Coronavirus, Sermons

Sermon: WHY did the Majority of Christians Fall for the COVID Deception?


EXCELLENT sermon that addresses why so many Christians fell for the deceptive COVID narrative. The pastor pulls no punches, rebuking pastors who went along with the fake narrative, and warning about the COVID death shot. Worth hearing and sending to fellow Christians.

Preached by Luke Barker at the Northern Ireland State of the Nation Fundamentalist Conference Autumn 2022.

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13 thoughts on “Sermon: WHY did the Majority of Christians Fall for the COVID Deception?

  1. He says this correctly, that those who need to repent, but of the 90 percent who fell for the deception, most are still stuck in the deception. I have heard the same thing from brothers in Germany, that the masses remain with the false narrative, the same here in Spain. I assume in the meantime that very many are not born again. The Holy Spirit always leads the children of God into the whole truth, but the masses of “Christians”??. still – after three years – do not want to know anything about the truth. Some brothers and sisters even assume that it is the strong delusion that God sends to those who have not accepted the love of the truth. You can’t get through to these people anymore, their whole personality is changed. This is no wonder, because they have had the DNA of a child slaughtered alive injected into them, and have had their own DNA changed by the poison injections – and this, although they were warned by MANY, and were presented with the facts, all of which they rejected.

    1. that’s exactly what I experienced: friends were under some delusion – but I thought that they were true believers, now I’m not so sure. I’m hoping the pastor and his wife that I warned listened to me. My friends did not and got the shots and boosters, and then cut me off. It’s really weird to end a friendship over this. They got very upset when I told them the patent was 060606. Knowing that Bill Gates’ ‘wife’ wore an upside down cross was enough to scare me. I think that by cutting me off my friends somehow can deny the truth. Sometimes the mere presence of a Christian living by truth is unwanted as your life alone convicts. them. My hubby tried to warn his brother and he was smug “We all make our own choices” – my sister-in-law got it and had a stroke. Their daughter, my niece, was on the news. I would NEVER trust that young lady as far as I could throw her. She and my sister-in-law held card reading parties. She knew to never invite me.

      But you are right that you cannot get through to these people. They think you’re nuts. I know two who died, one who had a stroke, one who lost her baby, one who is now in the hospital after a stroke, and another in the hospital with pneumonia. Their trust in doctors is sad. Many doctors turned killer during this and I would not want to be in their shoes. God’s judgement is coming. If it is hard for the righteous (and it is) what will become of the unbelievers?

      1. I am getting up in years and didn’t explain the above properly: My niece is a nurse who was on the news blubbering about all the deaths from Covid and how it made her so so sad! Poppycock! That young lady doesn’t give a hoot about anyone. I don’t know how she ever became a nurse – I wouldn’t trust her one bit. It showed me the caliber of people that these hospitals are hiring: people who are unintelligent, who just follow orders. That the news found some ninny to get on there and say what they want her to say for her 30 seconds of fame is despicable. I don’t trust the medical field anymore.

        It was encouraging to hear the courage of this pastor.

  2. One factor I believe has a huge bearing on this, is the fact that christians today clearly give more credence to the word of the mainstream media News Bulletins than they do to the sure and certain infallible Word of the living God. It was James writing under inspiration, who taught that christians must to show their faith by their works! (What they do) Jas. 2: 18

    Imagine what firebrand fundamentalist preacher, Ian Paisley might have had to say on this same subject, were he still around today.

    Paisley was a big man with a powerfully thunderous voice. This preacher conversely, is small man with a softly spoken voice by comparison, however, he is one of the rarest of preachers, one who possesses the necessary courage to speak his mind with powerful conviction!

    1. I like how the pastor applied Psalm 1 to listening to such liars as in the mainstream media.

  3. Wow! That was the best sermon I’ve heard in a long time. I was confused because the pastor at our bible couldn’t see through the psyop. I warned him not to get the shot and he said: “I’ll be first in line to get it!” I’m sure he ascribes to the literal interpretation of “Obeying the government.” I was troubled over that verse in scripture because the government has become evil. This sermon explained it well.

    I warned a friend to not get the shot and she got so upset with me that she cut off our friendship after taking the shot and boosters. She was so deluded that I worried that she would report me, she was that blinded. That shot seems to change people or they’re using mass hypnosis on everyone. I told an intelligent man I know who also got upset with me and told me never to contact him again. I still can’t fully grasp why they turned on me but it seems to be a phenomena as I’ve read numerous comments that others wrote who had the same experience as me. I’d really like to know what motivated these people to turn on the very people trying to protect them.

    I’d like to know if this pastor believes the shot was the mark of the beast.

    1. Right — people turn on you for warning about the shot, as if you are undermining their religion. The idol of vaccination …

  4. We now have two groups on facebook – one Spanish and one German, where simply the PDF to the necessary info about the abomination (vax), the Gospel and the Bible are posted. There we now only invite unbelievers who have not been vaccinated and Christians who are awake. Because of the non-vaccinated unbelievers, MANY will come to faith during the Tribulation.

    I am now convinced that the judgment at the house of God has been going on for some time. No matter which vaccinated “Christians” you talk to, their spiritual door is completely closed.

    My mother died of cancer a few months ago – here at my home. She was a woman who didn’t have the opportunity to study, but she fully saw through what was going on in the world and completely rejected the shot. She is already with the Lord. I am literally alone here in Spain, because all my family from the Spanish side and also from the German side is probably vaccinated. And so are those nearby who call themselves Christians. Often I cry out to the Lord, but then again a peace comes into the heart, because He is just and every person has the possibility to decide freely. I am thankful to be in contact with some brothers and sisters online from all over the world. I am thankful for that, because it is a way to give hope to each other.

    This site “Vaccineandchristianity” is a great BLESSING! May the Lord be with you and comfort you! Maranatha!

    1. . an excellent and full work upon why Christian Establishment folded and failed .

      from what i can ascertain , the covid plot and narrative was long in the planning and executed well , WHICH shows me , the power of satan is large .

      i as a person do feel regret that i couldn’t communicate the danger to many people , therefore that i may be judged harshly . i never took that filthy sacrement called vaccine and i would gladly accept and prefer death RATHER THAN be injected. i did save some souls

      but now we are facing new abominations for example , CBDC , digital cashless tyranny . may God bless us all .

  5. Because a “spirit of fear” was released on the earth and the majority of Christians fell for it. The majority of Christians don’t walk in the power of God to include Pastors. They believe what they are told by our government, media and doctors and never listen to the Holy Spirit who leads us into ALL truth. When I see Christians wearing a stupid mask in church it makes me cringe. Nothing but COWARDS!!

    And any Pastor who closed their church during this PLANdemic is a LIAR and COWARD!!

    1. Russ — good way to put it — a spirit of fear.

      I’m seeing 3 kinds of pastors in all of this: 1) the discerning who openly rejected the false narrative; 2) the discerning who went along with the false narrative even though they didn’t believe it; and 3) the undiscerning who went along with the narrative because they believed it. The second is worse than the 3rd! But at least all of this is exposing the cowards and the undiscerning.

  6. That was a great sermon and said a lot that needed to be said.

    At the start of the lockdowns in March 2020 (when it came to the UK), I believed church leaders acted in good faith in closing down for 2-3 weeks. I am not saying it was the correct decision but I believed they were sincerely misguided. I cannot, however, say that now when they are still going along with the narrative. I have seen wilful blindness to facts – they don’t want to know the facts about Covid having over a 98% recovery rate and they don’t want to know the dangers of masks, vaccines, lockdowns and social distancing.

    It is also hypocritical that they took people (like myself) to task for leaving church and saying “The Bible commands us to fellowship”. How are we supposed to do that when they shut the church down, cancel God’s commands to show hospitality (Romans 12), cancel God’s command to visit orphans and widows (James 2), put in one way systems and plastic screens so people can avoid contact with each other, hide their faces behind masks and sit miles apart from each other and tell people to avoid each other? It makes no sense at all.

    1. There are churches that have 2 services on Sundays, many of which I imagine say you are sinning if you don’t go to the evening service (at the very least, they urge you to attend). I wonder how many of those cancelled services completely, while those of us who “only” go to one service on Sunday kept trying to meet with Christians. Irony ….

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