
Controlled Opposition: What is it?

Credit: Palmetto State Watch, Facebook

by Steve Halbrook
See also 2 Roads to Vaccine Genocide: the False Binary Trap

A sad part of fallen human nature is man’s inclination to deceive. Throughout life, we learn that many mislead us as to what they really stand for.

We encounter or hear about such people all the time — pretenders, con men, plants, spies, opportunists, those who are two-faced, pawns, etc.

And yet, for all of this, this reality really eludes us when it comes to influential voices in society — especially regarding those who claim to be on our side in the fight against tyranny. For some reason, we can be extremely gullible here. If someone claims to be a man of the people fighting the elite — and the elite seems to hate him — well, he must be one of us!

It is as if no matter how much credit we give to the Globalist elite for their brilliant (but evil) strategies in enslaving and murdering us, it doesn’t come to our mind that they will employ such a useful strategy as to use people in our own ranks to mislead us; it doesn’t occur to us that they control not only those who are overtly against liberty, but those who claim to support it.

And so we see another sad part of human nature — we are too eager to believe what we want to hear.

These reasons — man’s inclination to deceive and to eagerly believe — are why the elite so effectively make use of pretenders. Which is why, regarding those most visibly opposed to the tyrannical elite (regarding vaccine genocide, socialism, abortion, etc.), we must be careful whom we trust and support.

Communist leader Vladimir Lenin is said to have said, “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

While I can’t confirm the legitimacy of the quote, it doesn’t matter. Based on actions of his regime, he apparently believed it himself — and more importantly, it is self-evidently true.

That is, since there will inevitably be opposition to the ruling class anyway, for the elite manipulators, it is best to lead the opposition (via infiltration or creating it) so that the opposition can be derailed by misdirection. Better to sanction opposition (even if it makes temporary inroads) that is regularly sabotaged by roadblocks than to deal with opposition with 100% legit, determined leadership.

Motives may vary in those who are controlled opposition. They be outright psychopaths who enjoy derailing the liberty movement. Or, they could be lovers of money who have been bought, those who are blackmailed, or those deluded into believing they are sincerely doing the right thing.

Someone who is controlled could be a politician, a thought leader, an entertainer, an entrepreneur, a “former” intelligence agent, a blogger — really, anyone of influence. With the mainstream media being very obviously controlled by the elites, the alternative media is ripe for the influence of controlled opposition.

This description of controlled opposition in the Urban Dictionary is helpful:

Controlled Opposition: a strategy in which an individual, organization, or movement is covertly controlled or influenced by a 3rd party and the controlled entity’s true purpose is something other than its publicly stated purpose. The controlled entity serves a role of mass deception, surveillance and/or political/social manipulation. In most cases the controlled party is portrayed as being in opposition to the interests of the controlling party.

Preempt or neutralize true but negative information by having it be disclosed or championed in a skewed/stigmatized manner by a person or group. The truth can be peppered with disinformation or the truth of the message can be neutralized by association due to the extreme, radical, or unpalatable positions held by the controlled entity (person or group) who is disclosing the information or is “championing” a position. The stigmatized or adulterated truth in turn steers people away from truthful information which would normally cause criticism or a serious backlash against the controlling party. Stigmatized truth also greatly inhibits independent research into sensitive areas (usually involving criminal acts by the controlling entity) and serves to manipulate social dynamics in a manner in which it becomes taboo to publicly discuss sensitive (albeit critically important) subjects.

Zak Mann Esoteric Knowlegist, “Controlled opposition” (Urban Dictionary, September 3, 2021). Retrieved August 28, 2023, from

And so controlled opposition might occur in different ways. For instance:

  • The controlled person may be a person of influence who appears to be working to stop the tyranny of the elites, but really does nothing (stalling the progress of the true opposition) — or even increases the tyranny of the elites in the name of strategically “playing the game.”
  • The controlled person may lead us into a trap, such as by putting his followers on the radar so that the tyrants can arrest them and thus intimidate others from future opposition.
  • The controlled person may promote discredited narratives so that the truthful narratives he gives in addition will be discredited along with them (“guilt by association”). Similarly, he may discredit the truth by promoting a narrative that is partially true and partially false (wrapping the truth with a lie).
  • The controlled person may make his side look ridiculous by silly behavior and/or absurd-sounding narratives — turning away those who might otherwise consider another perspective.
  • The controlled person may seem blameless at first, but after cultivating a significant amount of trust, “activate” (like a sleeper cell agent) and lead followers astray.
  • The controlled person may be really good defending one or more areas of liberty, but otherwise promote narratives of the elite — giving with one hand and taking with another.
  • The controlled person may encourage us to follow others who are controlled.
  • The controlled person can divide us from legitimate leaders by maligning their character and/or their approach.
  • The controlled person may sow confusion by accusing everyone else of being controlled opposition. (And you may have two controlled people accusing one another of such.)

This last point is why I try to be careful in calling anyone controlled opposition. Motives are hard to know. And some are so obsessed with discovering controlled opposition that they see a snake behind every rock. Really, who in the liberty movement hasn’t been accused of being controlled opposition by someone?

Moreover, one is not necessarily controlled just because he matches some of the bullets. Those on the right side still make mistakes. One may, for example, unwittingly make his side look ridiculous by promoting an absurd narrative he sincerely believes. The difference is motive.

More considerations

While I try not to be quick to call anyone in particular of being controlled opposition, I suspect many. Especially after learning about the prevalence of political blackmail. See the video below this section for more on this.

For example, there is not a single national “conservative” politician (whom you would expect to stand for freedom) whom I trust.

(Which politician, for instance, has stated that vaccination is murder? Maybe some local politicians, but nobody well-known. Sure — some national politicians may honestly not discern that vaccination is genocidal, but it is hard to imagine that all are blind to this.)

And when it comes to thought leaders in the alternative media, the more popular they are and the bigger the operation they have, the more suspicious I am of them. Consistent truth-tellers tend to be unpopular and marginalized by the establishment and anti-establishment alike.

Also — follow the money. Who funds the liberty-leader’s operation? That is huge. (Some might even get money from anonymous donors who use the power of money to get them to unwittingly do the work of controlled opposition. Maybe it’s, “Take this money — talk about anything but vaccines and the Globalist elites.”)

What is their background? Were they in intelligence, big business, big (national) politics — or some other Globalist-controlled occupation? Whom do they associate with? (Birds of a feather flock together.) These are important clues that could indicate controlled opposition.

Also — how are they treated on the Internet? Do the Big Tech manipulators leave them alone (or even boost them) — or do they marginalize them? For example, how easy are their websites to find on mainstream search engines? And do mainstream social media platforms leave them alone, or censor or even ban them?

Of course, the deception could be deeper. Some may be censored to make us think that they are on our side: “If the elites are against them, then they must be for us!” So you still must be careful. Everyone who is not censored is probably controlled opposition — but even some who are censored are controlled opposition.

For an eye-opening talk on the prevalence of political blackmail, watch this video on the Franklin Scandal.

Some examples of controlled opposition

I’d like to think that I am not hasty in calling anyone in particular controlled opposition. However, a few examples are important.

I have no problem calling Donald Trump controlled opposition. He didn’t drain the swamp — he grew it on an unprecedented scale.

That should be obvious: pretending to be on the side of the people, while his actions support the Globalists. Look at what he does — consistently — not just what he says. He was a major player in the Globalist elite’s enslavement/depopulation agenda via the COVID measures and the COVID shot (the latter of which has given us the greatest genocide of our time besides abortion).

Between the Scamdemic, the lockdowns, and Operation Warp Speed, what president, in American history, has achieved as much as Trump in furthering the Satanic Globalist agenda?

Trump was an important means of controlled opposition because tyranny requires mass compliance. He was able to get liberty-minded people to trust him in the tyrannical COVID measures. Liberals are fearful and would have gone along with the measures anyway. This is why it would have been more difficult for Hillary Clinton to pull off Corona Fascism; she is too polarizing with non-liberals.

Then there is Elon Musk. He shows up at the right time on Twitter “to save” us from the elite, and yet is a technocratic transhumanist. He gets rich from the Globalists. For example, his company SpaceX has gotten billions in (Globalist) government contracts.

Musk provides hopium that someone rich and powerful is looking out for the liberty movement — but is in the meantime creating technology that the elites would use to enslave us.

And then, there is Vladimir Putin, and the false narrative in alternative media that he is fighting the Globalists (which was probably fostered by the Globalists via controlled opposition).

No, he is not at war with globalism just because he opposes the Globalist West via the Ukraine War. He is a Globalist. It seems more likely that the war is a means for all of the nations involved (Russia included) to increase their control over their own people, and to further the collapse of the world economies to bring about the Globalist Great Reset.

If Putin and the Russian government are not Globalists, then why have they been implementing in lockstep the same Corona Fascist script as the other Globalist-controlled countries? But the Putin “warring with the Globalists” narrative serves to further instill hopium in the liberty movement.

David Knight on Trump and Musk as tools of the Globalist elite

Controlled Opposition and Vaccines

Regarding controlled opposition and vaccines, I will raise a couple of areas of concern. However, I want to be clear that I don’t believe everyone involved in said concerns are controlled opposition. (Some may be wolves, while others may be sheep unwittingly helping the wolves.)

The first concern is, how many voices against vaccination still turn around and would have us back and trust Donald Trump — who gave us vaccine genocide (via Operation Warpspeed), and whom it appears would continue to do so?

His complicity is very obvious, and yet all the excuses in the world are given for him. No, we shouldn’t support Biden or any other Globalist candidate either — but the wolf within the camp might be more dangerous than the wolf outside of the camp.

(Voting, it should be noted, is an ethical matter. When no candidates are biblically qualified, we do not have the moral liberty to vote for whomever we want. Jesus Christ, the King of kings, is always on the throne, and so we are better off pleasing Him than voting for the “lesser of two evils” — and what makes one “lesser” is not always easy to gauge.)

The second concern is the elephant in the room: most liberty leaders who oppose vaccines say vaccination should be a matter of “choice.”

They are of course right when it is framed as having freedom to choose not to be vaccinated — that is, that vaccine mandates are wrong.

But when the choice has to do with the right to be vaccinated, it doesn’t make any sense. Why should people have the right to poison themselves — and especially their children?

It is a pro-abortion/euthanasia mentality; and if consistent, people would have the right to use any poison on themselves and their children.

This narrative opposes the obvious solution: that vaccination should be criminalized. In this way, the vaccinators would be put out of business and brought to justice (by degree of complicity), and the deceived could not poison themselves and their children.

Since the prevalent “pro-choice” vaccine philosophy allows for the murderous business of vaccination to stay intact — and the vaccinators to avoid criminal responsibility — I fear there is some controlled opposition influencing the vaccine awareness/anti vaccine movement on this matter.

Again, as I have said, I’m not saying those with such a philosophy are necessarily controlled opposition — but they are at least unwittingly doing its work. The cartoon below illustrates the point.

Dealing with Controlled Opposition on a Practical Level

My own thoughts are not to be paranoid about controlled opposition, but to realize that it is a reality — and be careful whom we trust. We don’t want to assume someone is controlled opposition without evidence; but at the same time, we don’t want to naively trust anyone just because they say what we like. Trust must be earned.

Now, even though controlled opposition is useful to the elites, sometimes it may also be useful to us. Some whom I suspect of being controlled still disseminate useful information helpful to the liberty movement. Controlled opposition is a double-edged sword, and thus we need to know the correct side of the blade to cut with to use it to our advantage — and the dangerous side of the blade to avoid.

Some believe Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is controlled. I don’t know — I am on the one hand cautious with him (it’s hard to imagine that he is not blackmailed in some way), but on the other, benefit greatly from his information on vaccines.

And so everyone — whether controlled or not, suspected or not — must be taken on a case-by-case as to how to be approached. The key is to avoid deception and to not let anyone lead you into a trap — stay objective, do not put all of your eggs into one basket, and avoid thinking that we can be passive while the leaders of the liberty movement — many of whom must surely be controlled — do all of the work. When we do our own part to oppose tyranny, we are making a difference, even if our leaders are not.

Concluding Thoughts

I do plan to post more on the topic of controlled opposition with historical examples. But, to wrap up for now, those of us who are Christians must be careful not to be deceived. We must guard our hearts, value truth, and not let our objectivity be clouded by charismatic personalities.

Remember that we are in a fallen world, and deception is all around. Controlled opposition is everywhere — not just in society in general, but within the church as well.

“Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14, ESV)

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?” (Matthew 7:15, 16, ESV)

“Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.” (2 Timothy 3:12, 13, ESV)

“And what I am doing I will continue to do, in order to undermine the claim of those who would like to claim that in their boasted mission they work on the same terms as we do. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.”
(2 Corinthians 11: 12-15, ESV)

And so, we must, as Christians, prayerfully guard our hearts from deception. But we must, at the same time, be charitable. Let us not be hasty to accuse anyone of being controlled opposition.

The elites are not in control. God is, and He will reveal all someday.

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