
Vaccines with Aborted Babies and the RETURN of CANNIBAL Culture


Let’s talk about cannibalism.

After all, it wasn’t too long ago that the chief Globalist-propaganda media outlet — the New York Timesreleased the article “A Taste for Cannibalism?”, promoting it with the following on Twitter:

Cannibalism has a time and a place. Some recent books, films and shows suggest that the time is now. Can you stomach it?

But Scripture does not speak well of. It is a curse in the context of Deuteronomy 28:56, 57, and while spoken of symbolically in Micah 3:3, is not painted in a good light.

One might honestly ask whether cannibalism is wrong when someone is starving and the “meal” has died naturally, without foul play (such as a child on the verge of death eating whatever he can — such as a corpse he stumbles upon — to survive in a hellhole like North Korea). I don’t have the answer for such circumstances, but it is still grotesque and symptomatic of a cursed society.

Moreover, God’s created order opposes cannibalism. First, man is made in God’s image, and thus man should not be degraded by being eaten. We show respect even to a man’s corpse by burying (not mutilating or consuming) it. Second, God did not provide us with humans for nourishment, but meat, vegetables, bread, etc. We see this in Scripture (Genesis 1:29, Genesis 9:2, 3, Exodus 3:8, Deuteronomy 8:8, etc.).

Being an unnatural source of food, cannibalism can have serious health consequences. As noted in Medical Daily:

Eating human meat becomes risky due to the presence of prions — versions of normal protein that had their shape altered, losing their function, and becoming infectious. These distorted proteins can influence other similar healthy proteins, and change them, causing a chain reaction, and creating disease. Specifically, prion disease creates holes in the brain, giving it a spongiform appearance, and ultimately causes death.

Unlike viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasitic infections, which contain DNA or RNA, prions don’t, which means they can’t be eradicated with radiation or heat. They could be present in any nervous tissue, including our organs and muscles. However, they are most common in the brain and spinal nerve tissues.

Lizette Borreli, Side Effects Of Eating Human Flesh: Cannibalism Increases Risk Of Prion Disease, And Eventually Death (Medical Daily, May 19, 2017). Retrieved February 24, 2023, from https://www.medicaldaily.com/side-effects-eating-human-flesh-cannibalism-increases-risk-prion-disease-and-417622

Moreover, cannibalism is normally done in the sinful context of murder, human sacrifice, and idolatry.

And perhaps in the case of the New York Times propaganda, cannibalism could be a means to further degrade and cheapen humanity, so the Globalists can more easily complete their plan of global enslavement and genocide.

(The Times article is probably part of a Globalist campaign to desensitize us to the idea of cannibalism over time. Related to this, if in fact it is true that cells of aborted babies are being quietly used in certain foods as “flavor enhancement,” such a tactic could be part of a PSYOP where the propagandists will one day say, “Cannibalism is actually normal — in fact, you have been consuming humans in your food for some time. So there is no reason to oppose it.”)

But long before the New York Times article, there has been the scandal of the use of aborted baby tissue in certain vaccines.

What is this, but injected cannibalism?

And it is in the context of the 4 evils we mentioned frequently associated with cannibalism:

  • Murder (the child is aborted, after all)
  • Human sacrifice (the child is sacrificed for “the greater good” — or really, the “greater evil” of the Globalist depopulation agenda)
  • Idolatry (the worship of vaccination)
  • Human degradation (murder of the aborted baby and those killed by the vaccine, along with the dehumanizing, unhealthy, and perverse process of injecting another person’s DNA into your body)

The combination of vaccination — which is already murderous by itself — and aborted baby tissue goes hand in hand with a morally decadent, Christ-hating culture. Technological advancements in a wicked society allow for new methods of practicing evil — in this case, injected cannibalism.

Cannibal culture is anti-Christian

For reasons given above, societal acceptance of cannibalism — whether by mouth or injection — indicates a non-Christian, and thereby anti-Christian culture (for we are either with or against Christ [Matthew 12:30] — there is no neutrality).

Historically, cannibalism has characterized non-Christian nations. This is not an exaggeration. It was the positive influence of Christianity that destroyed cannibalism.

On worldwide cannibalism throughout the world, Gary Hogg observes:

The amount of information that was thus collected in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was enormous; and the variety of authenticated detail was perhaps even more remarkable. The practice of eating human flesh was noted in almost every part of the world, except Europe, as a recognised ingredient of the accepted social order.

Garry Hogg, Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice (New York, NY: The Citadel Press, 1966), 15, 16.

Christianity says to love your neighbor instead of eating him. And so it doesn’t seem a coincidence that Europe at that time was both the continent most influenced by the Bible, and practically the only part of the world that didn’t practice cannibalism.

This is further confirmed by the fact that pre-Christian Europe practiced cannibalism. The anthropologist A. P. Rice observes that

Cannibalism … is a custom which has not been confined exclusively to any particular part of the world. The Greek classics refer to it; the Ancient Irish ate their dead; the Saxons had a word in their language that stood for all that is horrible.” Ibid., 38.

The positive impact of Christianity in destroying cannibalism is instructive. By God’s grace, we can again defeat the pagan trend of cannibalism — whether cannibalism by dining, or cannibalism by injection.

And not just that, but the horrendous practice of abortion; as well as the entire global vaccine system, which is not only complicit in cannibalism, but centuries of global genocide.

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