In 1915 a pamphlet was published titled “Vaccination Results in New York State in 1914: Being a Study of Fifty-one Cases and Portraits and certain conclusions.” The pamphlet includes a large number of examples of children murdered by vaccination (yes — vaccination was always mass murder).
Here we include some of his comments and examples of vaccine victims in the pamphlet. You can access the pamphlet and read in its entirety here.
From the intro:
THE object of this pamphlet is to publish the result of a painstaking inquiry into the effects of vaccination in the State of New York in 1914.
My immediate personal interest in the subject is due to the death of my only son as a result of vaccination.
I have been a believer in and advocate of vaccination. I was myself vaccinated in childhood by the arm-to-arm method without ill effects. It was in accordance with this belief and in an honest effort to comply with the law that I had my son vaccinated. Even his death did not entirely shake my faith in the practice, but it led me to make an investigation of the results of vaccination in New York State in 1914. Owing to the difficulty of making a canvass in the great cities, no effort was made to collect statistics in New York and Buffalo, and but little in Rochester, Syracuse or Albany. My investigations were, therefore, practically confined to the rural or semi-rural portions of the State.
The result has been the gathering of such an appalling story of death and illness as to completely shatter my belief in the wisdom of enforced vaccination.
It should be understood that I am not a physician. This leaves me free to write with greater frankness in certain instances than would be permitted to a doctor by the ethics of his profession.
I desire to be understood as seeking nothing but the common good of humanity. In the pages that follow I have attempted to write without bias as far as is humanly possible. Only established facts are presented; extravagant statements have been avoided; in no single instance has a quotation been made from an anti-vaccination source. I have felt that my case is so strong that I could afford to be generous in my arguments.
The reader is invited to go over the facts as presented and draw his own conclusions as to the accuracy of the deductions made.
James A. Loyster, “Vaccination Results in New York State in 1914: Being a Study of Fifty-one Cases and Portraits and certain conclusions” (Cazenovia, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1915)
Comments on vaccine deaths and injuries
(1) Vaccination has been the cause, directly or indirectly, of the death of at least fifty children in New York state in 1914. The record herewith printed gives only the cases occurring in rural or suburban districts. Neither the time nor means were at hand to make canvass of the cities. While only 27 fatalities are here recorded, some of which are not clearly proven, it is believed that were the figures from the cities obtainable possible errors in the list would be more than offset and enough reported to swell the total to the number given.
(2) In addition to the deaths an appalling trail of illness has followed vaccination. It has been entirely beyond the scope of this publication to print even a partial record of these cases.
“Vaccination Results in New York State in 1914,” 38.
A sampling of vaccine victims

A couple recoveries

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