Deception, Mass Murder

FAKE Cause of Death: Did Vaccinators Influence the Nazis?


Concealing cause of death to cover mass murder is nothing new.

Probably the most publicly acknowledged example is the Nazi euthanasia program. Helping to publicly expose it was Bishop Clemens von Galen. He was Catholic — and I don’t endorse much of Catholicism — but his courage in the face of tyranny was admirable. In a sermon in 1941, he says,

[T]he patients who have been selected for killing are removed from their home area to some distant place. Some illness or other is then given as the cause of death. Since the body is immediately cremated, the relatives and the criminal police are unable to establish whether the patient had in fact been ill or what the cause of death actually was.

Clemens von Galen, The Murder of Unproductive Persons (August 3, 1941). Retrieved March 30, 2021, from

And as noted in a documentary,

Forged death certificates would be sent, giving falsified reasons for the death. … Due to clerical errors, some death certificates were sent with obvious impossible reasons for death, such as a teenager dying from old age. Or death from appendicitis when their appendix had previously been removed.

Disturban History, T4 – The Nazi Forced Euthanasia Program – Short History Documentary (YouTube, Sep 26, 2021). Retrieved April 8, 2023, from

Those aware of the lies used to conceal vaccinations as a cause of death might initially think that the vaccinators were influenced by the Nazis. There may be some truth to this, but ultimately it is probably more so the reverse: the Nazis were influenced by the vaccinators.

Sure, the use of diagnoses such as “SIDS” (to often conceal vaccine murder of infants) and “SADS” (to often conceal vaccine murder of all others) were used after the Nazi euthanasia program.

But long before the Nazi regime, vaccine murder (whether intentional or due to criminal negligence) was being concealed via other diagnoses. (Of course, today, vaccination is most definitely an intentional tool of murder by those at the top of the vaccine pyramid.)

Some examples from England: in the 1800s, death certificates were manipulated to conceal death by vaccination. For instance, two “causes of death” (prior to “SIDS”) were “suffocation” and “overlaying.”

Germany, of course, had already long participated in vaccination by the time of the Nazi regime. Surely, to sustain the vaccine myth and to cover frequent vaccine deaths, the German medical profession and authorities had to engage in the same deceptive practices that we have seen in England. Vaccination is vaccination, wherever it occurs.

Not everyone, of course, pushing vaccination would be consciously complicit in deception (some are sincere and oblivious), but the vaccine racket does nonetheless require a large number of deliberate deceivers (who are either malevolent, greedy for gain, indifferent, or pragmatic in order to achieve in their minds the “greater good”).

Since, then, many German doctors and authorities would already have been participating in the vaccine deception, it was a small step (if that) for those to go from lying to conceal vaccines as a cause of death to lying to conceal the murder of Germans deemed “unfit” to live. (For the same reasons given above — malevolence, greed, etc.)

Indeed, disease hysteria that had long been a cover for vaccine murder would become cover for the Nazi euthanasia program:

Akin to the children’s programme, family members were notified of the victim’s death, and given a forged cause of death, and often a false location of death. Under the guise that there was a high ‘risk of disease spread’, families were told the bodies were cremated immediately. Rumours began to circulate because of errors in the reporting of deaths, and the public began to question what was happening at these sites.

Meaghan Ann Hepburn, Lives Worthy of Life and Remembrance: Memorialization of the National Socialist Aktion T4 Euthanasia Programme, A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Graduate Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures
University of Toronto (Meaghan Ann Hepburn, 2014), 42. Retrieved April 8, 2023, from

But we haven’t learned from even the Nazis. Vaccine deception/murder continues. And there are always new pretexts for disguised medical murder, such as COVID “treatments” including ventilators and Remdesivir (which are masked as “COVID” deaths when they kill).

The medical system pushing these deadly protocols is already, like the Nazis were, very experienced in murder and deception via vaccination. So it is hardly even a small step to get to arrive where we are today.

The madness has no end. In 2022 the Associated Press reports this about Canada’s euthanasia law:

Tim Stainton, director of the Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship at the University of British Columbia, described Canada’s law as “probably the biggest existential threat to disabled people since the Nazis’ program in Germany in the 1930s.” …

Canada is the only country that allows nurse practitioners, not just doctors, to end patients’ lives. Medical authorities in its two largest provinces, Ontario and Quebec, explicitly instruct doctors not to indicate on death certificates if people died from euthanasia.

August 11, 2022
Maria Cheng, ‘Disturbing’: Experts troubled by Canada’s euthanasia laws (The Associated Press, August 11, 2022).
Retrieved April 10, 2023, from

The Project writes:

In fact, the Collège des médecins du Québec and pharmacy and nursing regulators in the province had already made the decision. In August [2015], the three regulators issued a Practice Guide directing Quebec physicians to falsify death certificates in euthanasia cases.

“The physician must write as the immediate cause of death the disease or morbid condition which justified [the medical aid in dying] and caused the death. It is not a question of the manner of death (cardiac arrest), but of the disease, accident or complication that led to the death. The term medical aid in dying should not appear on this document.”

Sean Murphy, A bureaucracy of medical deception
(The Project). Retrieved April 10, 2023, from

See where things lead. Had vaccination — with its inescapable attendant evils of murder and deception — ended by now, things might have been different.

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