Dr. Palmer recently co-authored the book “mRNA Vaccine Toxicity.” This book is highly recommended. You can get a free digital version here, or purchase a physical copy here.
In the video below, watch Greg Hunter interview Dr. Michael Palmer on the topic of mRNA vaccines, where Palmer makes the case that COVID vaccines were designed to murder.
Many of us who have followed vaccines for a while, of course, knew this from the outset. Still, the case Palmer gives for why mRNA COVID vaccines are used deliberately for murder is interesting, and may help those who are on the fence to see what is really going on (share widely!).
And — we appreciate Palmer’s boldness for calling the COVID vaccine murder operation for what it is. Many who know that the vaccine is dangerous still do not see that it is deliberately so.
Dr. Palmer gives the following reasons as to why the mRNA COVID vaccines are designed to murder:
- COVID has a low mortality (I myself question if it even exists)
- There are effective treatments for COVID (based on his book, he is probably referring to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin) (I will reserve judgment as to whether there are better, safer treatments)
- Vaccine safety testing was too fast
- mRNA is a new, unproven technology
- After the vaccine was unleashed, the VAERS reporting system of vaccine injuries and deaths lit up — and yet the program was not halted.
- Relentless coercion, censorship, and lying was used to achieve mass vaccination
“This must be a clear intent to harm and kill. There is no other rational explanation.” — Dr. Michael Palmer
A couple things to note:
- In making his case against the COVID mRNA vaccine, he argues that it did not undergo proper safety testing. This is true, and is a legitimate reason for holding that the vaccine is a tool of murder, but we must note that vaccine safety testing is a sham — and so even if this vaccine went through the process, it would still mean nothing. Of course, by outright bypassing the testing charade, we see how brazen the vaccine murderers are.
- We have high respect for Palmer, but he unfortunately does, at least to a certain degree, endorse certain other vaccines. However, vaccination is inherently dangerous and thus all vaccines are deadly and should be avoided. They are all tools of murder — mRNA and non-mRNA vaccines alike. Palmer is an excellent researcher, so Lord willing, in time, he will come to see this as well.
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