Immune System

How Vaccination HARMS the Immune System


Unnatural practices produce unnatural results. The abnormal route of vaccination destroys the natural functioning of the immune system.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield – public enemy number one of the vaccine industry for simply raising the possibility that the MMR vaccine can cause problems – says this about vaccination producing an imbalanced immune response:

To develop a healthy immune response to any environmental pathogen — to an infectious agent — what we need is a balanced immune response. Broadly two elements to it, the antibody producing side of the immune system — what’s called a T helper cell type 2 response, and the ability of the cellular immune system to identify virally infected cells and to seek them out and destroy them. And that is predominantly a T helper cell type 1 response.

What we need to be healthy is a balance between Th 2 and Th 1. Now when we change the dose or the age or the route of exposure, then potentially — and in the real world — we alter that balance. And when you give certain infectious agents or their products subcutaneously [under the skin], you produce a bias towards this pro-allergic, antibody response.

Now, we measure antibodies as a measure of immunity. But they are not a good measure of immunity because they tell us nothing about the T helper type 1 response, and the ability to kill intracellular infections like viruses. Indeed, the greater the antibody response, the greater the T helper type 2 response, then reciprocally the lower the Th 1 response. So actually more is not necessarily good. It’s telling us that there is an imbalance in the system. So merely looking at antibodies and saying this is protection against the disease is very very simplistic and potentially hazardous way of viewing the system.

So when you change the pattern of exposure; when you change the route, the dose, the age, or indeed give concurrent infections at the same time in polyvalent vaccine, then you have the ability, the potential, to profoundly alter this balance in the way the immune system is set up and create a potential hazard.[1]

Similarly, Dr. Philip F. Incao writes:

In recent years science has learned that the human immune system is much more complicated than we thought. It is composed of two functional branches or compartments which may work together in a mutually cooperative way or in a mutually antagonistic way depending on the health of the individual.

One branch is the humoral immune system (or Th2 function) which primarily produces antibodies in the blood circulation as a sensing or recognizing function of the immune system to the presence of foreign antigens in the body. The other branch is the cellular or cell-mediated immune system (or Th1 function) which primarily destroys, digests and expels foreign antigens out of the body through the activity of its cells found in the thymus, tonsils, adenoids, spleen, lymph nodes and lymph system throughout the body. This process of destroying, digesting and discharging foreign antigens from the body is known as “the acute inflammatory response” and is often accompanied by the classic signs of inflammation: fever, pain, malaise and discharge of mucus, pus, skin rash or diarrhea.[2]

These two functional branches of the immune system may be compared to the two functions in eating: tasting and recognizing the food on the one hand, and digesting the food and eliminating the food waste on the other hand. In the same way, the humoral or Th2 branch of the immune system “tastes” and recognizes and even remembers foreign antigens and the cellular or Th1 branch of the immune system digests and eliminates the foreign antigens from the body. But just as too much repeated tasting of food will ruin the appetite, so also too much repeated stimulation of the “tasting” humoral immune system by an antigen will inhibit and suppress the digesting and eliminating function of the cellular immune system. In other words, overstimulating antibody production can suppress the acute inflammatory response of the cellular immune system! This explains the polar opposite relationship between acute discharging inflammations on the one hand and allergies and auto-immune inflammations on the other hand. The more a person has of one, the less he or she will have of the other!

A growing number of scientists believe that the increase in America, Europe, Australia and Japan in allergic and auto-immune diseases (which stimulate the humoral or Th2 branch of the immune system) is caused by the lack of stimulation of the cellular or the Th1 branch of the immune system from the lack of acute inflammatory responses and discharges in childhood. We need to identify the factors which cause this shift in the function of the immune system or which cause allergies and auto-immune diseases in childhood to increase! …

Perhaps it is not difficult to see then why the repeated use of vaccinations would tend to shift the functional balance of the immune system toward the antibody-producing side (Th2) and away from the acute inflammatory discharging side (the cell-mediated side or Th1). This has been confirmed by observation especially in the case of Gulf War Illness: most vaccinations cause a shift in immune function from the Th1 side (acute inflammatory discharging response) to the Th2 side (chronic auto-immune or allergic response). The outcome of this line of thought is that, contrary to previous belief, vaccinations do not strengthen or “boost” the whole immune system. Instead vaccinations overstimulate the “tasting and remembering” function of the antibody-mediated branch of the immune system (Th2) which simultaneously suppresses the cellular immune system (Th1) thus “preventing” the disease in question.[3]

Shawn Siegel states it nicely:

It’s really this simple.

The symptoms attendant infectious illness are the body’s healthy, cleansing response to the infection, just as nausea is a healthy response to food poisoning. They purge the body of toxins and bring it back to wellness. They’re discomforting, but essential. Yet they’re painted by the vaccine industry as the foe, and that misrepresentation’s used as the basic motivation to vaccinate.

Insult to injury, vaccines don’t support that natural wellness program, they thwart it. After subsequent exposures to the supposedly vaccine preventable illnesses, the reduction or absence of symptoms in the vaccinated isn’t a boon or benefit, as portrayed by the industry. It’s a disability. Because of the unnatural route of introduction – injection – vaccines interfere with proper immunological response, interfere with the display of symptoms the fundamental purpose of which is to heal, not harm.[4]

And so let us understand that with the unnatural process of vaccination, one’s immune system can become severely imbalanced, threatening one’s health. And we haven’t even yet discussed all of the poisons in vaccination. We are thus far just talking about the overstimulation of one aspect of the immune system to the detriment of another aspect of the immune system.

And so if your goal is to avoid disease, you should avoid vaccination – which is self-defeating. Hence the following, attributed to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:

We’ve got to stop calling chickenpox and measles diseases, because they’re not. They’re infections, and infections come and go in a week to ten days, and leave behind a lifetime of immunity. A disease is something that comes and stays, and frequently can’t be cured. So when you vaccinate to avoid an infection, what you potentially are doing is causing a disease.[5]

Or, as noted in the article “Disease vs. Infection: What is an Infectious Disease?”:

An infection that persists may be considered a disease depending on what the infectious agent is and its pathophysiology. A small cut on the finger that becomes infected and heals in a week is an infection but not a disease. A small cut on the finger that becomes infected, spreads into the bloodstream, and causes sepsis becomes a disease.[6]

Sepsis becomes a disease when it “spreads into the bloodstream.” Sounds a lot like vaccination — the deliberate injection of foreign substances into the bloodstream.

And so in short, Dr. Incao says this about vaccination,

What in reality is prevented is not the disease but the ability of our cellular immune system to manifest, to respond to and to overcome the disease![7]

The unnatural stimulation of the immune system resulting in the suppression of the body’s natural healing process means that vaccination does not keep us healthy – but it keeps us from being healthy!

Ignoring the natural processes and boundaries from God has consequences.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Vaccines Destroy Immune Balance Through Abnormal Route Of Entry & Toxic Ingredients


[1] Andrew Wakefield, “Vaccines Destroy Immune Balance Through Abnormal Route Of Entry & Toxic Ingredients,” Stop Mandatory Vaccination. Retrieved February 3, 2023, from

[2] Similarly, Dr. Philip F. Incao states elsewhere, “The symptoms of a disease are primarily the symptoms (fever, pain, malaise, loss of function) of the acute inflammatory response to the disease.” Letter from Philip F. Incao, M.D. (May 5, 1999). Retrieved February 4, 2023, from

[3] Ibid.

[4] From a social media post by Shawn Siegel, and also posted in
Vaccines and Christianity, “Bad Fruit of a Bad Tree: Unnatural Vaccination Produces an Unnatural Immune Response” (September 21, 2019). Retrieved February 3, 2023, from

[5] Sherri J. Tenpenny in Trung Nguyen, Naturalopy Precept 4: Health (Alberta, Canada, 96. Retrieved February 15, 2023, from

[6] Anne Kamiya and Artem Cheprasov, “Disease vs. Infection: What is an Infectious Disease?” ( Retrieved February 15, 2023, from

[7] Philip F. Incao, M.D. (May 5, 1999).

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3 thoughts on “How Vaccination HARMS the Immune System

  1. I have lost ALL trust in the Medical Profession when it comes to treating disease. Doctors know NOTHING about health. As a 13 year cancer survivor I KNOW!!! Doctors only know what they been trained to do which is to recognize the symptom/disease, treat it with surgery and/or drugs/vaccines and that’s it!
    You walk into any doctors office for any type of disease whether it be hypertension, type II diabetes, Parkinson’s, etc, you WILL become a lifetime money maker for that doctor. He/she will put you on drugs for the rest of your life NEVER getting to the root cause of your disease and ALL drugs have side effects which compounds your problem and leads to more drugs.

    ANY disease can be beaten……by faith in God, eating right, exercise, and removing as many toxins from our lives as possible. And yes it is that easy. A 3 day water fast can heal most diseases and a 10 day water fast will heal any disease. With around 70% of our immune system in our gut, the digestive system will shut down after 2 to 3 days with no food and the immune system will begin to attack any disease in the body and heal it. This is the way God designed the body to heal itself. But man in his infinite wisdom says a man-made pill that is foreign to the body is the way to heal…..WRONG! This IS where doctors make their living and will continue to make their living……….pushing drugs/vaccines/procedures/tests to treat and mask a disease and never getting to the root cause of the problem

    I believe doctors have their place which is in emergencies, trauma, injuries and some Pediatrics. But, when it comes to treating disease modern medicine is a complete FAILURE.

    I want to live and to stay alive………and to do so I WILL AVOID DOCTORS!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I agree 100% with you. I came to that same conclusion after seeing all the lies during COVID 19 era. Doctors and government thrive and profit from lying to the population.

      Yes, emergency medicine is truly amazing. I have much respect for it. But any other doctor out there, they make a living of your your disease, so they of course they wont cure patients ever. That would be silly.

  2. Stay away from vaccines…………ALL OF THEM!!!

    “The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been an assault on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through vaccination…..100 years from now we will know that the biggest crime against humanity was vaccines.”

    -Dr Guylaine Lanctor author of “The Medical Mafia”

    “Much of what you have been led to believe about immunization simply isn’t true. If I were to follow my deeper convictions, I would urge you to reject all inoculations for your child….There in convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease”

    -Dr Robert Mendelsohn author of “Confessions of a Medical Heretic”

    “These chronic diseases, including hay fever, asthma, cancer, and AIDS, are the result of wrong interventions upon the organism by conventional medicine…..the immune systems of the Western population, through strong chemical drugs and repeated vaccinations, have broken down…..medicine, instead of curing diseases, is actually the cause of the degeneration of the human race”

    -Dr Juan Manuel Martinez Mendez writing in the Aug/Sept 2004 Townsend Letter

    The Truth About Vaccinations – History and Hoax

    Vaccine Ingredients and Vaccine Secrets

    The Poisoned Needle – Eleanor McBean:


    10 Most SURPRISING and DANGEROUS ingredients in vaccines, and the industry’s poor explanations for why they’re used

    Dr. Andrew Moulden: All Vaccines Cause Ischemia (Impaired Blood Flow) Which Blocks Oxygen Delivery Leading to Chronic Disease

    Vaccination industry in a nutshell

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