Deception, Mass Murder

2 Roads to Vaccine Genocide: the False Binary Trap


by Stephen Halbrook

A powerful psychological method that benefits the tyrannical Globalist elites is the false binary of two scripted choices: Choice A or Choice B.

Choice A is the official, establishment narrative. The alternative — Choice B — is normally the controlled anti-establishment narrative. It attracts those rightfully suspicious of government, the media, political correctness — anything that peddles the official narrative.

The way that it works out is Choice A is the only acceptable opinion on one side, and Choice B is the only acceptable opinion on the other. On either side, all other choices (C-Z) tend to be disregarded as non-existent, inconsequential, unrealistic, unacceptable, and/or inconceivable.

Democrat politicians tend to peddle Choice A, and Republican politicians usually peddle Choice B. The politically-correct party versus the controlled opposition.

I’m no fan of Noam Chomsky, but he says it well here:

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate…” (The Common Good, 1998, quotes in Off Guardian)

The false binary, then, suppresses truth and opposition by presenting the illusion of only two choices — either of which perpetuates the Globalist agenda. These choices oppose independent thought, foster groupthink and tribalism, and program us with a prewritten script. They make NPCs out of us.

From the excellent piece on this topic in Off Guardian:

The fact hidden in plain sight being that both Viewpoint A and Viewpoint B actually reinforce the overarching narrative being sold and both lead to the same place. …

The fact Viewpoint B actually concedes all the same falsehoods contained in Viewpoint A remains unnoticed and anyone pointing this out tends to be attacked by both sides.

It is a trap — one that keeps you locked in the Globalist control-matrix. It might be the choice between supporting either manifestation of the Globalist Uniparty — Democrats or Republicans. Or, internationally — to give a current example — the choice between two Globalist controlled governments — Ukraine or Russia.

When it comes to culture wars, it is often the choice between one side pushing us to a more extreme moral depravity (usually liberals) or the other that reinforces a moral depravity already in place that enables the more extreme depravity (conservatives). Since the fixed anchor of God’s law is not appealed to in our society, we find that the Overton Window keeps shifting left as conservatives conserve the liberal ideas of yesterday.

Some examples of the false binary in the culture wars:


Option A: Abortion should be allowed for any reason at any time

Option B: Abortion should be rare, but allowed in cases of rape, incest, and to protect the health of the mother

Either choice condones murder. Even Option B (typical of Republican candidates), though less extreme, implies that the unborn is really not a person, because if the unborn was in fact a person — and thus deserving of equal rights — there would be no allowances for abortion in any circumstance.

And so by ultimately denying the unborn’s humanity, Option B provides a rationale for Option A, and thus is the anchor that opens the floodgates to it.

But since the unborn is a person, and not just a mass of cells, the Biblical option is to criminalize abortion in all cases. All involved in abortion are murder conspirators and thus liable to capital punishment (mothers included) (Genesis 9:6). (Sadly, the false binary is so pervasive, that it seems even most pro-lifers who would ban abortion would still not have the mother punished — as if she was innocent of murder; as if she is not taking actual human life.)

Sexual Perversion

Option A: Promotes sexual perversion of almost every kind, including pedophilia and grooming children at drag shows

Option B: Allows for sodomite behavior between consenting adults, but not other perverted sexual behavior, such as pedophilia and child grooming

Option B is the typical Republican/conservative mindset that says “I don’t care what they do if they are consenting adults.” But the tolerance of such perversion fosters the conditions for Option A. Sexual perverts like to prey on children — and so tolerating sexual perversion of consenting adult opens the floodgates to public acceptance of pedophilia.

The biblical option is to criminalize sodomy (Leviticus 20:13). Don’t like this? Would you rather have countless children be sexually punished by sodomites than a few sodomites punished by the law? This law, if enforced, would drive sodomite practices underground, which would leave no cultural place for child-grooming.

Public Schools

False binary 1:

Option A: All children should be in public schools; maybe allow for private schools, but ban homeschooling

Option B: Parents should have “school choice” and decide between public schools, private schools, or homeschooling

False binary 2:

Option A: Kids should stay home because of COVID and take public school classes online

Option B: Let’s get our children back into the classroom.

False binary 3:

Option A: Kids should return to public schools but get vaccinated, wear masks, and social distance

Option B: Kids should return to public schools, but COVID restrictions should be minimal or not imposed at all

False binary 4:

Option A: Critical Race Theory should be taught in public schools.

Option B: Critical Race Theory shouldn’t be taught in public schools

Note how all of these options assume the validity of public schools, which are designed for brainwashing children to hate God and accept the Satanic Globalist agenda.

In the two COVID examples, all of the options perpetuate COVID brainwashing, for even where students are physically in class, they will hear pro-COVID narratives from teachers and others (even where COVID protocols aren’t strictly enforced).

What is ignored is that public schools should be abolished. God has given parents the authority to raise children, not the government — especially a godless government that hates God and teaches children to do the same.

False binaries and vaccine genocide

Now that we’ve explored the concept of false binaries and given some examples, the false binary of vaccine genocide should be evident:

Option A: Vaccination should be mandated

Option B: Vaccination should be voluntary

Both options assume the legitimacy of vaccination. Neither says that it is a deadly poison that should be criminalized along with all other forms of murder. The only difference is whether or not it should be mandated.

And so in either choice, vaccination is reinforced — which means either option reinforces vaccine genocide.

Sadly, this false binary has captivated most in the anti-vaccine movement, including its most prominent spokesmen. Sure, they will expose the evils of vaccination; but then turn around and say vaccination should be a matter of “medical freedom” instead of a criminal offense.

Of course, I would rather have a choice than be coerced into vaccination. But why should vaccines be voluntary if they are deadly poison? Should they not be illegal since poisoning someone is a criminal offense? Or is it okay since we call it a “medical procedure”?

Advocating voluntary vaccination equates to a “pro-choice” euthanasia and abortion philosophy: “I would never murder myself or my child, but I support your choice to do so.” And indeed, “voluntary” vaccination is never voluntary for the child when his parents make him get the poisoned shot.

The rational and biblical option is that vaccination should be criminalized.

False binaries regarding vaccines can be more subtle. The COVID lab leak theory does not in and of itself say that we should get the COVID shot, but the implication is there. It sets itself against the official narrative that COVID occurred naturally — and yet, either view says that COVID is an “emergency problem”. From Off Guardian:

What you need to notice is that both these allegedly opposing sides agree on the most important aspect of the pandemic lie – that Covid is a unique new and dangerous disease which needs be treated with masks, lockdowns and vaccines – and only disagree violently about where this “real and deadly new disease” might have come from.

All the time some spent complaining about a supposed lab-leak that resulted in the COVID “pandemic” was both a distraction from, and encouragement of, the real sources of genocide — vaccination and hospital protocols.

The Republicans and Donald Trump

Note: what is said below is not meant to say that one should *never* support a Republican candidate. We are generalizing. There are a few here and there that are solid and stand apart from the typical Republican politician.

The false binary is clearly seen in support for Republicans — and especially Donald Trump. To this day, too many believe that the Republican Party will get us out of the tyranny we are experiencing, including COVID vaccine genocide. Trump is supposedly playing 4-D chess and will “free us” from Globalist tyranny.

This speaks to how easily people are deceived if one just pretends to stand for freedom. But look at what people do — not just what they say. Both parties are Globalist-controlled — two teams with the same owner. (A glaring example is how both parties walked in lockstop to support the COVID tyranny scam.) The choice is between Globalist Team A and Globalist Team B.

It was Trump who gave us the lockdowns, as well as the COVID shot via Operation Warp Speed. The Republican Party as a whole is guilty of pushing the death shot. The Republians may use different rhetoric about vaccine mandates than Democrats — but they are still nonetheless guilty of pushing the death shot.

Murder is murder, whether by coercion (mandated vaccination) or trickery (deceiving people into voluntarily taking the COVID shot). At best, Republicans promote vaccination and pass the baton to Democrats, employers, and parents to do the enforcing. A 1-2 punch. “Good cop and bad cop.”

Many opt into the false Republican-Democrat binary because the former are supposedly the “lesser of two evils.” Maybe such pragmatists lack faith in God to deliver them and think putting trust in princes is the only way.

But look at where such pragmatism has gotten us after all of these years! Mass tyranny and genocide! Perhaps God does not bless political pragmatism (which ignores biblical ruler qualifications), but curses it.

While the Democratic Party definitely has a worse platform, sometimes the worst evils and tyranny comes from the Republicans. George W. Bush gave us the “War on Terror” — with not only wars around the world, but what has turned out to be an emerging war on American people, with such targets as “Maga Supporters.”

When it comes to vaccination, Ronald Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) giving drug companies legal immunity from vaccine injury. How many deaths did this encourage? And now we are living in the wake of Donald Trump’s Operation Warp speed — and who knows how many millions of deaths this can result in in both the long and short term. It might outdo Hitler and Stalin combined.

And so the answer is not the ungodly binary of choosing the “lesser of two evils” (which logically takes one to supporting Hitler to keep Stalin out of office, or supporting Stalin to keep Mao out of office) but working to raise up godly civil rulers (especially locally) who will truly fight the evils of vaccination. In the meantime, awareness, mass non-compliance, prepping, and prayer should be the focus.

The False binary and alternative media

While many understand that the mainstream media is a lying propgaganda machine, they don’t seem to understand that much of alternative media is the same. They have fallen for the false binary that “mainstream media is unreliable, but alternative media is reliable.”

Alternative media is overall much better than the mainstream media — but it is also flooded with false narratives that also aid the Globalists. You need discernment. The Globalists understand that not everyone will accept the official lie, and so there needs to be unofficial lies as well. So long as it derails your attempts to oppose them, the Globalists don’t care which lie you embrace.

There are the false saviors peddled in alternative media, including Trump, Putin, and Elon Musk. We’ve already discussed Trump. Elon Musk is a transhumanist Globalist technocrat who is all about the Great Reset.

Some see Putin as fighting the Globalists, when he actually is a Globalist. We see a false binary at play regarding the War in Ukraine: believe the American and Ukrainian narrative as peddled by Western mainstrean media, or believe the Russian narrative as peddled by alternative media. But to support either side is to support war — a war of Globalist domination that accelerates the Great Reset by fostering more “crises.”

Tribalism and the false binary

Tribalism reinforces the false binary: “Either us or them.” “If you don’t support Trump, you support Biden.” How many are Trump or Republican supporters because they fear being labeled “liberal” by their fellow conservatives?

People can be terribly simplistic and cannot conceive of more than two options. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Maybe. Or maybe the enemy of my enemy is my enemy too. Maybe there is more than one faction that wants to destroy my life and liberty.

An example of binary blindness

A recent experience convinces me that many Trump supporters are as blinded as those who buy into the COVID nonsense.

On social media, I posted a blog post about Trump’s complicity in mass murder for unleashing the COVID shot. Instead of coming to terms with such a serious matter as genocide, Trump supporters behaved like a pack of rabid, programmed liberal NPCs.

Several reactions demonstrated the delusion of the false binary. All they could think of is that criticizing Trump makes you a liberal or a Democrat. See the left/right tribalism at work:

  • One compared me with liberals (as if liberals oppose vaccine genocide!)
  • One told me to go back and watch CNN (as if CNN criticizes vaccine genocide!)
  • One said that less have died from the shot under Trump than under Biden (I responded with something like, “Okay, so Trump is guilty of mass murder too, just not to the level of Biden?” Perhaps embarrassed by his delusion, the person deleted his posts.)

One should see how dangerous such binary thinking is — it can get you to rationalize and justify mass genocide. No wonder so many supported Hitler. He was, after all, against the Communists …

Concluding thoughts

The false binary entices us into tribalist ghettos to minimize our ability to fight the Globalist agenda as we are distracted from reality. Just look at all the energy today expended on fighting election fraud and cheering Elon Musk for taking over Twitter.

In the meantime, the Globalists quietly work to implement Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and continue in mass vaccine genocide.

Why make vaccine genocide the primary focus when can expend our energy contesting Globalist-rigged elections that cheated our own Globalist controlled candidates who will do nothing to stop vaccine genocide — and maybe even encourage it?

Why worry about the Globalists tracking us with CBDC when the Globalist controlled Twitter has finally been freed by the new false savior, Elon Musk, who is working to have our brains chipped so Globalists can track us — and keep us from getting basic necessities for not being vaccinated?

Waste time on the binary and miss what is primary.

To fight the Globalists, we must be more discerning when it comes to the false binary. Looking to the word of God as the foundation for ethics in all of life should be our starting point, not every wind of doctrine that comes with the ever-changing binary.

By the way, God is not at the mercy of the false binary to deliver His people. At any time, when the time is right, He will deliver His people — and maybe even destroy the oppressors in the process. Remember Pharaoh and Egypt? Psalm 2?

Ultimately, the delusion of the false binary is that our only choice is between two evil options. When really, the choice is between Jesus and any and all evil options. Jesus says:

“Whoever is not with me is against me …” (Matthew 12:30a)

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4 thoughts on “2 Roads to Vaccine Genocide: the False Binary Trap

  1. I’d be interested in knowing what you believe the next crises the globalists will hit us with.

    1. They are definitely working on food and energy crises. So mass famine and deaths from extreme weather are my first guess. Of course, maybe they will agree to have Russia drop a few nukes on the West, and vice versa. Hard to know for sure, as they are master chess players …

    1. Rob,
      Off Guardian’s articles really helped my thinking with this. Big paradigm shift for me. I wish more were talking about it.

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