History, Injuries

Vaccination recognized for PERMANENT Health Problems in the 1800s


Vaccination, by its very nature, always causes harm. This is what injected poisons do. Sometimes the harm is overt (even to the point of death), sometimes more subtle.

Those with vaccinated and unvaccinated children often see that the latter are in better health. Indeed, those who initially survive vaccination risk a lifetime of ailments that might culminate in a premature death. (This is not to say that there are no natural treatments that might help to restore one’s health to one degree or another.)

Permanent health problems due to vaccination were recognized long ago. For example, in a pamphlet written in the 1800s, we find this quote:

Dr. Siljestrom, of the Parliament at Stockhom, Sweden, said, “I have often — almost daily — heard parents say: “My children have never been the same since they were vaccinated.”

Alexander Wilder, Vaccination: A Medical Fallacy (1875?), 34.

We find several more relevant quotes in C. Wardell Amerige’s 1895 book Vaccination a Curse.

And so, as we recently discussed, according to Amerige, England’s “Digest of Parliamentary Returns” in 1878 states that 25,000 children are killed each year by vaccination. It also states that “a far greater number [than 25,000 annually] are injured and maimed for life by the same unwholesome rite.”
C. Wardell Amerige, Vaccination a Curse (1895), 17.

Amerige also writes:

A French writer, Verd de Lisle, presents a new point for our consideration, he says: “Vaccination has caused mental and physical degeneration of the human species, diminished men’s stature, incapacitated them for military service or even the exercise of dancing.” (Ibid., 16)

Based on this, Amerige notes that vaccination, being an unnatural process, is a crapshoot where you never really know how bad a toll it will take on your health:

This French writer has, in a few words, drawn a true picture of the legitimate result of introducing into the system any toxic influence, whether it be pus from the heels of a horse, the pustules of a cow or any other poisonous matter, which weakens, suspends or causes erratic action of any of the functions of the body. When nature’s law has been interfered with, it is vain to speculate on the results. The vaccinator ignorantly or willfully takes fearful responsibilities, and the vaccinated must submit to the chances of certain malific influences; the result of which can only be foreseen by the eye of the Omniscience.

Another quote:

Constantine Herring was a widely known medical authority whose works are extensively read on both sides of the Atlantic and whose opinion is entitled to respect, in speaking of vaccination has said: “I have more than once plainly seen, and often heard of cases where children remained ailing from the time of vaccination, who were previously in robust health.”
Ibid., 17.

The final quote here is short but sobering:

Prof. Alexander Wilder, M. D., editor of the New York Medical Tribune, in a pamphlet entitled “Vaccination, a Medical Fallacy,” says: “A vaccinated people will always be a sickly people, short lived and degenerate.”

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1 thought on “Vaccination recognized for PERMANENT Health Problems in the 1800s

  1. If this is passed into others in order to convince them that quacksines are unsafe, the argument will be “yes they were unsafe way back then.” There’s plenty of current proof about the harmful effects. Whistleblowers are coming out more often. Thank God. Still, some will not be convinced even if they see the ingredients in them. Even if they know that not one is tested for safety. Yet truthers continue to attempt to save humanity.

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