic character year after year, is it unreasonable to suspect an etiologic relationship? (source)

And so, if Morton is correct, the American establishment pushed DDT (which produced polio-like symptoms) knowing it was harmful. And of course, then was pushed the harmful polio vaccine as the solution: poison to treat poison. All due to panicking the public about a false idea of an extremely dangerous virus.

How many unnecessary — and perhaps deliberately-caused — deaths did all of this result in?

Fast forward to the COVID scamdemic. An “emergency” was declared — despite COVID either being extremely exaggerated, or even completely made up — and masses of people rushed headlong to their deaths, either due to “approved treatments” (such as ventilators and remdesivir) or “preventative medicine” (vaccination).

And if the treatments or vaccine kills you, then it is not attributed to them, but to “COVID.” After all, no treatment or vaccine is 100% effective — but they are all perfectly safe. We take the establishment’s word for it, due to an irrational fear of contagion.

(As the COVID “cures” increase the COVID death numbers, more and more people are panicked into seek the deadly cures, further increasing the death numbers, etc., etc.)

Somehow, COVID symptoms coincidentally match the effects of COVID’s “approved treatments” and vaccination. For instance, from the NIH itself:

Some people with COVID-19 develop abnormal blood clots, including in the smallest blood vessels. The clots may also form in multiple places in the body, including in the lungs. This unusual clotting may cause different complications, including organ damage, heart attack and stroke.

NIH, COVID-19 and the Blood (Last updated July 11, 2023). Retrieved January 18, 2024, from

And to cover for the long-term effects of the COVID “cures,” there is “Long COVID”:

Many people recover fully within a few days or weeks after being infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. However, others have symptoms that linger for weeks, months, or even years after their initial diagnosis. Some people seem to recover from COVID-19 but then see their symptoms return, or they develop different symptoms within a few months. Even people who had no symptoms when they were infected can develop them later. Either mild or severe COVID-19 can lead to long-lasting symptoms.

Symptoms of Long COVID may be the same as or different than symptoms of COVID-19. Long COVID can also trigger other health conditions such as diabetes or kidney disease.

NIH, Long COVID, Long COVID Research and Resources (Last updated July 11, 2023). Retrieved January 18, 2024, from

What I fear is that the Globalist elites will soon attempt to seriously hype another virus, and then as those in the liberty movement point out that it is another scam, the Globalists will, instead of just hyping an illness (as they did with COVID), will target segments of the population with aerosolized poison and/or 5G on a scale that will produce immediately deadly “virus” symptoms — “proving” the liberty movement “wrong,” inciting a public backlash against them, and, to “save” us, prompting implementation of “isolation” (death) camps and the most draconian vaccination program ever.

So now is the time to wake up. Should the public continue to be blinded by fear, embrace a simplistic view of causation and contagion, and idolize fake medical experts, then murderers behind the scenes will continue to get away with genocide by chanting the magic words “virus, virus!”

And dissent will be suppressed — if not outright pulverized.

Know your enemy. Think outside the box of fear.

Put your trust in God, not in medical pretenders.

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