As we show again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, vaccination kills.
So what about the unborn in particular? If vaccination kills those already born, how much more potential does it have to kill the unborn — who are much more weak and helpless? Reasoning from the greater to the lesser makes vaccines as a killer of the unborn self-evident if we already know that vaccines kill the born.
Indeed, vaccination has always been a cause of abortion — which is what we would expect from a practice that injects poisons into a pregnant mother’s bloodstream.
And so when we talk about vaccines and abortion, not only are abortions often used to create vaccines (via the use of aborted baby tissue) — but vaccines result in abortions.
Let’s examine vaccine history to show that it is impossible to be both pro-life and pro-vaccine.
Slaughter of the unborn in early vaccine history
Smallpox variolation/inoculation
Vaccination has been slaughtering the unborn since its inception with smallpox variolation — technically the forerunner to vaccination, but in essence the beginning of vaccination; vaccination in all but name.
(Smallpox variolation inoculates one with smallpox, while smallpox vaccination — which replaced it — inoculates one with cowpox.)
Dr. William Douglass led the opposition to this insidious practice after it was introduced in New England in the 1700s. On abortion in particular, he says:
Their Daring Practice on Women with Child who miscarry’d while under Inoculation, they do not mention, as if procuring Abortion were a very innocent Practice, I forbear the Names of some who are instances of this Wickedness.
Dr. William Douglass, Inoculation of the Small Pox as Practised in Boston, Consider’d in a Letter to A-S– M.D. & F.R.S. in London (Boston, MA: J. Franklin, 1722), 12.
Elsewhere, Douglass writes,,
We all knew of nine or ten inoculation deaths, besides abortions that could not be concealed. We suspect more who died in the height of smallpox, it being only known to their nearest relations whether they died of inoculation or in the natural way.
William Douglass: Against Inoculation for Smallpox. Cited in The Annals of America: Volume 1: 1493-1754: Discovering a New World (Chicago, IL: William Benton, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1968), 348.
Later, in 1798, Dr. George Pearson would note that this practice very often killed the unborn and mother alike:
The inoculated Small Pox is so commonly mortal to the unborn in every period of gestation, and so frequently so likewise to the mother in advanced states of gestation, that no prudent practitioner would choose to inoculate under these circumstances; but to escape the taking the disease by effluvia, in the casual way.
George Pearson, An Inquiry Concerning the History of the Cow Pox Principally with a view to Supercede and Extinguish the Small Pox (London: J. Johnson, 1798). In Edgar M. Crookshank, ed., History and Pathology of Vaccination, Vol. II: Selected Essays (London: H.K. Lewis, 1889), 69.
The threat of smallpox variolation/inoculation to pregnant mother and child alike is further testified to in The Philosophical Magazine in 1805:
Pregnancy is a situation in which inoculation generally produced abortion, and the death of the individual.
Cases of this sort are to be found in every author. …
“A physician at Winchester informs me,” says Dr. Kirkpatrick in his Analysis of Inoculation, that in the several towns of Hampshire, Sussex, and Surrey, there have been inoculated 2000, of whom two only died, both pregnant women, who admitted this operation contrary to the opinion of their physician.”
Alexander Tilloch, The Philosophical Magazine, Vol. XX (London: R. Taylor and Co., Blac-Horse-Court, Fleet-street, 1805), 248, 249.
Smallpox vaccination
Smallpox vaccination would replace smallpox variolation in the 1800s. One poison was replaced by another; smallpox with cowpox. Children in the womb remained unsafe.
A book in 1872 notes that
“some physicians entertain the opinion that it is improper to vaccinate pregnant women on account of inducing abortion or miscarriage …”
Eustace Trenor and Heman P. Babock, eds., The Western Lancet: Volume One (San Francisco, CA: A.L. Bancroft & Company, Printers & Lithographers, 1872), 340.
Professor Charles D. Meigs, in “Women: her Diseases and Remedies” (1859), says:
Pregnant women ought never to be vaccinated. This is a rule I advise you not to depart from even on the most urgent occasion. If a woman have been once vaccinated, and appeal to you to revaccinate her because there is a present variolous epidemic, I hope you will refuse to accede to her request. I have been the witness of dreadful distress from the operation. Eschew it, I entreat you.
Charles D. Meigs, “Women: her Diseases and Remedies,” (Philadelphia, PA: 1859), 597. Cited in Ibid., 340, 341.
The following is noted in the North Carolina Medical Journal (1883):
VACCINATION DURING PREGNANCY.-Dr. Martin showed a specimen of a foetus which had contracted vaccinia in utero from the mother. Illustrates Dr. Meigs’ statement that “vaccination during pregnancy is murderous.”-Boston Med. and Surg. Jour.
Thomas F. Wood, ed., North Carolina Medical Journal, Volumes 11-12 (Wilmington, NC: 1883), 162.
Dr. William Hitchman writes in 1882,
Small-pox, I repeat, when compared with constitutional syphilis, as propagated by vaccination, is like the sweetest and loveliest blossom, that was ever washed with morning dew, or embalmed in the tears of the fairest rose ! State-quackery attacks, by preference, the young and newly-born ; neither purity, nor innocence is defended from its wholesale, indiscriminate, corrupting influence ; the strength of youth it often reduces to weakness; the healthy blood of the blooming virgin it converts to contagious poison; it blights the infant in the womb, its Protean form eludes detection by experienced eyes, and contaminates the very milk, as you have seen, drawn by the child from its mother’s breast. These are the conclusions of scientific men, whose knowledge and experience of vaccination qualify them beyond interested ex-officio advocates to judge rightly of both sides of this national question.
William Hitchman, “Why do you Object to Vaccination,” The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review, Vol. III, No. 35 (February 1882). In The Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review, Volume the Third, April 1881 – March 1882 (London, 1882), 201.
From The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination (1957):
A careful check showed that “47 per cent of women who had been vaccinated in the second or third month of pregnancy, failed to give birth to a normal child.” (p. 47, “Vaccination at Work)”
The Consulting Pediatrician of Lanarkshire County Council in an article in The Lancet (London) December 6, 1952 reported one of the typical cases of this survey. This woman was about three months pregnant when she was vaccinated for smallpox. The report states: “She developed a severe primary reaction and three months later she was spontaneously delivered of a feeble hydropic premature infant covered with a very severe generalized vaccinia. The child died 18 hours after birth.”
Many of the new strange diseases of modern times can be traced to vaccination or medication of the child or the mother.
Eleanor McBean, The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination (1957, Whale, June 2002). Retrieved February 8, 2023, from http://www.whale.to/a/mcbean.html
More recent history

The slaughter continues in our day. Here is a sampling from the VAERS reporting database earlier this century:
Flu vaccine
Seven weeks into her pregnancy, the patient had a spontaneous abortion. [5 days after vaccination]Flu vaccine
Miscarriage at six weeks gestation one week after flu vaccination.Flu vaccine
Miscarriage at 10 weeks gestation within 48 hours of administrationFlu vaccine
Headache, lower back pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of unborn child. Lasted for two weeks; resulted in hospitalization. [Onset date 2 days after vaccination]Cited in Whale.to, Found 25 events with Vaccine as FLU and Symptom is Abortion. Retrieved April 20, 2023, from http://www.whale.to/vaccine/found.html
In 2004, the Sunday Mirror reported this about the anthrax vaccine:
Deaths, still-births, miscarriages, physical defects and sickness are all being blamed on anthrax jabs given to soldiers who went to Iraq.
In the case of 33 Field Hospital – an Army unit of 105 men and women who served in the Gulf last year – not one pregnancy has been trouble-free since the war. …
The Sunday Mirror can reveal that since the war was declared over last May at least seven young couples linked to 33 Field Hospital have suffered pregnancy complications – most with tragic circumstances.
In fact not one pregnancy has been trouble-free.
As well as the death of Kye there has been one still-birth, two miscarriages, a forced termination and two premature births.
In every case one of the parents was given anthrax jabs.
The figures are shocking, especially when compared to the national average. …
The unit – comprising medics, chefs, Royal Engineers, drivers, clerks and quartermasters – then moved up to Basra in southern Iraq.
Army sources say that in Gulf War 1 women soldiers were warned not to conceive within 12 months of various vaccinations being administered.
But members of 33 Field Hospital, based in Gosport, Hants – and other troops who served in the Gulf – say no warnings were given about anthrax jabs.
Experts now fear thousands of British troops who had the vaccinations face problems with having children.
Mike Hamilton, Scandal of the Anthrax Babies (Sunday Mirror, February 29, 2004). Retrieved April 20, 2023, from http://www.whale.to/a/anthrax67.html
Regarding the H1N1 swine flu vaccine:
A recent study documents that the swine flu (H1N1) vaccine that was added to the US schedule in 2009-2010 resulted in 6-11 times the vaccine-related miscarriages of either the previous or following year. The study’s author strongly suggests that the preservative thimerosol is the likely culprit. …
The author uses both the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data base and an independent survey conducted by the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW). A statistical analysis was done to extrapolate the likely number of miscarriages that occurred after the swine flu vaccination across the nation. Goldman states:
[T]he 174 VAERS fetal loss case reports represent 13.2% (174/1321) of the total estimated fetal loss reports in the US population.
That means there were about 590 miscarriages as a result of flu vaccines in 2009/10.
Heidi Stevenson, Swine Flu Vax Increased Vaccine-Related Miscarriages 6-11 Times (Whale.to, originally published in gaia-health.com, October 14, 2012). Retrieved April 19, 2023, from http://www.whale.to/v/swine_flu_vax4.html
The study refered to is G.S. Goldman, Comparison of VAERS fetal-loss reports during three consecutive influenza seasons: Was there a synergistic fetal toxicity associated with the two-vaccine 2009/2010 season? Human & Experimental Toxicology. 2013;32(5):464-475. Available at https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0960327112455067
Now to the infamous Gardasil HPV vaccine. From one of its own package inserts:
In pre-licensure clinical studies of GARDASIL 9 … The rates of pregnancies that resulted in a miscarriage were 27.4% (17/62) and 12.7% (7/55) in subjects who received GARDASIL 9 or GARDASIL, respectively. [pp. 10, 11]
Safety and effectiveness of GARDASIL 9 have not been established in pregnant women. [p. 25]
GARDASIL®9, (Human Papillomavirus 9-valent Vaccine, Recombinant)
Suspension for intramuscular injection
Initial U.S. Approv al: 2014 (Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp, 2006-2020). Retrieved April 19, 2023, from https://www.fda.gov/media/90064/download
On the insert’s 27.4% rate of miscarriage that followed the Gardasil vaccine, Norma Erickson writes:
According to the CDC’s latest publication on fetal mortality, the rate of spontaneous abortions and fetal deaths in the United States is 6.05/1,000 pregnancies or 0.605% – hardly 10.9%, much less 27.4%, and certainly not ‘consistent with outcomes observed in the general population’ of the United States.
Norma Erickson, FDA approved Gardasil 9: Malfeasance or Stupidity? (SaneVax, Inc.,December 17, 2014). Retrieved April 19, 2023, from https://sanevax.org/fda-approved-gardasil-9-malfeasance-or-stupidity/
Let us keep in mind that the overall vaccine schedule already keeps the national average of miscarriages higher than it normally would be.
The H1N1 flu vaccine, discussed above, was one of the worst vaccines when it comes to abortion. But it appears that Gardasil HPV vaccine — at least in around 2011 — has the prize:
The research and post was written by Steven M. Rubin, Ph.D., a computer scientist who maintains the online searchable VAERS database, MedAlerts. He has managed this database voluntarily and independent of his official work since 2003 and has worked with the NVIC since 2005. 1. …
However, the VAERS data proved him wrong. Dr. Rubin acknowledges the “results are shocking. First of all, the H1N1 Flu vaccine has appeared in miscarriage events more often than almost any other vaccine.
And then he states:
But the graph has more shocking results for us. The H1N1 Flu vaccine appears in many of the abortion/stillbirth cases, but not the most. The “winner,” appearing in 297 of the VAERS records associated with miscarriage, is Gardasil (vaccine code HPV4)! Once again, this vaccine is a newcomer, having only existed for 4 years.
Abortion Stillbirth Events from Gardasil Far Exceed All Other Vaccines (SaneVax, Inc., Jan 24, 2011). Retrieved April 19, 2023, from https://sanevax.org/abortion-stillbirth-events-gardasil/
Then again, with the COVID vaccine, Gardasil has a run for its money. Dr. James Thorp, Obstetrician-Gynecologist/Fetal Medicine Specialist says this regarding certain data on women who received the COVID shot:
Of the 270 pregnant women, 238 were not followed up. And of the data that they did present with a miscarriage, it was 80 percent miscarriage rate. [Watch the interview here]
Truth Provider, 80% Miscarriage Rate After the Pfizer Injection – Dr. James Thorp, OBGYN (Bitchute, November 30, 2022). Retrieved April 20, 2023, from https://www.bitchute.com/video/9eotAwQG4lqm/
Video source: November 29, 2022 American Thought Leaders / Epoch Times:
And according to registered nurse Michelle Gershman:
Gershman noted that more unborn babies began dying in her hospital right around the spring of 2021, when the COVID-19 vaccines first started being distributed in the United States.
“I already noticed that this increase in fetal demises was happening, but no one was really saying anything about them,” recalled Gershman. “When I started working there, I would see one fetal demise every two or three months. And then when these shots started coming out, we were starting to see them maybe once a week.” …
For months, administrators at Gershman’s hospital refused to address the issue. But by Sept. 2022, a hospital manager finally emailed employees admitting that the number of fetal deaths went from one or two per month to at least 20 each month. Gershman noted that the sudden rise coincided with the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines.
Arsenio Toledo, Nurse whistleblower: Fetal deaths have SKYROCKETED since pregnant women started being forced to get COVID-19 vaccines (Abortions.News, December 7, 2022). Retrieved April 20, 2023, from https://abortions.news/2022-12-07-fetal-deaths-skyrocketed-prenant-women-covid-vaccines.html
So what’s the goal?
There is no way that the Globalist manipulators pushing vaccination are not aware that vaccines cause abortions (and deaths of those of any age, for that matter). In fact, they are so aware of it, that they work hard to have info about it censored via their acolytes in government, business, the media, and everywhere else.
It is self-evident. It is about depopulation. They want to murder your child — and if they can’t murder you too, they want to at least sterilize you.
In our article Abortion-causing Vaccines Openly Promoted in Pro-Vaxx Circles, we show the push for vaccines that cause spontaneous abortions in the name of population control.
In our article Covert use of Abortion-causing Vaccines Around the World, we cover how such vaccinations have been reportedly used — covertly — around the world to sterilize recipients and murder their unborn children.
Please share widely. Even today, many sincerely pro-life people are participating in the pro-death agenda without knowing it. A consistent pro-life movement is against murdering the unborn in all circumstances, including murder by injection.
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