by Steve Halbrook
Part of our fallen nature is to be lazy and let others do the work for us. Another part is to look to men, and not God, as our saviors.
Controlled opposition takes advantage of both of these by manipulating us to believe that certain people are doing the work to oppose tyranny for us so we can sit back and do nothing — all the while believing something significant is occurring. In the meantime, the elite manipulators take advantage of our inactivity and continue their enslavement/genocide schemes.
Do we ever wonder why certain personalities in the media who support liberty are allowed to thrive? Could one reason be that it gets us to think that since they are “waking people up,” we don’t have to do much?
But, let’s give examples from the political arena. When Biden was (s)elected by the Globalists to succeed Trump as the next puppet-in-chief, they needed pacification of the liberty movement while emotions were still very high.
Not that Trump was ever a threat — he was, as we’ve seen with lockdowns, vaccination, etc., a very effective puppet. But Trump’s followers are not Trump. They genuinely value freedom, and so they had to be subdued before they took action — in whatever form it may have been (not necessarily violent, but by constructive means) — to disrupt the unfolding of the next phase of Globalist terrorism.
And so, what did we have? False prophets assuring us that Trump would eventually be restored to office. Sit back, relax, and while you are feeling very motivated, don’t bother starting constructive ways to regain your freedom from the Globalist tyrants.
Of course, such pacification we have seen throughout Trump’s presidency. Trump packaged himself as a “savior” who would “drain the swamp” — and to the shame of the church, many Christians did — and still do — believe this.
“Sit back and do nothing. Trump is draining the swamp. Whenever he seems to be growing the swamp, don’t worry — he is just playing 4-D chess.”
(Sadly, Trump could murder half the nation — which he may have done with his Warpspeed jab if we count not just those who have died, but those who will die in time from its poison — and yet many of his followers will still claim he is “playing the game” to defeat “the swamp”.)
This brings us to the QAnon psyop — a further layer of pacification for the liberty community during Trump’s presidency. Edward Hendrie writes:
QAnon is alleged to be a secret group of patriotic, pro-Trump “white hats” in powerful positions in the government that have coalesced to defeat the communist conspiracy manifested by BLM, Antifa, the radical leftwing of the Democratic Party, and the swamp creatures of the deep state. QAnon called on all patriots to sit back and rely on the plan of QAnon. “Trust the plan. Enjoy the show. Nothing can stop what is coming.” …
It is no accident that the motto of QAnon is “Trust the Plan.” That is the very purpose of QAnon; to get people to forgo any efforts on their own, but to instead, trust others who are working according to a secret plan behind the scenes.
Edward Hendrie, “QAnon ‘Trust the Plan’ Is a Tried and True Communist Psychological Operation” (Great Mountain Publishing, January 16, 2021). Retrieved August 29, 2023, from https://greatmountainpublishing.com/2021/01/16/qanon-trust-the-plan-is-a-tried-and-true-communist-psychological-operation/
“Trust the Plan” is apparently a repackaging of the Soviet Union’s “Operation Trust” in 1921. As we will see from the description of the latter by former KGB officer Anatoliy Golitsyn, both are controlled opposition psyops identical in name (“Trust”) and in effect by promising hope that those within the halls of power will save us from the tyrants (pacification).
Golitsyn writes this about disinformation campaigns of the Russian organization called the OGPU in the early days of the Soviet Union:
False opposition movements … were designed to attract to their ranks genuine opponents of the regime inside and outside the country. These innocent persons could then be used by the regime in various ways. They could act as channels for disinformation; they could be blackmailed and recruited as agents; they could be arrested and given public trials. A characteristic, but not unique, example of this technique is provided by the so-called “Trust” operation.
In 1921, as the NEP was being launched, the OGPU created inside Soviet Russia a false anti-Soviet organization, the Monarchist Alliance of Central Russia. It had once been a genuine organization, founded by Czarist generals in Moscow and Leningrad but liquidated by the Soviet security service in 1919-20. Former members of this organization, among them Czarist generals and members of the old aristocracy who had come over to the Soviet side, nominally led the movement. …
These [Trust] agents confided in their contacts that the anti-Soviet monarchist movement that they represented was now well established in Soviet Russia, had penetrated into the higher levels of the army, the security service, and even the government, and would in time take power and restore the monarchy. … The European governments and the emigre leaders should put a stop to anti-Soviet terrorist activities and change their attitude from hostility toward the Soviet regime to one of passive acceptance. …
Naturally there were doubters among the emigres, but the prestige of the leaders of the organization … convinced the majority. They accepted at face value the Trust’s disinformation and passed it on to their influential friends in the European intelligence services. …
Trust was terminated with the arrest of those opponents of the regime who had been unwise enough to reveal themselves as such by associating with the Trust.
Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old (New York, NY: Dodd, Mead & Company, Inc., 1984), 13-15.
What can we learn from all of this? That when it comes to vaccine genocide, or any other matter of tyranny, we should not blindly “follow the leader” and “trust the plan.” Rather, we should take initiative ourselves to fight for liberty by whatever lawful and moral means possible. We all have unique gifts which we can use.
That way, even if our leaders should fail us, we would have still done our part to throw sand in the gears of the tyrants’ machinery.
The machinery of the Globalists is enormous, so we can use all of the sand that we can get.
Of course, always remembering:
The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord. (Proverbs 21:31, ESV)
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