We see the same deadly and deceptive patterns throughout vaccine history.
For instance — blaming the disease (whether actual or fictitious) for the results of the “cure” — resulting in panic and mass vaccination.
Just as much of the COVID hysteria was generated by people murdered by so-called COVID treatments (e.g., ventilators and Remdesivir) — which drove people to unwittingly harm themselves with the deadly COVID vaccine — much of the smallpox hysteria was generated by people killed by so-called smallpox treatments (e.g., bloodletting, mercury), which drove people to unwittingly harm themselves with the deadly smallpox vaccine.
In the case of smallpox, we have this from Rex U. Lloyd, cited in The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination (1957):
If the death rate of smallpox and fevers was so enormous, it was largely due to the medical treatment of that time. … Dr. Russell T. Trall, the eminent Natural Hygienist, considered smallpox “as essentially . . not a dangerous disease.” He cared for large numbers of patients afflicted with smallpox and never lost a case. Under conventional medical treatment, patients were drugged heroically, bled profusely, were smothered in blankets, wallowed in dirty linen, were allowed no water, fresh air and stuffed with milk, brandy or wine. Antimony and Mercury were medicated in large doses. Physicians kept their patients bundled up warm in bed, with the room heated and doors and windows carefully closed, so that not a breath of fresh air could get in, and given freely large doses of drugs to induce sweating (Sudorifics), plus wine and aromatized liquors. Fever patients were put into vaporbath chambers in order to sweat the impurities out of the system. Given no water when they cried for it and when gasping for air were carried to a dry-hot room and after a while were returned to the steam torture. Many must have died of Heat Stroke!
Eleanor McBean, The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination (1957, Whale, June 2002). Retrieved May 25, 2023, from http://www.whale.to/a/mcbean.html
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Amazing stuff. It’s just as shocking that in today’s climate we are not allowed to even question *anything* as it pertains to the treatment of disease/illness. We cannot question “the science.” One only has to look at the history of medical interventions to find the failure of hundreds of examples of “the science” in practice. “The science” that was later proven to be causing more harm than good. Some of us here still remember when 4 out of 5 doctors recommended smoking camel filterless cigarettes and literally advertised smoking them on TV with a cigarette in their mouths and a patient sitting on the exam table. In today’s insane climate we would be unable to question that at all. Instead, we would be encouraged to take the latest “vaccine” for whatever illness was being caused by smoking camel filterless cigarettes. Oh how I wish people would wake up.
Yes indeed. The bloodletters were vaccinators. This should tell us something!