Coronavirus, Mass Murder, Videos

Vaccination & the EPIDEMIC of Collapsing Athletes (Video Compilation)


The evil mainstream media and coincidence theorists don’t want us wondering whether vaccination is causing the epidemic of collapsing athletes. “This is not the time to be political,” you might hear them say.

In other words, “Don’t point out that there is a Holocaust going on. It doesn’t matter if you or your loved ones die from the COVID shot. Keep boosting .” (Who is being political now?)

These are the same kind of propagandists who would have defended the Nazi euthanasia programs and death camps: “It’s horrendous that you would say that handicapped children are being secretly murdered, or that Jews are being exterminated. You are a conspiracy theorist with a political agenda.”

If there is a Nuremberg 2, the media propagandists need to be punished. Severely. Of course, like all godless people, they face God’s certain wrath if they don’t turn to Christ for forgiveness of their sins.

J Wilderness has compiled the following video compilations of athletes collapsing due to the COVID death shot. Might be worth sending to those who are unaware of the scale of death since the shot was unleashed via Trump’s Operation Warpspeed.

(Note: the song in first video [“What’s going on”] may be using the Lord’s name in vain [not sure of the motive in the lyrics] but it can be muted since there is no audio commentary.)

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2 thoughts on “Vaccination & the EPIDEMIC of Collapsing Athletes (Video Compilation)

  1. Crimes Against Humanity and sadly TRUMP IS a part of it. He put Operation Warp Speed through the Department of Defense and they all knew it was a BIOWEAPON for depopulation. The FDA Whistleblower has shown proof. Lara Logan interviewed her but I’ve not seen it on antithetical platforms. So sad how people took the jab Trump was/IS still proud of and pushing. Rand Paul 2024!

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