History, Mass Murder

SHOT through the Heart: “SADS” & Sudden Vaccine-caused Deaths


With “SIDS” used to conceal sudden vaccine-caused deaths in infants, we would expect there to be an equivalent term to conceal sudden vaccine-caused deaths in adults.

And there is. It is “SADS” — “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” or “Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome.”

And actually, it covers children, too. (Convenient, since most children are too old to be called a SIDS victim if killed by vaccination.) A SADS information site in the UK says:

In about 1 in every 20 cases of sudden cardiac death, no definite cause of death can be found, even after the heart has been examined by an expert cardiac pathologist. This is then called Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome. In the past it has also been called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome or Sudden Death Syndrome but, because it affects children too, the term Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome is now used. It is thought that cot death (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS) may be partly due to the same causes responsible for SADS.

Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome, About SADS (sads.org). Retrieved April 1, 2023 from https://www.sads.org.uk

Ironic that they say “It is thought that cot death (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS) may be partly due to the same causes responsible for SADS.” No kidding.

Note also that the SADS diagnosis shares the convenience of SIDS – as the above quotes says, “no definite cause of death can be found, even after the heart has been examined by an expert cardiac pathologist.” The diagnosis requires no proof, and can be easily and arbitrarily applied with impunity to vaccine victims: “He died from heart failure. We are not sure why — but don’t worry, we know it was not the vaccine. It is a common condition called SADS.”

The British Heart Foundation likewise affirms the lack of evidence needed for a SADS diagnosis:

Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome is when someone dies suddenly and unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest, but the cause of the cardiac arrest can’t be found. …

A condition that causes SADS is undetectable after death because the heart will appear normal.

British Heart Foundation, Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (Last updated September 2021). Retrieved April 1, 2023, from https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/conditions/sads

And a doctor says this:

Dr Paratz said that from a public health perspective, combating SADS was ‘not as easy as everyone in Australia getting genetically screened’ as scientists were still not 100 per cent clear on ‘what genes cause this’.

Tom Heaton, Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome – as doctors seek answers through a new national register, Daily Mail.com (June 8, 2022). Retrieved April 1, 2023, from https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10895067/Doctors-trying-determine-young-people-suddenly-dying.html

In SADS, we do not dispute that cardiac problems are the cause of death. We take exception to the automatic dismissal of vaccination as a likely, if not definite, cause of death.

That SADS is a cover for vaccine-caused deaths is most obvious since mass COVID vaccinations. Ever since, young, healthy people – including a large number athletes – have been dropping like flies.

And so Brian Shilhavy, in an article in September 2022 giving examples of COVID vaccine victims, writes:

The sheer number of young, healthy adults dying “suddenly” has become so well-known now, that even the corporate media can no longer ignore these record number of deaths occurring among the working class ages between 18-years-old and 65.

The correlation between these “sudden deaths” and the roll out of the COVID vaccines is indisputable, but because “correlation does not equal causation,” the corporate media and the government health agencies continue to deny that the vaccines are at fault.

Finding no other possible cause for these record number of deaths among young and healthy people, they simply lump them altogether under the category of SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

But these stories are becoming so frequent now, that hopefully the blind and dumb-downed population who believed the lie are starting to wake up.

Brian Shilhavy, SADS: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” Explodes as Young and Healthy Adults Die Following COVID Vaccine Mandates (Vaccine Impact, September 6, 2022). Retrieved April 1, 2023, from https://vaccineimpact.com/2022/sads-sudden-adult-death-syndrome-explodes-as-young-and-healthy-adults-die-following-covid-vaccine-mandates/#

The “Real Science” website keeps track of many of the reports of those apparently harmed or killed by the COVID vaccine who are “reasonably fit, healthy and does some athletic activity,” including “many professional athletes and high level amateur athletes.”

As of this writing (April 4, 2023), the page headline reads “1798 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1244 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection.” You can access the casualty list here.

Where the vaccine status of a particular person is known, it is included. Of course, even without explicit knowledge of the status, due to sports vaccine mandates, we have a good idea that they were pretty much all vaccinated. Presumably, the deaths and injuries were officially attributed to anything but the COVID vaccine, such as “SADS.”

Here is a sampling from the website:

30/12/2022 Indiana, USA Dead
Uche Nwaneri (38)
, former Jacksonville Jaguars American Football player was found unresponsive after a cardiac arrest. He was pro-vaccination, and often spoke about jailing anti-vaxxers. “OK so lets get these vaccine mandates and Vaccine passports up and running ASAP. We seeing children DIE from the unvaccinated selfishness. Pregnant women at risk too. PROTECT LIFE. MANDATE THE VACCINE. Jail anyone who refuses, to protect LIFE.”

08/03/2022 Australia
Stewart McSweyn (25)
, Runner was unable to finish a 5,000 metres race in Melbourne, Australia 8th March 2022 due to breathing problems and will now be sent for respiratory and cardiac tests.“He’s fine at cruising pace, but when he goes at a really hard pace it’s different.” McSweyn recently had his COVID booster injection and entered the race in suburban Box Hill in an attempt to prove his fitness for the world indoor championships in Belgrade beginning on March 18 2022.

04/03/2022 Thailand Dead
Shane Warne (52)
, Australian cricket captain spin-bowler and one-day international was found unresponsive in his villa, due to a suspected cardiac arrest. Resuscitation attempts failed. He was twice vaccinated, and was diagnosed with COVID in August 2021. He was triple vaccinated. That also means he got COVID after being vaccinated at least once. Readers are saying his twitter feed showed that he received a booster on January 14th, but there are now no tweets from that date, so if they did exist, someone must have removed them.

28/01/2022 Malaysia Dead
Mohd Sobri (31)
, football referee, took a fitness test but collapsed due to cardiac arrest and died. Had his “second vaccination in Jun 2021 & received dose 3 a few weeks” before dying. This was reported to us directly, along with a Facebook post.

29/03/2022 England Dead
Lee Mallinson (51)
, Reading Swim Club coach. He was vaccinated and encourage others to get the vaccine. He died suddenly.

01/03/2022 California, USA Dead
Katie Myer (22)
, Stanford Footballer. Goalkeeper and captain for the Stanford women’s football team, was discovered dead in her dorm at Stanford University. No further explanation is given, other than she died “unexpectedly”. “All students coming to campus are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. In addition, COVID booster injections are required.

31/01/2022 Romania Dead
Valentin Gherebe (43)
, former hockey player was found unresponsive in his apartment after having a booster vaccine. Mother blames vaccine for killing her son. She said “My mother asked you not to get vaccinated for the third dose.”

24/01/2022 Hungary Dead
Szilveszter Csollany (51)
, six-time medalist at the European gymnastics championships, Hungary’s “Sportsman of the Year” in 2000 and 2002. Was vaccinated, then hospitalized with COVID-19 since early December and spent several weeks on a ventilator, then died.

09/01/2022 Victoria, Australia Dead
Harley Balic (25)
, Australian rules footballer. Former Fremantle and Melbourne midfielder Harley Balic has died, aged 25. The death is not treated as suspicious. Note that in October 2021, it was announced that “All AFL and AFLW players will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by mid-February or they will be barred from playing and training.”

04/01/2022 Australia Dead
James Kondilios (23)
, Ultra-healthy world-class powerlifter, was fully-vaccinated with no underlying health conditions, according to the Department of Health, died suddenly.

29/12/2021 Italy Dead
Michele Lo Conte (29)
, Footballer died in bed from a cardiac arrest. Vaccinated with his second COVID vaccine dose in July 2021 and prepared for a booster.

Real Science, “1798 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1244 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection.” Retrieved April 4, 2023, from https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot

In June 2022 (by which time the COVID vaccine had been pushed for about a year and a half), Dr. Rafael Castillo writes: 

Two weeks ago, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) sounded the alarm about the increase in sudden deaths which they labeled as SADS (sudden adult death syndrome).

This prompted them to develop the country’s first SADS registry to find out how serious the problem is, what’s causing it, and how it could be prevented. They didn’t attribute it to the anti-COVID vaccination, but a few observers noted that it’s difficult to disregard it as a possible cause. The phenomenon was described as a “mysterious syndrome that has left Australian doctors searching for answers.” According to an official statement of the RACGP, SADS usually occurs in apparently healthy adults under 40 years of age, wherein no definite cause could be established even after autopsy or postmortem examination.

Cardiologist and researcher Dr. Elizabeth Paratz from the Melbourne’s Baker Heart Institute explained that these unfortunate victims had the cardiac arrest “with no cause found on the back end.”

Rafael Castillo-M.D., Increase in sudden adult deaths baffles experts (Lifestyle Inq, June 20, 2022). Retrieved April 1, 2023, from https://lifestyle.inquirer.net/408762/increase-in-sudden-adult-deaths-baffles-experts/

And regarding the COVID shot, the DOD admits:

A new study of U.S. service members found higher than expected rates of heart inflammation following receipt of COVID-19 vaccines. It’s a finding Defense Department researchers say should call attention to the condition, known as myocarditis, as a potential side effect of the immunizations.

Patricia Kime, DoD Confirms: Rare Heart Inflammation Cases Linked to COVID-19 Vaccines (Military.com, June 30, 2021). Retrieved April 3, 2023, from https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/06/30/dod-confirms-rare-heart-inflammation-cases-linked-covid-19-vaccines.html

The SADS diagnoses did not begin with deaths from the COVID shot. They have just increased exponentially, as the COVID shot appears to cause a much greater degree of sudden deaths than any other vaccine currently being used. (This does not mean that non-COVID vaccines are relatively safe for adults – even if you survive “sudden death,” you may get a long-term illness, such as cancer.)

And so, the SADS Foundation began last century:

In the early 1970s, Dr. G. Michael Vincent and his associates at the LDS Hospital/University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah, identified and began to study and treat several families with the long QT syndrome (LQTS), a genetic cardiac disorder than can cause sudden death in young people. Dr. Vincent’s team actively expanded the family pedigrees and prospectively screened family members for LQTS. With this approach, many LQTS patients were identified. One family was particularly large and became the world’s largest single LQTS pedigree. …

Seeing “the better way” to disseminate and educate, the Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes (SADS) Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, was established on December 12, 1991 by Dr. Vincent and several dedicated colleagues and LQTS family members, for the purpose of helping to prevent sudden and unexpected cardiac death in children and in young adults.

SADS Foundation History, About SADS (sads.org). Retrieved April 1, 2023, from https://sads.org/about-us/sads-foundation-history/

To show that vaccines in general and not just the COVID shot can easily account for SADS cases throughout the history of SADS diagnoses, let’s briefly cover some examples connecting pre-COVID vaccines and heart problems.

In 1986, an article titled “Myocarditis after triple immunization” reports:

We describe a 3 month old infant who developed myocarditis several hours after diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccination. The time of occurrence of symptoms, the clinical course, and the negative virological studies suggest a possible cardiogenic adverse reaction to the vaccine.

Amsel SG, Hanukoglu A, Fried D, Wolyvovics M. Myocarditis after triple immunisation. Arch Dis Child. 1986 Apr;61(4):403-5. doi: 10.1136/adc.61.4.403. PMID: 3486636; PMCID: PMC1777748.

In 2006, a press release from the DOD states,

A panel of military physician experts has concluded that vaccinations may have caused the death of a 26-year-old Army soldier.

The soldier, Pfc. Christopher “Justin” Abston, received smallpox and injectable influenza vaccines in November 2005, at Fort Bragg, N.C., 16 days before suffering sudden death in his barracks room. …

Among the one million military personnel given smallpox vaccine since December 2002, 120 developed myocarditis or similar conditions, but none of them died.

U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), News Release, “Vaccines May Have Caused A Soldier’s Death” (June 22, 2006). Retrieved April 3, 2023, from http://www.whale.to/vaccines/myocarditis8.html. Originally posted at http://www.defenselink.mil/releases/2006/nr20060622-13316.html

Commenting on this, Dr. Meryl Nass writes,

Please note that CDC found a much higher rate of myocarditis in smallpox vaccine recipients than did DOD: 1 in 1,725, according to Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report put out by CDC.  In a vaccine trial of smallpox vaccines conducted by Acambis the rate of myocarditis was 1 in 973.  A 1978 study in Finnish military recruits found a much higher rate using looser criteria (1 in 29). …

Claiming that no previous smallpox recipients died with myocarditis is also blatantly untrue.  Twenty-two year old Rachel Lacy died in early 2003, one month after receiving five vaccines in one day (including smallpox and anthrax) and her autopsy demonstrated myocarditis.  Two panels asked to evaluate her death for DOD agreed her death was probably vaccine-related.

Meryl Nass, Myocarditis death in soldier may have been caused by vaccines–DOD press release, June 22, 2006. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from http://www.whale.to/vaccines/myocarditis8.html

Dr. Meryl Nass also, again speaking to the problem of vaccines and heart attacks, said this in a Testimony to the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee on September 25, 2007:

According to the military’s Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS) raw data, soldiers vaccinated with anthrax vaccine have heart attacks at a greater rate than prior to vaccination.

Meryl Nass, MD, Director of Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Mount Desert Island Hospital Bar Harbor, Maine, Gulf War Illnesses, Testimony to the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee (September 25, 2007), 3. Retrieved April 5, 2023, from https://www.veterans.senate.gov/services/files/CD8D2CCD-3EEA-46E4-A8FB-23D2C85E79B3

The following is from Swine Flu Expose (1977) by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D.:

Dr. Selye of the University of Montreal, one of the world’s foremost authorities on human stress, stated:

“After inoculations, elderly people and the chronically ill are particularly predisposed to have certain stress reactions such as heart failure.” (Enquirer 12/21/76)

In spite of this and other similar findings, the vaccine promoters urged all the senior citizens, the old and ill the high risk cases to be the first in line to get their shots. Because of this mad rush for profits the promoters are guilty of causing all those needless deaths of the elderly people a few hours after they had their shots.

Dr. Cyril Wecht, of Allegheny, Pa. performed autopsies on several of the flu vaccine victims and said:

“People should have been advised to ask their doctor if the shots were safe for them, especially if they’d had heart attacks or high blood pressure — but this was not done.”

Eleanora I. McBean, Swine Flu Expose: Chapter 1 Swine Flu–Another Medically-made Epidemic (1977). Retrieved April 6, 2023, from http://www.whale.to/vaccine/sf1a.html#VACCINE%20CAN%20TRIGGER%20HEART%20ATTACK

Death by heart attack is apparently one of several ways vaccines are designed to kill you to further Globalist depopulation goals.

The late Australian Dr. Archie Kalokerinos knows something about vaccines and genocide. He personally worked with and supported the Aborigines, who were targeted for murder via vaccination campaigns. Here are some of his experiences, where many died via heart attack from vaccination:

Perhaps the most infamous connection was when I was working up in the Gulf country of Australia and Cape York in 1976 and I observed in some Aboriginal communities where the Health department came around and vaccinated them against a particular brand of flu, that a lot of them just dropped dead shortly after receiving the vaccine. And I went to Alman, a man who was in his early twenties and I flew the bodies across to Cairns at the coast where the autopsies were performed, and apparently they had had heart attacks. And I had some further experiences in Townshall, a few weeks later, particularly with diabetics. Now it was strange that I was the only doctor in the whole of … Australia that recognised this combination of events, and yet it was happening all over Australia. But this is fairly typical of my work really that other doctors for some reason seemed to go around with their heads in the sand…

Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, Interview—- International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995. Retrieved April 6, 2023, from http://www.whale.to/v/kalokerinos.html

This sounds eerily similar to the following description of the elderly in a retirement village consistently dying after vaccination over the course of two decades. Vaccine researcher Hilary Butler writes,

I’m sure many would be shocked at what I’m about to say, but when my father was in the retirement village, I had two decades to watch and absorb the fact that after flu vaccines were given to the elderly in a home, usually on the same day, the following two months were the best times to see if flats or rooms had become available. Even my father noticed just how many of his friends there, keeled over after a flu shot. Of course, the standard reply was that at that age, you could kick the bucket at any point. “Nothing to do with any vaccine”. Doesn’t alter the observation we’ve made, that the time when there are most rest home vacancies are in the period after the flu shot. Not the end of winter when you’d most expect it, but… just after the flu shot.

Hilary Butler, “‘Vaccinate Now’ to Beat Bird Flu” (Beyond Conformity, October 17, 2008). Retrieved April 7, 2023, from https://www.beyondconformity.co.nz/hilary-s-desk/-Vaccinate-now–to-beat-bird-flu

Since vaccination is a logical choice for murder, it is not terribly surprising to hear about it being used for assassination. Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, after discussing how vaccination was slaughtering the Australian Aborigine population, notes,

A few months later I was in America when President Ford was about to vaccinate the entire population of America, every man, woman and child, black, white and brindle against swine flu, because some idiot had told him there was going to be a massive epidemic that was going to kill millions of people. And my views received considerable publicity. In fact I ended up appearing on Catty Cosby’s television program, and I said it would be mass murder and I specifically described how people who had heart problems could drop dead. There was a man watching the programme in New York who did not like a particular gentleman by the name of Gambino. Gambino was 69 years old and a mafia boss. He thought this is a great idea. So he got someone to persuade Gambino to have his flu shot and Gambino promptly dropped dead. The heading of the newspapers went something like “Mafia flu jab conspiracy”. It was fairly obvious that the person who advised Gambino knew what would happen or was hoping that Gambino would drop dead. (Kalokerinos, Interview)

Why does vaccination threaten the heart? Dr. Eleanora I. McBean writes:

My previous research on vaccination revealed many cases of sudden death from heart failure after vaccinations. As stated many times before, all vaccines are poison and when they are shot directly into the bloodstream they circulate throughout the body including the heart, in a matter of seconds, and continue to circulate and cause corrosion and malfunction of all the delicate tissues of the body. The heart valves are made of fragile membrane which is affected by the poisons, in such a way as to render it incapable of proper functioning, leading to heart failure. At the same time, all other vital organs are impaired by the same poisons.

Eleanora I. McBean, Swine Flu Expose: Chapter 1 Swine Flu–Another Medically-made Epidemic (1977). Retrieved April 6, 2023, from http://www.whale.to/vaccine/sf1a.html#VACCINE%20CAN%20TRIGGER%20HEART%20ATTACK

The love affair with vaccines needs to end. Vaccination literally creates a broken heart.

Vaccination and your heart

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